CKML - Material Ledger

The development package CKML contains objects for "Material Ledger".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component CO-PC-ACT.

Child development packages of CKML

Development Package

Tables for development package CKML

CKMI1Index for Accounting Documents for Material
CKML1Material Ledger Period Totals Records (Release 3.xx)
CKML2Material Ledger Header Record (Release 3.xx)
CKMLCRMaterial Ledger: Period Totals Records Values
CKMLCTCurrency Types and Valuation Types in a Valuation Area
CKMLHDMaterial Ledger: Header Record
CKMLKALNRMaterial Ledger: Cost Estimate Number Control
CKMLOMaterial Ledger: Organizational Jobs
CKMLPPMaterial Ledger Period Totals Records Quantity
CKMLPRMaterial Ledger: Prices
CKMLPR_EBPrices for Ending Inventory/Balance Sheet Valuation
CKMLVMaterial Ledger Control Records
CKMLV_LOGLogging table for activation of actual costing, CCS, etc.
CKMLWMaterial Ledger Currencies in Valuation Area
MLARC_IDXIndex for ML Document
MLAUFMaterial Ledger Item Table for Order History
MLAUFCRMaterial Ledger Currency Table for Order History
MLAUFCRHHistory table for summerized MLAUFCR data
MLAUFCRLDMat. Led. Currency Table for Order History icnl. Ledger
MLAUFCRLDHHistory table for summerized MLAUFCR data icnl. Ledger
MLAUFHHistory table for summarized MLAUF data
MLBEMaterial Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction
MLBECRMaterial Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact.
MLBECRHMaterial Ledger Currency Table for GR/IR relevant transact.
MLBECRLDMat. Led. Cur Table for GR/IR rel. transact. icnl. Ledger
MLBECRLDHMat. Led. Cur Table for GR/IR rel. transact. icnl. Ledger
MLBEHMaterial Ledger FS Item Table for GR/IR relevant transaction
MLCDMaterial Ledger: Summarization Record (from Documents)
MLCRMaterial Ledger Document: Currencies and Values
MLCRFMaterial Ledger Document: Field Groups (Currencies)
MLCRFLDMaterial Ledger Doc.: Field Groups (Currencies per Ledger)
MLCRLDMaterial Ledger Document: Currency per Ledger and Values
MLCRPMaterial Ledger Document: Price Changes (Currencies, Prices)
MLCRPLDMaterial Ledger Document: Price Change (Currencies, Prices)
MLFGMaterial Ledger Document: Field Groups
MLHDMaterial Ledger Document: Header
MLITMaterial Ledger Document: Items
MLMSTMaterial Ledger Document: Costing Run Header Data
MLORDERHISTConversion Table for Order History
MLPPMaterial Ledger Document: Posting Periods and Quantities
MLPPFMaterial Ledger Document: Field Groups (Posting Periods)
MLWEREConversion Table between Purchasing and Material Ledger
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