CNV_BASIS - Conversion: Basis functions

The development package CNV_BASIS contains objects for "Conversion: Basis functions".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package DT_BASIS_CWB. It belongs to software component CA-DT-CNV.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNV_BASIS

CNVACTIVEActive conversion package
CNVACTIVE_HISTCNVACTIVE history , activation and phase change
CNVACTIVE_PHASESConversion packages and their active phase
CNVBACKUPTABTables to be saved in cluster cnv_backup_clu
CNVCHECKMAPPINGCheck functions for relevant mapping entries
CNVCHECKTMPDUPLCheck functions for temporary duplicates
CNVCLUConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage
CNVCONDITIONSConversion: WHERE clauses
CNVCONDITIONS_DIConversion: WHERE conditions for drop/insert techn.
CNVCONTROLConversion: table-related technical control
CNVDOMSCNV: Domains required by conversion package
CNVDOMSCCNV: from conv. pack. domains with conflicts in blending
CNVDOMSTConversion: Domains and data elements affected
CNVDOMSTCConversion: relevant domains with conflicts
CNVDOPARSConversion: Parameters for the FORM routines from CNVDOMS
CNVDOPARSCConversion: Parameters for FORM routines with conflicts
CNVDOWNLOADTABTables for download
CNVFIELDMAPConversion: Table mapping
CNVFIELDMAPFUNCConversion: Mapping Methods for Field Mapping
CNVFIELDREFAssignment of fields to organizational units
CNVFIELDREFPARSAssignment of fields to organizational units
CNVFIELDSConversion: Table fields affected
CNVFIELDSCConversion: Table fields with conflicts in blending
CNVFIELDSCUConversion: User-defined table fields affected
CNVFIELDSTConversion: Table fields affected
CNVFIELDSTCConversion: affected table fields with conflicts
CNVFIPARSConversion: Parameters for conversion of table fields
CNVFIPARSCParameters with conflicts for conversion of table fields
CNVFIPARSCUConversion: Parameters for user-defined table fields
CNVFIREF_DELTATable for delta maintenance of CNVFIELDREF
CNVIMGIMG activities
CNVIMGDOCGeneral documents assigned to an IMG activity
CNVIMGORDEROrder of packages and package activities
CNVIMGORDERNEWSequence of packages and package activities
CNVIMGTIMG activities
CNVINCLConversion: of includes required by conversion package
CNVINCLTABConversion: Includes for certain tables
CNVINDEXTable for index information
CNVJOBPROFILERequirement profile by job
CNVMATCHCODESConversion: Table for matchcodes
CNVMESSAGEConversion: package-related control of message output
CNVORDERSequence criteria
CNVPACKConversion: Conversion packages
CNVPACKDPConversion: dependent packages
CNVPACKDPCConversion: selected packages
CNVPACKTConversion: Conversion packages
CNVPAKSPEZTABpackage-specific tables , control CNV_LOAD
CNVPERFANALYSEResults of performance analysis
CNVPERFDEMANDTable of performance requirements by scenario
CNVRENAMEConversion: Renaming 1:1
CNVRUNTIMEHELPTemporary storage of runtime info for terminated programs
CNVSTATEConversion: Status of programs
CNVSTATEORDERRelationships beetwen programs
CNVSTEPSConversion: procedure-related functions
CNVSTEPSCConversion: Steps with conflicts in blending
CNVSTEPSTConversion: procedure-related functions
CNVSTEPSTCConversion: Steps with conflicts in blending
CNVSTPARSConversion: Parameters for procedure-related functions
CNVSTPARSCConversion: Param. for STEPS with conflicts in blending
CNVSUBSTATEConversion: Status of programs
CNVSUBSTEPSConversion: procedure-related functions for cluster tables
CNVSUBSTEPSCConversion: Steps for cluster tables with conflicts
