CNV_DMCR - Data Mapping and Conversion: Runtime

The development package CNV_DMCR contains objects for "Data Mapping and Conversion: Runtime".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package CNV_DMC_RUNTIME. It belongs to software component CA-LT.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNV_DMCR

DMCCLNTFMRESTARTAssignment of IDs to sender objects for restart handling
DMC_CPU_SEMSemaphores for Synchronisation of MWB Processes
DMC_DB_HINTTable-specific DB optimizer hint settings
DMC_DDIC_ENQLock Table for Limited Access to a DDIC Element
DMC_FMIDDMC: Assignment of Conversion Object to Runtime Object
DMC_FMSEQDMC: Transformations; Order of the Function Modules
DMC_FM_RESTARTAssignment of IDs to sender objects for restart handling
DMC_GENIDMWB: Assignment of an Append Name to an Ident No.
DMC_MIGEXECExecution of Migration Object
DMC_MIGEXECINSTExecuted Instance
DMC_MIGSRCKEYVALSource Key Field Value of Instance
DMC_MIGTGTKEYVALTarget Key Field Value of Instance
DMC_MT_HEADERDMC: Header Record of a Mass Data Transfer
DMC_MT_TABLESDMC: Tables for a Mass Data Transfer
DMC_OBJ_HEADERHeader table for object (assigns object type)
DMC_OBJ_LINKLink between object header and mt tables
DMC_OBJ_RELObject Relations
DMC_PROTDMC: Logs and Tables for Backwards Navigation
DMC_RESTARTRestart handling: Assignment of message ID to sender keys
DMC_RTO_TABKEYMWB: Key for Tabl Entries to be Transferred
DMC_RT_ADBC_CONFControl table to control usage of ADBC Readers/Writers
DMC_RT_CONFIGDMC: Configuration of runtime object generation behavior
DMC_RT_GEN_VERSVersion Information of Runtime Object
DMC_RT_GROUPGroup table for dmc_rt_params
DMC_RT_GROUPTtext table for dmc_rt_group
DMC_RT_PARAMSDMC: Storage for Parameters to be Used at Runtime
DMC_RT_PARAMSTDMC: RT parameter texts
DMC_RT_VALUESDMC: Storage for temporary Parameters and Values
DMC_RUNDMC: Conversion Information
DMC_RUNINFO_TIMEDMC: Time and status for data portions
DMC_RUN_INFODMC: Record Counter and Status for a Run
DMC_RUN_INFO_AGGDatabase Table to store Runtime Information historical data
DMC_STRUC_IDMWB: Mapping Structure/ Append for Unique Identifier
DMC_TMPLTSDMC: Code Templates for Runtime Objects
DMC_TUMFRDMC: Copy of the Translation Table R/2 - R/3 - DMIG
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