DRF_DDIC - Data Replication Framework: Data Dictionary & Customizing

The development package DRF_DDIC contains objects for "Data Replication Framework: Data Dictionary & Customizing".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package DRF_MAIN. It belongs to software component CA-MDG-DRF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package DRF_DDIC

DRFC_APPLReplication Model
DRFC_APPLTDescription of Replication Model
DRFC_APPL_FILTConfiguration: Filters Used in an Application
DRFC_APPL_FOBJConfiguration: Filter Objects Used in an Application
DRFC_APPL_IMPLConfiguration: Excluded Filters in a Outbound Implementation
DRFC_APPL_LGLanguage Assignments for Outbound Implementations
DRFC_APPL_PARParameter Settings per Outbound Implementation
DRFC_APPL_SERVAssignment of Outbound Implementation to Replication Model
DRFC_APPL_SYSAssign Systems to replication model and implementation
DRFC_APPL_VARIDownload variants for file transfers
DRFC_BOAvailable Business Objects (ESR)
DRFC_EXPIRE_DAYSDays after which the data from DRF tables will get deleted
DRFC_FILTAvailable Filters on Filter Objects
DRFC_FILTTDescription of Available Filters on Entities
DRFC_FOBJFilter Object
DRFC_FOBJTFilter Object Description
DRFC_FOBJ_ENTTAssign Main Entity Type to Filter Object
DRFC_FOBJ_IMPLUsed Filter Objects in Outbound Implementations
DRFC_PAROutbound Parameter
DRFC_PAROOutbound Implementation Parameters
DRFC_PARO_VALSupported Outbound Parameter Values
DRFC_PARTDesciption of Outbound Parameter
DRFC_PAR_VALParameter Value
DRFC_PAR_VALTDescription of Parameter Value
DRFC_SERV_IMPLAvailable Outbound Implementations
DRFC_SERV_IMPLTDescription - Outbound Implementation
DRFC_SERV_OPERAvailable Service Operation for Replication
DRFD_APPL_FILT_HData Replication Filter Root Node
DRFD_OBJ_DEP_INFInfo on dependencies of serialization relevant objects
DRFD_OBJ_PRC_STAruntime Info on processing of access and dependend objects
DRFD_OBJ_REP_STAObject Replication Status
DRF_DAT_EXP_DAYSDays after which the data from DRF tables will get deleted
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