CNV_10020 - CNV package 10020

The development package CNV_10020 contains objects for "CNV package 10020".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package DT_BASIS_CWB. It belongs to software component CA-DT-CNV-BAS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNV_10020

CNV_10020_ACTActions - Header data
CNV_10020_ACTACActions complex
CNV_10020_ACTADAction chains
CNV_10020_ACTALActions for log
CNV_10020_ACTAMActions for specific function modules
CNV_10020_ACTANActions for messages
CNV_10020_ACTARActions for specific form routines
CNV_10020_ACTOCActions for offset determination via value search
CNV_10020_ACTODActions for offset determination via determination
CNV_10020_ACTOFActions for offset determination via field
CNV_10020_ACTOMActions for offset determination via domain search
CNV_10020_ACTOSActions for offset shift
CNV_10020_ACTTActions - Descriptions
CNV_10020_ADTFLDAnalysis results for filling percentage of determin. field
CNV_10020_ADTMISAnalysis: Filled fields for conv. with empty determin. obj
CNV_10020_AOBJNRAnalysis results for object numbers
CNV_10020_ASTATEStatus of the analysis programs
CNV_10020_CARDRequired cardinality per path
CNV_10020_CDOBJHCondition objects: Header data
CNV_10020_CDOBJPCondition objects: Item data
CNV_10020_CDOBJTCondition object: Descriptions
CNV_10020_CFOBJHConcatenated/fragmented objects: Header data
CNV_10020_CFOBJPConcatenated/fragmented objects: Item data
CNV_10020_CFOBJTConcatenated/fragmented objects: Descriptions
CNV_10020_CFTABTables for which conflict detection has to be performed
CNV_10020_CLUCluster for saving object relationships
CNV_10020_CONDConditions - Header data
CNV_10020_CONDCCConditions complex
CNV_10020_CONDCMConditions for specific function modules
CNV_10020_CONDCRConditions for specific form routines
CNV_10020_CONDDDConditions for comparison of determination and determ.
CNV_10020_CONDDVConditions for comparison of determation and values
CNV_10020_CONDFDConditions for comparison of field and determination
CNV_10020_CONDFFConditions for comparison of field and field
CNV_10020_CONDFVConditions for comparison of field and values
CNV_10020_CONDTConditions - Descriptions
CNV_10020_DEMO1Demo data for non-transparent fields
CNV_10020_DEMO2Description of non-transp. fields in table CNV_10020_DEMO1
CNV_10020_DEMO31. criteria for non-transp. fields in tab. CNV_10020_DEMO1
CNV_10020_DEMO42. criteria for non-transp. fields in tab. CNV_10020_DEMO1
CNV_10020_DPPATHPath dependencies
CNV_10020_DTDEFDetermination definition of elementary relationships
CNV_10020_DTDEFSSpecial determination definitions
CNV_10020_DTFLDAssignment of determination to tables and fields
CNV_10020_DTOBJHDetermination objects
CNV_10020_DTOBJPAssignment of determination objects to domains/data elemen
CNV_10020_DTOBJTDetermination objects: Descriptions
CNV_10020_EMEMPaths without calculation of memory requirements
CNV_10020_EOBARTObject types for which determination is not possible
CNV_10020_EPATHPaths that should not be suggested
CNV_10020_FVOBJFixed value objects
CNV_10020_FVOBJTFixed value objects: Descriptions
CNV_10020_ITRFORNames of the evauation routines of intransparent fields
CNV_10020_ITRICLIncludes for evaluation of non-transparent fields
CNV_10020_ITRLGIInformation about last generation of itr includes
CNV_10020_ITRPARParameters of evauation routines for intransparent fields
CNV_10020_ITRTRTable numbers + parameters for regeneration of itr includes
CNV_10020_ITRTRCFields and components for regeneration of itr includes
CNV_10020_LCOMPComponents to be evaluated in addition
CNV_10020_LOBARTObject types to be loaded irrespective of org. analysis
CNV_10020_LOGLog table for unknown content of intransparent fields
CNV_10020_LOR_LDetermination source - target (long)
CNV_10020_LOR_MDetermination source - target (medium length)
CNV_10020_LOR_SDetermination source - target (short)
CNV_10020_LOR_XDetermination source - target (long)
CNV_10020_LPATHPaths to be loaded irrespective of DTFLD entries
CNV_10020_MEMPMemory requirements per table and determination paths
CNV_10020_MEMTMemory requirements per table
CNV_10020_MSGMessage output control
CNV_10020_PARAMPPath parameters
CNV_10020_PARAMTParameter table: Descriptions
CNV_10020_PATHDetermination paths: Header data
CNV_10020_PATHTDetermination paths: Descriptions
CNV_10020_PATH_CConverter paths - item data
CNV_10020_PATH_MMultiple paths: Item data
CNV_10020_PATH_SSingle paths: Item data
CNV_10020_PKGINTInterface packages
CNV_10020_PLTPTable-dependent overriding of the path parameters (part.ld
CNV_10020_PROXYFProxy for long field names
CNV_10020_PROXYTProxy for long table names
CNV_10020_RCOMPAssignment of rules to non-transp. field components
CNV_10020_RCPARMParameters of rules assigned to components
CNV_10020_RDPARMParameters of rules assigned to determination objects
CNV_10020_RDTOBJAssignment of rules to determination object components
CNV_10020_ROR_LDetermination source area - target (long)
CNV_10020_ROR_MDetermination source area - target (medium length)
CNV_10020_ROR_SDetermination source area - target (short)
CNV_10020_ROR_XDetermination source area - target (extra long)
CNV_10020_RULERules - Header data
CNV_10020_RULEPRules for components of non-transp. fields/determ. objects
CNV_10020_RULETRules - Descriptions
CNV_10020_SCANBlock limits for partial loading
CNV_10020_SPECFFSpecial function modules/form routines for determin./contr
CNV_10020_STATEStatus of the determination programs
CNV_10020_STATEHStatus of the determination programs - History
CNV_10020_TABREFTable references for generation of includes
CNV_10020_TDTOBJPackage-specific target determination objects
CNV_10020_TRACKStatistics for executed determinations
CNV_10020_TRCPLHHistory of executed accesses during partial loading
CNV_10020_TRCPLSStatistics for executed accesses during partial loading
CNV_10020_VLISTValue lists - Header data
CNV_10020_VLISTPValue lists
CNV_10020_VLISTTValue Lists - Descriptions
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