EE20 - IS-U: Billing

The development package EE20 contains objects for "IS-U: Billing".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-U/CCS. It belongs to software component IS-U-BI.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package EE20

BASDYPERASSBasic categories of dynamic period control
DBERCHECondition Data
DBERCHRDiscnt for Bill.Line Item
DBERCHTTexts for billing documents
DBERCHUConversion Steps per Billing Line Item
DBERCHVConsumption History
DBERCHZIndividual Line Items
DBERCHZ1Individual line items
DBERCHZ2Individual line items (device data)
DBERCHZ3Individual line items (amount and price data)
DBERCHZ4Individual line items (rarely used fields)
DBERCHZ5Individual line items (unimportant rows)
DBERCHZ6Document line items (device data, unimportant rows)
DBERCHZ7Document line items (amount/price data, unimportant rows)
DBERCHZ8Document line items (rarely used fields, unimportant)
EABSINDEXIS-U: Indexes for Alternative Billing Simulation
EABSRESULTSIS-U: Results of Alternative Billing Simulation
EALTBISIMIS-U: Alternative Billing Mass Simulation (Indexes)
EALTBISIMITEMSIS-U: Alternative Billing Mass Simulation (Lines)
EAPPOBJApplication Objects
EAPPOBJTText: Application Objects
EAPPOBJTHISApplication Objects
EASIMASSRCATAssociated Rate Categories
EASIMASSRTYPEAssociated Rate Types
EASIMLINEGROUPGroup of Simulation Lines
EASIMLINEGROUPTGroup of Simulation Lines
EASIMLINEGRPTYPEDocument Line Items for Simulation Group
EASIMRATECATAlternative Rate Categories for Simulation
EASIMRCATAPPLAlternative Rate Categs- for Simulation for an Application
EASIMRCATRTYPEConsumption Transfer for Alternative Rate Categories in Sim.
EASIMSCENSimulation Scenarios
EASIMSCENASSSERVAssociated Service Types
EASIMSCENCATCategory of Simulation Scenarios
EASIMSCENCATTSimulation Scenarios (Text)
EASIMSCENEXTExternal Simulation Scenarios
EASIMSCENEXTTExternal Simulation Scenarios (Text)
EASIMSCENGROUPSimulation Groups for Simulation Scenario
EASIMSCENTSimulation Scenarios (Text)
EBASLOperation Type for Lighting Unit
EBILLPRGIS-U: Billing Programs
EBILLPRGTIS-U: Billing Program Text
EBISIMTemporary selection data for billing mass simulation
EBURNHBurning Hour Calendar for Lighting Unit
EBURNHMTType of Burning Hour Maintenance
ECBP2TEPAssign Conditional Billing Program to TOU Exception Program
ECBPRGConditional Billing Program
ECBPRGTConditional Billing Program Texts
ECHCTRLConsumption History Control Table
ECHDISPConsumption History Display Format
ECHDISPTConsumption History Display Format Text
ECHEVGConsumption History Evaluation Group
ECHEVG_BPSEGEvaluation group: usage history for GP segmentation
ECHEVG_BPSEGTEvaluation group: Usage history for GP segmentation (text)
ECONDIIS-U: Conditions
ECONDIPARAMParameter Definition of Conditional Application Structure
ECONDIPROCINTFIS-U: Processing Interface for Conditions
ECONDIPROCINTFTISU: Text Table - Processing Interface for Conditions
EDLTYPLine Item Types Used in a Variant
EDSCDisc.Header Data
EDSCHDiscount Historical Data
EDSCHINDEXADiscount: Historical Data - Index A for F4 Help
EDSCTDisct Header Data (Txts)
EITRELEASETrigger table for release of outsorted billing documents
EKDIRate Facts
