CA_INFORMATION - Information Retrieval Framework

The development package CA_INFORMATION contains objects for "Information Retrieval Framework".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package ABA_TECH. It belongs to software component CA-GTF-INF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CA_INFORMATION

DTINF_ATTCH_DATACollection Data for Attachments
DTINF_ATTCH_LINKTable for Attachments
DTINF_BCSETResponsibility IDs associated to BC Sets
DTINF_CI_FLDCI - Table Clusters: Fields from remote systems
DTINF_CI_ILM_OBJTable of ILM objects and associated tables
DTINF_CI_ORDCI - purpose / TC combination from remote systems
DTINF_CI_PURPPurposes available in remote systems
DTINF_CI_PURPILMILM objects associated to a purpose in a remote system
DTINF_CI_PURPTLanguage specific texts for purposes
DTINF_CI_TABSCI - Table Clusters Tables from remote systems
DTINF_CI_TAB_USEDatabase usage on fields of tables on remote systems
DTINF_CI_TASKSStatus of remote tasks on CI
DTINF_CI_TASK_DTData for tasks
DTINF_CI_TC_INFOInformation on Table Clusters on the CI
DTINF_COLL_HISTHistory of data collection
DTINF_COLL_LOCKLock table for enqueue
DTINF_COLL_MONInformation collection monitor
DTINF_CORR_REPObsolete: Delivered correction reports
DTINF_CORR_REPLIRF Correction reports from SAP installed on system
DTINF_CORR_REPLCIRF Correction reports from SAP installed on system
DTINF_CORR_REP_CObsolete: IRF Correction reports installed on system
DTINF_DATA_LOCKLocking of data
DTINF_DATA_LOCK3Locking of data (client independent)
DTINF_DOMAINPurpose & TC relevant domains and values
DTINF_DOMAINTLanguage dependent table of DTINF_DOMAIN
DTINF_DOMAINT_CLanguage dependent table of DTINF_DOMAIN_C
DTINF_DOMAIN_CPurpose & TC relevant domains and values (customer)
DTINF_FLD_DESCField Descriptions and Preset Values
DTINF_FLD_DESC_LField Descriptions for Local Settings
DTINF_GSS_FLDObsolete: Table Clusters: Fields (SAP delivered)
DTINF_GSS_FLD2Obsolete: Table Clusters: Fields (SAP delivered)
DTINF_GSS_FLD2_CTable Clusters: Fields (Customer)
DTINF_GSS_FLD2_SObsolete: TableClusters:Fields(SAP delivrd forCloud systems)
DTINF_GSS_FLD3Obsolete: Table Clusters: Fields (SAP delivered)
DTINF_GSS_FLD3_SObsolete: Table Clusters:Fields(SAPdeliveredforCloudsystems)
DTINF_GSS_FLD_CObsolete: Table Clusters: Fields (Customer)
DTINF_GSS_FLD_HHistoric Table Clusters: Fields
DTINF_GSS_FLD_SObsolete: TableClusters:Fields(SAPdeliveredforCloudsystems)
DTINF_GSS_ORDObsolete: SAP delivered purpose / TC combination
DTINF_GSS_ORD_CCustomer specific purpose / TC combination
DTINF_GSS_ORD_HHistoric customer specific purpose / TC combination
DTINF_GSS_ORD_SObsolete:SAPdeliveredpurpose/TC combination(forCloudsystems)
DTINF_GSS_TABSObsolete: Table Clusters: Tables (SAP delivered)
DTINF_GSS_TABS2Obsolete: Table Clusters: Tables (SAP delivered)
DTINF_GSS_TABS2CTable Clusters: Tables (Customer)
DTINF_GSS_TABS2SObsolete: TableClusters:Tables(SAPdeliveredforCloudsystems)
DTINF_GSS_TABS3Obsolete: Table Clusters: Tables (SAP delivered)
DTINF_GSS_TABS3SObsolete: Table Clusters:Tables(SAPdeliveredforCloudsystems)
DTINF_GSS_TABS_CObsolete: Table Clusters: Tables (Customer)
DTINF_GSS_TABS_HHistoric Table Clusters: Tables
DTINF_GSS_TABS_SObsolete: Table Clusters:Tables(SAPdeliveredforCloudsystems)
DTINF_HASHTable of hashes (SAP delivered)
DTINF_HASH3Table of hashes (SAP delivered)
DTINF_HASH3_STable of hashes (SAP delivered for Cloud systems)
DTINF_HASH_CTable of hashes (customer)
DTINF_HASH_STable of hashes (SAP delivered for Cloud systems)
DTINF_ILM_MODELModel Details for supporting model boundary (SAP Delivered)
DTINF_ILM_MODELCModel Details for supporting model boundary (Customer)
DTINF_ILM_MODELSModel Details for supporting model boundary (Cloud system)
DTINF_INSTID_MAPMapping of System Installation IDs between Q and P system
DTINF_INTELIntelligible output collected from remote systems
DTINF_INTELH_COLIntelligent hierarchy output for Collector
DTINF_INTEL_FIntelligible output from remote systems (fields)
DTINF_INTEL_HIntelligible output collected from remote systems
DTINF_LPV_FLDField Settings for LPV
DTINF_LPV_GENGeneral Settings for an LPV
DTINF_LPV_TABTable Settings for LPV
DTINF_MODELTable storing initial model used by Information FW
DTINF_MODEL3Table storing initial model used by Information FW
DTINF_MODEL3_STable storing initial model used by Information FW (Simpl.)
