CNV_20100 - CNCC: Chart of accounts conversion

The development package CNV_20100 contains objects for "CNCC: Chart of accounts conversion".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package DMIS_APPL_CNV_CONV. It belongs to software component CA-DT-CNV.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNV_20100

CNV_20100FAGL011Backup copy - FAGL_011ZC of relevant CoAs
CNV_20100SETLEAFBackup copy - SETLEAF (0102,0109)
CNV_20100_AVSPOMapping for AVIP: AVSPO(old) - AVSPO(new)
CNV_20100_BPRIOPriority control for B-level
CNV_20100_CEFORMCEFORMF records with rel. org. units + addit. VALUE field
CNV_20100_CFUNCAll conversion routines used in CoA conversion package
CNV_20100_CHECKResults of check programs
CNV_20100_COESDuplicate COES keys (target values)
CNV_20100_CONFLConflicts on field level (new found account fields)
CNV_20100_CSKABackup copy - CSKA
CNV_20100_CSKBBackup copy - CSKB
CNV_20100_CSKUBackup copy - Cost Element Texts
CNV_20100_DATABTemporary storage of old CSKB-DATAB/DATBI values
CNV_20100_GRIXBackup copy - GRIX_SEL for relevant org.units
CNV_20100_IC_ACCAccounts per CoA and (I)tem (C)ategory assignment
CNV_20100_IC_BUKAccounts per company code to be checked for item category
CNV_20100_IC_CSTConstellat. for source accnt due to (I)tem (C)ategory map.
CNV_20100_IC_POSStatus of postings per account and company code
CNV_20100_IMPLImplicit merges of accounts / cost elements
CNV_20100_KNUMKNUMV/KNUMH for org-dependent conversion KONV/KONH
CNV_20100_MASKMasked entries not converted during the conversion
CNV_20100_REPPARTable is obsolete
CNV_20100_RESULTResult of determining basic scenarios
CNV_20100_SCENElementary scenarios for chart of accounts conversion
CNV_20100_SCENTElementary scenarios for chart of accounts conv. (descript
CNV_20100_SKA1CNV backup copy for SKA1
CNV_20100_SKATCNV backup copy for implementation of country-spec. CoA - ID
CNV_20100_SKB1CNV backup copy for SKB1
CNV_20100_T001CNV backup copy for T001
CNV_20100_T001KCNV backup copy for T001K
CNV_20100_T001WCNV backup copy for T001W
CNV_20100_T004CNV backup copy for T004 (list of charts of accounts)
CNV_20100_T004TCNV backup copy for mapping tables
CNV_20100_T011Balance sheet/p&l structures for conversion
CNV_20100_T030CNV backup copy for T030
CNV_20100_T077SCNV backup copy for T077S
CNV_20100_T801EOrg. derivation (LIB,RNAME) by T801E
CNV_20100_T8G17Backup copy - T8G17
CNV_20100_TABCHKTable fields to be analyzed
CNV_20100_TKA01Backup copy - controlling areas
CNV_20100_TKA02Backup copy - TKA02
CNV_CHART_OF_ACCChtAccts Conversion: 'Old - New Chart of Accts' assignment
CNV_COA_ACCOUNTAssign 'old/new' accounts/primary cost elements per ChtAccts
CNV_COA_CCODEAssign 'old - new chart of accounts' per company code
CNV_COA_COSTELEAssign 'old/new' secondary cost elements per Cht of Accts.
CNV_COA_LANGTexts for accounts/cost elements for other languages
CNV_COA_OTHERSMapping for other objects 'Old/New'
CNV_COA_T004New charts of accounts - Customizing
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