CRMS4_ORDER - One Order: Redesign of Persistence Layer

The development package CRMS4_ORDER contains objects for "One Order: Redesign of Persistence Layer".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package CRM_APPLICATION. It belongs to software component CRM-S4-BTX.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CRMS4_ORDER

CRMS4C_APPTDate Type Mapping for Reporting
CRMS4C_BTI_DEFLTDefault item object type
CRMS4C_BTX_CONVBusiness Transaction - Component Type
CRMS4C_OBJ_ASS_HTransaction Object Type Assignment - Complex Sets/Extensions
CRMS4C_OBJ_ASS_ITransaction Object Type Assignment - Complex Sets/Extensions
CRMS4C_PARTNERPartner Function mapping for Reporting
CRMS4C_REJPROFRejection Profile Name
CRMS4C_REJPROF_AAssignment of Rejection Code to Rejection Profile
CRMS4C_REJPROF_TText table for Rejection Profile
CRMS4C_STATUSUser Status mapping for Reporting
CRMS4C_STAT_LCMaintain Lifecycle statuses
CRMS4C_STAT_LC_TText Table for lifecycle status
CRMS4D_ACTV_HActivity Header: Header transaction data
CRMS4D_APPROV_SDatabase Table for Customer Mgmt S4 Approval Step Cntrl Data
CRMS4D_BILLREQ_ICRM Billing Request Extension: DB Table
CRMS4D_BTX_HShadow table for 1 Order persistence
CRMS4D_BTX_IShadow table for 1 Order Item level persistence
CRMS4D_CANCEL_IRDatabase Table for Cancel Business Transaction
CRMS4D_EXT_REFCustomer Mgmt Add-on S4: External Reference
CRMS4D_ITEM_RELItem Relationships
CRMS4D_KNAR_HKnowledge Article Header
CRMS4D_OPPT_HHeader details of Opportunities and Leads
CRMS4D_OPPT_IItem details of Opportunities and Leads
CRMS4D_ORDPRP_ITable to store the product list
CRMS4D_PARTNERCustomer Mgmt S4 DB Table for Business Partner Information
CRMS4D_PAYPLAN_DPayment Plan: Payment Card Data
CRMS4D_QUALIFS4 Customer Mgmt Add-on Qualification Requirement Set
CRMS4D_REFOBJCustomer Mgmt Add-on S4: Reference Object
CRMS4D_SCHEDLINScheduled Lines Table
CRMS4D_SERV_HHeader of service transactions
CRMS4D_SERV_IItems of service transactions
CRMS4D_SRV_SUBJCustomer Mgmt Add-on S4 Subject
CRMS4D_SURVEYCustomer Mgmt Add-on S4 Survey Valuation Set
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