CNVSUBSTEPSTConversion: procedure-related functions for cluster tables
CNVSUBSTEPSTCConversion: Steps with conflicts for cluster tables
CNVSUBSTPARSConversion: Parameters for procedure-related functions
CNVSUBSTPARSCConversion: Param. for SUBSTEPS with conflicts in blending
CNVSYSPROFILETable of performance profile for system
CNVSYSTEMSSystems overview
CNVSYSTSETTINGSParameters for system Settings
CNVTABLEMAPConversion: Table mapping
CNVTABLESConversion: Tables for processing by package
CNVTABLESCConversion: conflict tables in blending
CNVTABLESCUConversion: user-defined tables affected
CNVTABLESTConversion: Tables affected
CNVTABLESTCConversion: conflict tables in blending
CNVTABLOADConversion: Setting up package-specific tables
CNVTEMPConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage
CNVTSACTTroubleshooting activity definition
CNVTSACTTTroubleshooting activity definition
CNVTSDEFTroubleshooting definition
CNVTSHTroubleshooting process header
CNVTSHTTroubleshooting process header name
CNVTSREFReference between IMG activities and TS processes
CNV_00001_CNDStatus of partitioning analysis
CNV_00001_CNDRESResults of partitioning analysis for SELECT statement
CNV_00001_FORMSForm routines used in conversions
CNV_00001_OPTPRGOptiization tools for CWB
CNV_00001_OPTPRTTexts for optimization transactions
CNV_00001_PARAMSParameter table
CNV_00001_PARSParameters of form routines used in conversion
CNV_00001_PDOMSDomains suitable for conversion routine parameters
CNV_00001_PUSRTable is no longer required
CNV_00001_SIMMONTable for status of selection simulation jobs
CNV_00001_STATUSTable with possible statuses
CNV_00001_USRConversion: Lock and unlock users
CNV_00001_VIEWSTable for avtivation of DB views
CNV_ABLAssignment of table/field to derivation or selection types
CNV_BACKUP_CLUConversion: Cluster for temporary data storage
CNV_CHKORDER_ARWorking table for function module cnv_check_seqnum_order
CNV_CHKORDER_BLTable for block administration of module cnv_check_seqnum_
CNV_DERIVATIONDerivation paths of org. units for conversions
CNV_DOWNUPACTMAPMapping from activity to postproc. function (downl/upload)
CNV_DOWNUPCHKSTRUpload check strings
CNV_DOWNUPCHKSTTUpload check string texts
CNV_DOWNUPTABDEPDependent tables for a table set
CNV_DOWNUPTABSETSets of table for a table set
CNV_DOWNUP_DATAINDX table for upload / download protocoling
CNV_DOWNUP_LOGDownload / upload log
CNV_DOWN_UP_TABTables for upload/download
CNV_EMP_CHK_EXCLTables for which no 'empty check' is made
CNV_INDX_FIELDSINDX conversion: Conv.-relev. RELID component fields
CNV_INDX_FIELDSTHR conversion: Relevant table fields
CNV_INDX_FIPARSINDX conversion: Parameters for conv. of RELID comp. fields
CNV_INDX_INCLINDX conversion: Includes for INDX RELID conversion
CNV_INDX_MACPARS(OBSOLETE) HR conversion: Parameters for import/export
CNV_INDX_MACROS(OBSOLETE) HR conversion: Import and export macros
CNV_INDX_STEPSINDX conversion: process-related functions
CNV_INDX_STEPSTHR conversion: process-related functions
CNV_INDX_STPARSINDX conversion: Parameters for process-related functions
CNV_INDX_STRUC(OBSOLETE) Description of the INDX structures
CNV_INDX_TABLESINDX conversion: Conv.-relev. RELID components
CNV_INDX_TABLESTHR conversion: Tables to be processed by the package
CNV_MAPPING_HISTHistory of the mapping downloads
CNV_OBJEKT_ZUORDConversion: Object number assignment
CNV_ORG_TABOrg. units for conversions
CNV_ORG_TAB_TEXTOrg. units for conversions (descriptions)
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