DTINF_MODEL_CTable storing customer model used by Inf. FW (customer)
DTINF_MODEL_STable storing initial model (for Cloud systems)
DTINF_P2FPurpose specific fields of tables
DTINF_P2FTPurpose and language specific field values of tables
DTINF_P2FT_CPurpose and language specific fields of tables (customer)
DTINF_P2FT_SPurpose and language specific field values of tables
DTINF_P2F_CPurpose specific fields of tables (customer)
DTINF_P2F_SPurpose specific fields of tables (for Cloud systems)
DTINF_PROFILEProfile Details
DTINF_PROFILE_TText table for Profile
DTINF_PROF_COLLAssignment of Profile to Data Collection
DTINF_PROF_FLDField settings of a Profile
DTINF_PROF_GENGeneral Settings for a Profile
DTINF_PROF_GENFLField List for General Settings of a profile
DTINF_PROF_GENTLTable list for General settings of a Profile
DTINF_PROF_PURPAssignment of Purpose to Profile
DTINF_PROF_TABTable Settings of a Profile
DTINF_PURPObsolete: SAP delivered purposes
DTINF_PURPFILTCFilters for Customer specific Purposes
DTINF_PURPILMObsolete:ILM Objects for specific Purpose
DTINF_PURPILM_CILM Objects for specific Purpose
DTINF_PURPILM_SObsolete: ILM Objects for specific Purpose
DTINF_PURPTObsolete: Text table for purposes
DTINF_PURPT_CText table for Purposes (Customer)
DTINF_PURPT_SObsolete: Text table for purposes (for Cloud systems)
DTINF_PURP_CCustomer specific purposes
DTINF_PURP_COLTRPurpose and Collector
DTINF_PURP_HASHPurpose table used for GSS
DTINF_PURP_MAINTPurpose Maintenance
DTINF_PURP_SObsolete: SAP delivered purposes (for Cloud systems)
DTINF_REG_COLLTRCollector Registry
DTINF_REG_COLTRTDescriptions for Collectors
DTINF_RESP_APPObsolete: Responsibility for Appl. Component and Package
DTINF_RESP_APP3Obsolete:Responsibility for ApplicationComponent and Package
DTINF_RESP_APP3SObsolete:Responsibility for ApplicationComponent and Package
DTINF_RESP_APP_CResponsibility for Application Component and Package
DTINF_RESP_APP_SObsolete: Responsibility forApplicationComponent and Package
DTINF_RESP_ILMObsolete: Responsibility of created ILM Objects
DTINF_RESP_ILM3Obsolete: Responsibility of created ILM Objects
DTINF_RESP_ILM3SObsolete: Responsibility of created ILM Objects (Simplified)
DTINF_RESP_ILM_CResponsibility of created ILM Objects (customer)
DTINF_RESP_ILM_SObsolete: Responsibility of created ILM Objects (Simplified)
DTINF_RESP_TABObsolete: Grouping of TC,contained tables and responsibility
DTINF_RESP_TAB3Obsolete:Grouping of TC, contained tables and responsibility
DTINF_RESP_TAB3SObsolete:Grouping of TC, contained tables and responsibility
DTINF_RESP_TAB_CGrouping of TC, contained tables and responsibility
DTINF_RESP_TAB_SObsolete: Grouping of TC,contained tables and responsibility
DTINF_RESP_TRANSTransported responsibility entries
DTINF_RFC_CONNRFC connections between systems
DTINF_RFC_STATERFC connection state of specific system
DTINF_RFC_TASKSStatus of remote tasks
DTINF_SYSSystems usable by the CI
DTINF_SYSTLanguage specific text for Systems
DTINF_SYST_STATEInformation About System State
DTINF_SYS_COMPSoftware components installed on a system
DTINF_SYS_INFOState of Information Retrieval Framework on remote system
DTINF_SYS_STATESystem Status Information
DTINF_TABLE_USEDatabase usage on fields of tables
DTINF_TAB_DESCDescription changes for Tables and Fields
DTINF_TAB_DESC_LTable Descriptions for Local Settings
DTINF_TASKSStatus of remote tasks
DTINF_TASKS_DATAData for tasks
DTINF_TASK_DTData for tasks
DTINF_TC_INFOObsolete: SAP defined Table Clusters
DTINF_TC_INFO2Obsolete: SAP defined Table Clusters
DTINF_TC_INFO2_CCustomer defined Table Clusters
DTINF_TC_INFO2_SObsolete: SAP defined Table Clusters
DTINF_TC_INFO3Obsolete: SAP defined Table Clusters
DTINF_TC_INFO3_SObsolete: SAP defined Table Clusters
DTINF_TC_INFOTObsolete: Text table for DTINF_TC_INFO
DTINF_TC_INFOT2Obsolete: Text table for DTINF_TC_INFO
DTINF_TC_INFOT2CLanguage dependent text table for DTINF_TC_INFO (customer)
DTINF_TC_INFOT2SObsolete: Text table for DTINF_TC_INFO
DTINF_TC_INFOT3Obsolete: Text table for DTINF_TC_INFO3
DTINF_TC_INFOT3SObsolete: Text table for DTINF_TC_INFO3
DTINF_TC_INFOT_CObsolete: LangdependentTextTableforDTINF_TC_INFO(customer)
DTINF_TC_INFOT_SObsolete: Text table for DTINF_TC_INFO
DTINF_TC_INFO_CObsolete: Customer defined Table Clusters
DTINF_TC_INFO_SObsolete: SAP defined Table Clusters
DTINF_TC_TRANSTransported Table Clusters
DTINF_TR_SYSTransport setup per client
DTINF_UPDATE_GSSGSS tables shall be updated with DTINF data
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