CNV_20551 - Delete company code

The development package CNV_20551 contains objects for "Delete company code".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package DMIS_APPL_CNV_CONV. It belongs to software component CA-DT-CNV.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNV_20551

CNV_20551CONTROLControl table for deletion packages (select single)
CNV_20551HROBJIDHR object IDs (internally numbered) and deletion flag
CNV_20551NEGATIVObj. that are not meant to be deleted (for reconciliation)
CNV_20551_ABGLRules for reconciliating with a reference table
CNV_20551_ANATABIdentify HR tables that were not cleaned up (tables)
CNV_20551_AN_RULAnalysis of intransp. Fields: Rule
CNV_20551_AN_RUPAnalysis of intransp. fields: Rule (params)
CNV_20551_AN_TABAnalysis of intransp. fields: Table fields
CNV_20551_AN_TAPAnalysis of intransp. fields: Table fields (params)
CNV_20551_AN_TXPAnalysis of intransp. fields: Text (params)
CNV_20551_AN_TXTAnalyis of intransp. fields: Text
CNV_20551_APLNOIdentific. applicant number and relevance for deletion
CNV_20551_CDCLSObject classes for exact deletion of change documents
CNV_20551_CDCLS1Found relevant object classes for detailed deletion
CNV_20551_COMPOSMerge intransparent fields
CNV_20551_COMP_TTables for object comparision
CNV_20551_COUNTCounter for selection for deletion (empty fields)
CNV_20551_CO_BELCO_BELNR that are marked for deletion
CNV_20551_DEFDELDefault deletion criteria table
CNV_20551_DEFINEIntransparent fields: Definition
CNV_20551_DELET1List of tables with CHECK_MANDT for take-over
CNV_20551_DELTABTables earmarked for dropping
CNV_20551_DERIVObject types for Find_Objects - evaluation tables
CNV_20551_DERIV1Object types for Find_Objects - fields and check fields
CNV_20551_DERIV2Object types for Find_Objects - parameter fields
CNV_20551_DERIV3Object types for Find_Objects - evaluation rule
CNV_20551_D_CHKIntransparent fields: Check tables for CNV_20551_DATA_CHEC
CNV_20551_EXCLTables which were manually excluded from deletion
CNV_20551_EX_TABTables which were manually excluded from deletion
CNV_20551_KNUMHCondition record numbers selected for deletion (Dom. KNUMB
CNV_20551_KNUMVTCondition numbers selected for deletion (Domain KNUMV)
CNV_20551_KOKRS1Controlling areas to be partially deleted
CNV_20551_KOMBICombined check routines
CNV_20551_KOMBI1Combined check routines - sequence of the object types
CNV_20551_KONDTable has become obsolete
CNV_20551_KORDOMCorrection table for domains for 20551
CNV_20551_KORREKCorrection of the data element for table fields
CNV_20551_MATNRMaterial numbers scheduled for deletion
CNV_20551_MBLNRMaterial documents selected for deletion
CNV_20551_NOCHANTables whose conversion logic must/should not be changed
CNV_20551_NOCONSModification of search for deletion criteria
CNV_20551_OBJObject types for check routines & Find_Objects
CNV_20551_OBJCVTObjecttypes for which a re-conversion shall take place
CNV_20551_OBJNRCO object numbers selected for deletion (internal numbering)
CNV_20551_PARAMSIntransparent fields: Parameters
CNV_20551_PCLStructure information for PCLx-RELID
CNV_20551_PCLXStructure information for PCLx-RELID
CNV_20551_PDSNRPDS No. selected for deletion (sequ. no. for PCD messages)
CNV_20551_PERCDetermine percentage of data to be deleted
CNV_20551_PERNRIdentific. personnel areas and relevance for deletion
CNV_20551_PERSAPersonnel areas (DEL_FLAG=X => relevant for deletion)
CNV_20551_POOLList of the pool tables and related table pools
CNV_20551_RESULTFound relevant objects for deletion (statistics)
CNV_20551_RKEOBJNumbers for reference objects (CO-PA)
CNV_20551_SCOBObjects selected for deletion (org. units, master data)
CNV_20551_SCOB1Objects selected for deletion (without parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB1AObjects selected for deletion, (50-digit, without parameter)
CNV_20551_SCOB1BObjects selected for deletion (without parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB1CObjects selected for deletion, (50-digit, without parameter)
CNV_20551_SCOB2Objects selected for deletion (with 1 parameter)
CNV_20551_SCOB2AObjects selected for deletion, (50-digit, with 1 parameter)
CNV_20551_SCOB2BObjects selected for deletion (with 1 parameter)
CNV_20551_SCOB2CObjects selected for deletion, (50-digit, with 1 parameter)
CNV_20551_SCOB3Objects selected for deletion (with 2 parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB3AObjects selected for deletion (50-digit, with 2 parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB3BObjects selected for deletion (with 2 parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB3CObjects selected for deletion (50-digit, with 2 parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB4Objects selected for deletion (with 3 parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB4AObjects selected for deletion (50-digit, with 3 parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB4BObjects selected for deletion (with 3 parameters)
CNV_20551_SCOB4CObjects selected for deletion (50-digit, with 3 parameters)
CNV_20551_SEQORDTable dependency for start sequence
CNV_20551_SPRASControl table for deletion packages (language)
CNV_20551_TABCVTTables for special (re-) processing
CNV_20551_TEMPList of objects with conflicts (temporary)
CNV_20551_TSSTATStatus management for CC-Delete TS processes
CNV_20551_TSTRU2Intransparent fields: Condition for structure description
CNV_20551_TSTRUCIntransparent fields: Structure description
CNV_20551_VBELNSales documents selected for deletion
CNV_20551_VBTYPSales document types in tables
CNV_20551_YZ_TABother filled tables
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