CRM_REPORT - Operative Reporting in CRM

The development package CRM_REPORT contains objects for "Operative Reporting in CRM".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package CRM_APPLICATION. It belongs to software component CRM-BTX-ANA-RFW.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package CRM_REPORT

CRMC_BPCCKPTPB_TTexts Assigned for Push Buttons in Cockpit
CRMC_BP_CCKPT_PBAssignment of Transactions to Pushbuttons in BP Cockpit
CRMC_IREE_FLD_BIInteractive Reporting Easy Enhancement BI Fields
CRMC_IREE_FLD_RFFields Enhanced by IREE Tool
CRMC_MAL_OBJOne Order MAL Object
CRMC_MAP_RF2DSMappin ReportingFrameworksources to Datasourcetargets
CRMC_PAR_FCT_NAMCorresponding names of partner functions
CRMC_PPM_OPSPDOpportunity Velocity
CRMC_PPM_OPSPD_TOpportunity Velocity in sales cycle (texts)
CRMC_PPM_PAR_FCTQueries for Partner Functions
CRMC_PPM_VELRULEThresholds for Opportunity Velocity Rules
CRMC_Q1O_CACHEList maximum entries for cache tables
CRMC_Q1O_CACHE_HHeader table for cache maintenance
CRMC_Q1O_FIELDSField names for One Order Search
CRMC_Q1O_OBJMaintenance of Object Types for 1O
CRMC_Q1O_RESAssignment of Resultstructure to Buffer Table
CRMC_Q1O_RFWMappingfapplication to Reporting Framework result strucs
CRMC_REPDY_DBDB Access Description for Dynamic Access
CRMC_RF_MAPHDIMMappin for fields that have the same name on header and item
CRMC_RF_MAPRESMapping between Reporting and Cache fields with length > 16
CRMC_RF_RELSELselection Relation between Reporting and search area fields
CRMD_DH_DATA_MANData Buffer Management
CRMD_DH_DATA_OPPOpportunity Data Buffer
CRMD_DH_QRESQuery Result Buffer
CRMD_DH_QTERMQuery Term Buffer
CRMD_DH_STATEStatus Information of Delta Handler
CRMD_MC_GUIDMass create report saved GUIDs
CRMD_PPM_OPPBUFRealtime Buffer-Supported Fields of All Opportunities
CRMD_PPM_OPPBUFIRealtime Buffer-Supported Fields of All Opportunity Items
CRMD_RF_TRACEDBTest Queries for FS
CRMT_LOCA_CSIDLocator Customizing: Search IDs
CRM_STACOM_ATTRStatus Common Attributes
CRM_STACOM_TEXTStatus Common Descriptions
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