CMS_CORE - Collateral Management System

The development package CMS_CORE contains objects for "Collateral Management System".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_CMS. It belongs to software component FS-CMS-MD.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CMS_CORE

CMS_ACGApproved Coverage Gap Details
CMS_ACG_CRITERIAApproved Coverage Gap: Criteria Details
CMS_ACG_PROPOSALApproved Coverage Gap: Proposal Details
CMS_ASTAsset Details
CMS_AST_BPAsset -Business Partner Relationship
CMS_AST_DOCAsset Documents
CMS_AST_HISTAsset Value History
CMS_CAGCollateral Agreement Details
CMS_CAG_BPCollateral Agreement-Business Partner Relationship
CMS_CAG_DOCCollateral Agreement Documents
CMS_CAG_PORCollateral Agreement Portion details
CMS_CAG_RBLCollateral Agreement - Receivable Link Details
CMS_CAG_SASpecial Arrangements
CMS_CAG_TRMCSTTermination and Cost details for Agreement/Agreement BP
CMS_CHGAsset - Collateral Agreement Relationship
CMS_DEL_APPL_PARTemporaray table for application parameters of Deleted Links
CMS_DEL_LNKDeleted links for receivables and charges
CMS_DUMMY_D_LINKTable to indicate Migration of previously deactivated links
CMS_LNK_PACK_HDRPackage Parameter Header for Deleted Links Report
CMS_LNK_PACK_ITMPackage Parameter Item for Deleted Links report
CMS_OBJ_VALDTYValidity date of CMS objects
CMS_PRD_BPProduct- Business Partner Relationship
TCMS_ACKN_DEBTDetails for Abstract Acknowledgement of Debt
TCMS_ACKN_DEBT_TAbstarct acknowledgement of Debt Text
TCMS_AST_CATAsset Category Details
TCMS_AST_CAT_TAsset Category (Text Table)
TCMS_AST_LTYPLiquidation type
TCMS_AST_LTYP_TLiquidation type (Text table)
TCMS_AST_ORGGroup table for Asset Number ranges
TCMS_AST_ORG_TText table for number range group element
TCMS_AST_TYPAsset Type Details
TCMS_AST_TYP_TAsset Type (Text Table)
TCMS_CAG_BLKRSReason for the portion being blocked
TCMS_CAG_BLKRS_TReason for portion being blocked (text table)
TCMS_CAG_BREASReason for the portion being blocked
TCMS_CAG_CATCollateral Agreement Category Details
TCMS_CAG_CAT_TCollateral Agreement Category Text Elements
TCMS_CAG_GBCLNCustomizing table for GBC Lien
TCMS_CAG_GBCLN_TCustomizing table for GBC Lien
TCMS_CAG_GRPAgreement type - Relationship Group mapping
TCMS_CAG_HBRWVCustomizing table for Waiver of HBR Enforcement
TCMS_CAG_HBRWV_TCustomizing table for Waiver of HBR Enforcement
TCMS_CAG_LSRLNCustomizing table for lessor lien on Collateral Agreement
TCMS_CAG_LSRLN_TCustomizing table for lessor lien on Collateral Agreement
TCMS_CAG_MQCRTMinimum Qualitative Criterion
TCMS_CAG_MQCRT_TMinimum Qualitative Criterion (Text table)
TCMS_CAG_MQEXPExceptions for minimum risk weight
TCMS_CAG_MQEXP_TExceptions for minimum risk weight (Text table)
TCMS_CAG_ORGGroup table for Collateral Agreement Number ranges
TCMS_CAG_ORG_TText table for number range group element
TCMS_CAG_RNPERMin notice period reqd before exercising termination rights
TCMS_CAG_RNPER_TRequired notice period (Text table)
TCMS_CAG_SA_CTSpecial Arrangement Categories
TCMS_CAG_SA_CT_TSpecial Arrangement Category Text
TCMS_CAG_SA_STSpecial Arrangement Set
TCMS_CAG_SA_STTYSpecial Arrangement Types in a Set
TCMS_CAG_SA_ST_TSpecial Arrangement Set Text
TCMS_CAG_SA_TYSpecial Arrangement Types
TCMS_CAG_SA_TY_TSpecial Arrangement Type Text
TCMS_CAG_TRTYPTermination right type
TCMS_CAG_TRTYP_TTermination right type
TCMS_CAG_TR_ACCustomizing table for accessories liability
TCMS_CAG_TR_AC_TCustomizing table for accessories liability
TCMS_CAG_TYPCollateral Agreement type Description
TCMS_CAG_TYP_TCollateral Agreement type text elements
TCMS_CHG_TYPAsset - Collateral agreement type relationship
TCMS_COST_TYPCost type table
TCMS_COST_TYP_TCost type Text table
TCMS_CRD_SYSCredit System ID - BTE Relationship
TCMS_CRD_SYS_TCredit System ID (Text Elements)
TCMS_DEF_PRI_RANDefault Values for Priority and Ranking Class
TCMS_ENF_TITLEEnforceable title details
TCMS_ENF_TITLE_TEnforceable title text
TCMS_LIQD_MODELiquidation Mode
TCMS_OBJ_SYSObject System ID - BTE Relationship
TCMS_OBJ_SYS_TObject System ID (Text Elements)
TCMS_PRDProduct description
TCMS_PRD_CAGProduct type -Collateral Agreement type Relationship
TCMS_PRD_CATProduct Category Details
TCMS_PRD_CAT_TProduct Category (Text Table)
TCMS_PRD_PRD_SETProduct set table for product combinations
TCMS_PRD_SETProduct Sets
TCMS_PRD_SET_TProduct combinations (Text Table)
TCMS_PRD_TProduct(Text Table)
TCMS_PRI_RANKDefault Values for Priority and Ranking Class
TCMS_RBL_CRDSYSname of receivable implementation
TCMS_RBL_CRDSY_Ttext: name of receivable implementation
TCMS_RBL_ORGReceivable OrgUnit
TCMS_RBL_ORG_TText: Receivable OrgUnit
TCMS_RBL_PRODReceivable Product
TCMS_RBL_PROD_TReceivable product (Text table)
TCMS_RBL_SYS_ACreditsystem attributes
TCMS_RISKCODEAsset type RiskCode definitions
TCMS_RISKCODE_TRisk Code(Text Table)
TCMS_SAS_TYPSub-asset type details
TCMS_SAS_TYP_TSub-asset type (text table)
TCMS_TRANSACTIONDetails for the CMS programs to start
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