EOPGROUPOperand Groups
EOPGROUPTOperand Group (Text)
EPERDETPeriods to set up from DYPERCON and PBASCAT
EPPMDEBTTable for Debts Adjustment Using Prepayment Meter
EPPMDEBTOPBELNRDocuments/Document Lines Transferred to PPM
EPPMHEADERHeader Table for Prepayment Meter
EPPMINDEXIndex Table for PPM Entries
EPPMRRRecovery Rate Saved in Device
EPPM_QS03Data for Meter Dump Request
EPPM_QS06Data for Meter Dump Request
EPPM_QS07Data for Meter Dump Request
EPPM_QS08Changes to Meter Rate Data
EPPM_QS09Data for Meter Dump Request
EPREIMstr Pricing Table for All Prices
EPREIHHistory Table for All Prices
EPREIIHistory Table for All Index Prices
EPREITMstr Pricing Table for All Prices (Texts)
EPRESCLPrice Adjustment Clause for All Price Categories
EPRESCLHHistory of Price Adjustment Clause
EPRESCLTDescription of Price Adjustment Clause
ERCHBilling Doc. Data
ERCHCInvoicing/Reversal History: ERCH
ERCHC_SHORTInvoicing / Reversal History ERCH - Extract Data -
ERCHOOutsorting Table for Billing
ERCHPAnalysis periods for dynamic period control
ERCHV_GEN_PROTLog of Generation of Consumption History
ERCHZ_RIVABilling Document Individual Line Item Extract (RIVA)
ERCHZ_SHORTBilling Document Individual Lines Extract
ERCH_DOC_EXTRBilling Document Extract -Selection Requirements -
ERCH_RIVAHeader Data for Billing Document Extract (RIVA)
ERCH_SHORTHeader Data for Billing Document - Extract
ERDOOutsorting Table for Invoicing
ERTFNDRate Determination
ERTRANS_E01ISU: For Customer-Spec. Tables to Be Transported
ERTRANS_EX01ISU: For Customer-Spec. Tables to Be Transported
ESCHBilling Schema (Header Data)
ESCHCR2CBPAssign Conditional Rate to Conditional Billing Program
ESCHEXTBilling Schema Extension (Administrative Data)
ESCHRRRate Relationships
ESCHRRGRate Relationship Groups
ESCHRRGTRate Relationship Groups Texts
ESCHSBilling Schema Steps
ESCHSTSchema Step Notes
ESCHTBilling Schema (Texts)
ESOHZGSpecial Agreemts for Heating Installtn
ETAXERCHIndex Table for Tax Storage/Billing Documents
ETAXERCHKOExtract Table for Tax Storage/Billing Documents
ETFNDRate Determ.
ETRANSCONFISU: Configuration for Selective Rate Transport
ETRANSTTable List for Rate Transport
ETRFRate (Head. Data)
ETRFRTPTOU Interfaces for Rate
ETRFTRate (Texts)
ETRFVRate Steps
ETTAGeneral Rate Category (Header Data)
ETTAFRate Cat.Facts
ETTATRate Cat.(Texts)
ETTA_DEMO_PERMReference: Cust.-Defined Permissibility of Rate Categories
ETTIFInstln Facts
ETTIFBInstallation Facts (Reference Values)
ETTIFNInstallation Facts (Normal)
EUPDLOGISU: Update Log for Upload from Selective Rate Transport
EUPDLOGHDISU: Header Data of Update Log for Rate Transport
EVAR2N3Changeover of Variants from R/2 to R/3
EVINDVariant Indicators
EVINDTVariant Indicator (Texts)
ISU_ACTCATCheck table: activity
ISU_BL_ACTCATCheck table: Backlog activity
ISU_ERREXTR_BILLDescription of all extracts of a set
ISU_INSTAExtracted incorrect installations for backlog processing
TADJRATIOAdjustment Ratio for Power Factor
TE007Check List for Billing
TE007TCheck List for Billing (Texts)
TE008Check List for Invoicing
TE008TCheck List for Invoicing (Texts)
TE019Usage Types
TE021Reas.for Blockg Billg
TE021TReas.for Blocking Billg (Txts)
TE023Rs.for Releas.
