CNV_DMC_UTIL - Data Mapping and Conversion: Utilities

The development package CNV_DMC_UTIL contains objects for "Data Mapping and Conversion: Utilities".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package DMIS_BASIS_MWB. It belongs to software component CA-LT.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNV_DMC_UTIL

DMC_ACPL_FAE_SELTable for structured objects with many header records
DMC_ACTIV_TYPE_TMWB activity types (text table)
DMC_ACT_RECActivity record - info about the execution of DMC activities
DMC_ACT_REC_LOGApplication logs assigned to a DMC activity
DMC_C_FM_GENPARMAssignment of DDIC Type to Generic Function Module Parameter
DMC_DB_ANALYSISDMC: Table to store identifier of an analysis run
DMC_DB_FIELD_MAPMapping of internal tabnames and field names to DB tabnames
DMC_DB_TAB_MAPMapping of internal tabnames to generic DB tabnames
DMC_DOCUMENTSDocuments for MWB Objects
DMC_DOCUMENT_TPTemplates for DMC Document Maintenance
DMC_DOC_LINKDocument Linking
DMC_DW_ACPLANAssignment Select Strings - Access Plan
DMC_DW_ACTUALPActual Parameters for Dynamic WHERE Clauses
DMC_DW_FORMALPFormal Parameters for Dynamic WHERE Clauses
DMC_DW_TEMPLATEDynamic WHERE Clause Templates
DMC_DW_TEMPLATETWHERE Clause Template Description
DMC_ERROR_LOGMWB: store latest error messages per mass transfer and table
DMC_FMOD_PARAM_TOBSOLETE: Assignment of DDIC Types to Func. Mod. Parameters
DMC_GEN_EXIT_INCAssignment of includes with specific coding used in gen. mod
DMC_INDX2MWB: generic data store ( INDX-like, 40 bytes key length)
DMC_KB_LANGUFLAGknowledge base: language field of tables
DMC_LOG_INDEXIndex for log filtering
DMC_LSTNR_TRACEListener Event Traces
DMC_MAP_FMOD_TSTOBSOLETE: map "test mode" flag for function module calls
DMC_MSG_MAPPINGMap log message to alternative messages and solutions
DMC_MT_GEN_EXITAssignment of includes with specific coding used in gen. mod
DMC_MT_TRACKMWB: Tracking Information for a Mass Transfer
DMC_NOSELPAR_DOMDomains that are not suitable for portioning fields
DMC_ORIG_CPY_LNKLink between original and copied object
DMC_SELSTRINGSelect strings
DMC_SEL_PARAMSDMC: Table to store conv objects and results of analysis
DMC_TABSPACE_SIZDMC : Tabelle zum Speichern von Tab.platz-Gr��e
DMC_UPLOAD_LOGLog content upload
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