CDESK - CAD Desktop

The development package CDESK contains objects for "CAD Desktop".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package EA-PLM. It belongs to software component CA-CAD.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CDESK

CAD_FILE_RELIntermediate Status of a Document Structure
CDESK_BBOXCDESK: Table for Saving Bounding Boxes
CDESK_C_APPLRANKCAD Desktop: Search Sequence for Viewable Files (Applicatns)
CDESK_C_APPLSCustomizing for Applications for CAD Desktop
CDESK_C_BOMCustomizing table for Bill Of Material types
CDESK_C_BOMCREATCustomizing for BOM Create with CAD Desktop
CDESK_C_BOM_PARACustomizing table for maintaining CDESK BOM Parameter Values
CDESK_C_CONFLICTCustomizing Table of Possible CDESK Conflicts
CDESK_C_CONFLSOLCustomizing Table of Possible Conflict/Solution Combinations
CDESK_C_DEFSOLCustomizing Table of CDESK Default Solutions for Conflicts
CDESK_C_DOCCREATCustomizing for "Create Document" with CAD Desktop
CDESK_C_EXPLCCCustomizing Table: Explosion Scenarios
CDESK_C_EXPLCC_TCustomizing Text Table: Explosion Scenarios
CDESK_C_EXPLCFCustomizing table: Doc str explosion - CAD Fields
CDESK_C_EXPLFACustomizing table: CAD Field - Field Abrreviation values
CDESK_C_EXPLFA_TCustomizing texts: CAD Field - Field Abbreviation values
CDESK_C_EXPLSCCustomizing Table: Explosion Scenarios
CDESK_C_EXPLSC_TCustomizing Text Table: Explosion Scenarios
CDESK_C_EXPLSRCustomizing Table: Explosion Scenario STOP rules
CDESK_C_EXPLSTCustomizing Table: Explosion Scenario STOP rules
CDESK_C_GROUPSCustomizing of User Group for CAD Desktop
CDESK_C_MATCREATCustomizing of Material Create with CAD Desktop
CDESK_C_PARACustomizing of Parameters for CAD Desktop
CDESK_C_RELTYPCustomizing of CAD Relationship Types for CAD Desktop
CDESK_C_SOLUTIONCustomizing Table of Possible CDESK Default Solutions
CDESK_C_SYSTEMSCustomizing of CAD System for CAD Desktop
CDESK_DOCSCAD Desktop: Favorites List
CDESK_DRAWCDESK: Additional Data for Documents in CAD Desktop
CDESK_FILTERSTable for Saving Filters for CAD Relationship Types
CDESK_IPPE_RTYPECAD-Specific Relationship Type
CDESK_LOGSSaved Trace Files
CDESK_MONITORCDESK: Table for Monitoring Database Table DRAW
CDESK_MONITOR2monitor changes of DIRs to update buffer in CDESK
CDESK_PDOC_LOGTrace Files for CAD Desktop
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