CNV_IUUC_REPLICATION - IUUC: Replication tools

The development package CNV_IUUC_REPLICATION contains objects for "IUUC: Replication tools".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package DMIS_BASIS_INC_FW. It belongs to software component CA-LT.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNV_IUUC_REPLICATION

IUUC_ARCH_TABLESList of tables executing archive deletes
IUUC_AT_RESTARTcontrol tab if tab is rescheduled on struct. change
IUUC_BW_LOGSYSSettings for BW Logsys used in SLT
IUUC_BW_PSASettings for BW PSA connection
IUUC_C_INDX_MAPINDX Table Settings - Mapping of Key Fields
IUUC_DATASTOREGeneric Datastore
IUUC_HELPCENTERHelp Center documents for HANA LTR
IUUC_HELPCENTERTHelp Center documents for HANA LTR
IUUC_HOST_PORTMapping information for Multi-DB connection
IUUC_INDX_KEYDEFKeyfield structure assignment for INDX-like tables
IUUC_INDX_KEYMAPKeyfield structure assignment for INDX-like tables
IUUC_INDX_OBJECTObject definition for INDX-like tables
IUUC_LOGTB_FIELDnon-key fields of a table being part of the logging table
IUUC_ORDR_OBJREFObject references for Data Provisioning orders
IUUC_PRECALC_OBJPrecalculation tables for IUUC initial load
IUUC_PREDEF_COBJtable for defining predefined COBJ for later-on usage
IUUC_RC_TMPL_HDRmapping between Template-ID and its Name
IUUC_RC_TMPL_PATTemplate-Table for holding patterns
IUUC_RC_TMPL_RMAtemplate for holding Rule Map entries
IUUC_RC_TMPL_TDVTemplate Deviations
IUUC_RC_TMPL_TSMapping between Template and Sub_ID(s)
IUUC_REPLHDRNOTEAdditional notes for a SLT configuration
IUUC_REPL_APPLReplication Applications
IUUC_REPL_APPLTReplication Application description
IUUC_REPL_CONFIGConfiguration of a replication mt_id
IUUC_REPL_CONPARConnection parameters -> linked to iuuc_repl_hdr
IUUC_REPL_DATAAGControl table for data aging
IUUC_REPL_DELLOGLogging table to store information about deleted configurati
IUUC_REPL_ENError notification settings for LT replicator
IUUC_REPL_EN_EMLEmail settings for Error notification in LT replicator
IUUC_REPL_EN_TABError notification settings (table level) for LT replicator
IUUC_REPL_FIELDFieldname table for table creation / replication / init load
IUUC_REPL_HDRHeader for the configuration ID
IUUC_REPL_HDRTShort Description of Configuration
IUUC_REPL_HEADHeader table for table creation / replication / init load
IUUC_REPL_LISTENRegistry of SLT Replication Listener
IUUC_REPL_LOGSYSSCP System Information
IUUC_REPL_LTNCYKeep history for the latency of each replicated portion
IUUC_REPL_LTNCYHKeep history for the latency of each replicated portion
IUUC_REPL_LTNCYLEmail settings for Error notification in LT replicator
IUUC_REPL_MAPMapping between config_guid and MT_ID
IUUC_REPL_ORDERReplication Worklist for use with API
IUUC_REPL_ORDRELReplication Worklist Object Relations
IUUC_REPL_STATStatistics about the number of I/U/D entries for replication
IUUC_REPL_STATHStatistics about the number of I/U/D entries for replication
IUUC_REPL_TAB_DVFieldname table for deviations in HANA
IUUC_REPL_TSLOADStore last time replication was completed (Correct Latency)
IUUC_REPL_TSLOD2Store last time replication was completed (Correct Latency)
IUUC_REPL_TYPREDFieldname table for deviations in HANA
IUUC_RS_ORDERTable to keep the history for all actions from RS_ORDER
IUUC_RS_STATUSTable to keep the history for all actions from RS_STATUS
IUUC_SIZE_STATSSLT Sizing Statistics
IUUC_TAB_ALLOWEDAllow tables for handling --> empty means no restrictions
IUUC_UPGRD_PARAMParameter table to control upgrade activities
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