CNV_PE_BASIS - PE: General (basic) objects of posting engine

The development package CNV_PE_BASIS contains objects for "PE: General (basic) objects of posting engine".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package CNV_PE. It belongs to software component CA-LT.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CNV_PE_BASIS

CNV_PE_ACT_CTRLActivity control
CNV_PE_ADD_REPOAdditional repositories for posting engine objects
CNV_PE_AREAPosting engine area
CNV_PE_AREA_MWBMWB attributes for PE area
CNV_PE_AREA_TRUDUndetected Transformation Rules of area
CNV_PE_AREA_TYPTypes of a posting engine area
CNV_PE_AREA_TYPTTypes of a posting engine area - texts
CNV_PE_BTC_CFGLLocal batch processing settings
CNV_PE_BTC_CNFPBatch processing settings (project level)
CNV_PE_BTC_CONFBatch processing settings (area level)
CNV_PE_BTC_JOBSBatch Jobs per Area
CNV_PE_BTC_RUNRun Ids for MC simulation and transfer activities
CNV_PE_CHGLOGChange log table
CNV_PE_CLASS_TABKnowledge Base for Deletion of PE Objects
CNV_PE_CLUCluster table for storing various data, e.g. DM tables
CNV_PE_CODE_STEPCode steps for PE objects
CNV_PE_CTRL_OBJControl objects, being considered during copy proc. of owner
CNV_PE_DEL_BUFFObjects ID�s that are soft-deleted
CNV_PE_EXEPosting Engine EXE Rules
CNV_PE_EXE_STEPExecution rule steps
CNV_PE_EXE_STEPTExecution rule step description
CNV_PE_FIAA_CPITTRFM configuration parameter values for FI-AA area
CNV_PE_LAST_UPDIndicator from OBJ_TYPE that object in ID must recalc. IDENT
CNV_PE_LOAD_LOGTracking of loading template objects in productive clients
CNV_PE_OBJECTCentral storage for posting engine objects
CNV_PE_OBJECT_TPosting engine object texts
CNV_PE_OBJ_LOCK(Dummy) table for DB lock (ENQUEUE) logic
CNV_PE_OBJ_VERSObject versions (instance serialization)
CNV_PE_PARAMGeneral parameters for parameter values
CNV_PE_PARAM_OBJList of parameters for a given object type
CNV_PE_PROJPosting Engine Project
CNV_PE_PROJ_ACOPStorage of relevant areas (to be copied) on project level
CNV_PE_PROJ_ADEPPE project - area dependence (predecessor - successor)
CNV_PE_RUNTM_SETRuntime evaluation: Settings
CNV_PE_RUNTM_VALRuntime estimation: Timesteps
CNV_PE_SIMTYPESimulation types within the posting engine
CNV_PE_SIMTYPE_TSimulation types within the posting engine - texts
CNV_PE_STATUSStatus values within PE
CNV_PE_STATUS_BUPosting engine status bundle
CNV_PE_STATUS_TStatus value texts
CNV_PE_TMPL_CHGTemplate change log table
CNV_PE_TMPL_CHGCCopy of ->Template change log table
CNV_PE_TRFMTransfer Methods
CNV_PE_TRFM_APTransfer method parameter access path definition
CNV_PE_TRFM_CPHDTRFM configuration parameter header
CNV_PE_TRFM_CPHTTRFM configuration parameter texts
CNV_PE_TRFM_CPITTRFM configuration parameter items
CNV_PE_TRFM_FFNTRFM specific Fiori forward navigation details
CNV_PE_TRFM_FLDTransfer method field parameter assignments (F4 help)
CNV_PE_TRFM_PARCTransfer method parameter specific customizing/settings
CNV_PE_TRFM_PARLKnowledge Base: Structure and field links
CNV_PE_TRFM_RELTransfer method parameter Relv_ident specific info
CNV_PE_TRFM_RLPATRFM specific Result Link parameters
CNV_PE_TRFM_SCNTRFM config class scenarios
CNV_PE_TRFM_SCNTTRFM Config Class scenario texts
CNV_PE_TRFM_SIMTRFM specific simulation type details
CNV_PE_TRFM_STRTransfer method structure parameter settings
CNV_PE_TRFM_TPARTransfer method parameter transformations
CNV_PE_TRFM_TRCOControl table for TRule, if Completing or Reading for TRFM
CNV_PE_TRFM_TRELRelevance Ident specific TRFM parameter transformation
CNV_PE_TRFM_TSIMTransfer method parameter run types
CNV_PE_TRFM_TSPLSplit (item) specific TRFM parameter transformation
CNV_PE_TRFM_UNDOUndo Transfer Methods and their sequence
CNV_PE_TRFM_WLRLWorklist result link processing per transfer method
CNV_PE_TT_APPLCFI Totals (TT) sub/application specific PE customizing
CNV_PE_TT_LDAMTFFI Totals (TT) ledger specific amount field name customizing
CNV_PE_TT_LDDEFFI Totals (TT) ledger specific PE handling definition
CNV_PE_TT_TABDEFFI Totals (TT) manually defined totals tables
CNV_PE_VRValidity Range in posting engine
CNV_PE_WLWorklist in posting engine
CNV_PE_WLIPCControl class to be exec. per WL_ITEM during BUILD, SIM, ...
CNV_PE_WL_ITEMItem of a worklist
CNV_PE_WL_ITEM_HHistory (change log) of a worklist item
CNV_PE_WL_SOVARHead Table for WL1 Selection Criteria Variants
CNV_PE_WL_SOVARPRanges for WL1 Selection Criteria variant
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