TE023TReas.for Releas.(Txts)
TE067Fact Groups
TE067TRate Fact Groups (Texts)
TE069Rate Types
TE069TRate Types (Texts)
TE093Document Types
TE093TDoc.Type (Texts)
TE116Franchise Fee Procedure in Manual Billing
TE125Alloc. Data for Gas
TE127Manual Bill Outsorting for Billing
TE127TManual Bill Outsorting (Texts)
TE128Manual Bill Outsorting for Invoicing
TE128TManual Bill Outsorting (Texts)
TE187Utility Company
TE187TUtility Company (Texts)
TE191Outsorting Check Groups for Billing
TE191TOutsorting Check Groups for Billing (Texts)
TE192Outsorting Check Groups for Invoicing
TE192TOutsorting Check Groups for Invoicing (Texts)
TE221TOperands (Texts)
TE222Consumption Types
TE222TConsumption Type Texts
TE224Determination of Billing Lines for Consumpt. Hist. Structure
TE228Determination of Installation Facts
TE247Fixed Temp. Values
TE272Reasons for Reversal
TE272TReasons for Reversal (Texts)
TE272_F4Help Table for F4 Help for Reversal Reasons
TE301Backbilling Groups
TE301TBackbilling Groups (Texts)
TE303Pressure-Temperature Ratio for Joule-Thomson Effect
TE304Key: Pressure-Temperature Ratio Joule-Thomson Effect
TE304TKey: Pressure-Temperature Ratio Joule-Thomson Effect
TE307Temperature Areas
TE307TTemperature Area (Texts)
TE309Air Press. Area
TE309TAir Pressure Area (Txts)
TE313Variant Programs
TE327Validations per Outsorting Check Group for Billing
TE328Validations per Outsorting Check Group for Invoicing
TE339Monthly Measured Air Pressure
TE340Daily Air Pressure Values
TE343Gas Press. Areas
TE343TGas Pressure Areas (Texts)
TE345Gas Press. Per Gas Pr. Area
TE347Average Energy Feedings per Calorific Val. District Obsolete
TE348Average Energy Feedings per Calorific Value District
TE369Voltage Level
TE369TVoltage Level (Texts)
TE375Operand Categories
TE375TOperand Categories (Texts)
TE431Price Classes
TE431TPrice Classes (Txts)
TE432Table for Period Control
TE432TPeriod Control (Texts)
TE433Enhancement of Intervals for Monthly Calc. of Time Portions
TE434Cat. of Enhanced Interval Procedure
TE434TCategory of Enhanced Interval Procedure (Text)
TE435Type of Enhanced Interval Procedure
TE435TText for Type of Enhanced Interval Procedure
TE443Control Bill Correction
TE443_TEXT_HTexts for Bill Correction Texts
TE443_TEXT_Z1Text Lines for Bill Correction
TE444Control of Remote Bill Correction
TE444TESTControl of Remote Bill Correction
TE445Gas Law Deviation Factor per Pressure and Temperature
TE446Daily Gas Law Deviation Factors per Calorfic Value District
TE447Measured Gas Temperature (Monthly Values)
TE448Daily Gas Temperatures
TE449Cal. Vals per Cal.Val. District (Monthly Values)
TE450Cal. Vals per Cal. Val. District (Daily Values)
TE453Calorific Value Districts
TE453TCal.Val.Districts (Txts)
TE471Rental Price Levels
TE471TRental Price Levels (Texts)
TE473Industry (Obsolete)
TE473TIndustry (Txts)
TE480IS-U Functionality
TE480TText Table for TE480
TE481Action in IS-U Functionality
TE481TText Table for TE481
TE493Cal. Val. Proced.
TE493TCal. Val. Method (Texts)
TE497TOperation Type for Lighting Unit
TE533IS-U: Definition of Alternative Billing Simulation ID
TE533TIS-U: Alternative Billing Simulation ID (Texts)
TE534IS-U: Alternative Billing Simulation (Rate Categories List)
TE535Type of mass simulation
TE535TType of mass simulation (texts)
TE537Mass simulation periods
TE537TMass simulation periods (texts)
TE538DataSources for Mass Simulation
TE539Information Structures of UIS for Mass Simulation
TE540Quantity Statistics Group
TE540CUpdate Quantities to CO-PA
TE540TTexts for Quantity-Based Statistics Group
TE540UUpdate Quantities to the UIS Communication Structure
TE541Amount Statistics Group
TE541CUpdate Amounts to CO-PA
TE541TTexts for Amount-Based Statistics Group
TE541UUpdate Amounts to the UIS Communication Structure
TE543Time slice generator
TE543TTime slice generator
TE551Fixed Temp.
TE551TFixed Temp. (Texts)
TE654Dynamic period control
TE654TDynamic period control
TE655Category of the current billing period
TE655TCategory of the current billing period
TE656Period basic categories of the periods to set up
TE656TPeriod basic categories of the periods to set up
TE658Periods to set up
TE658TPeriods to set up
TE659Dynamic backbilling groups
TE659TDynamic backbilling groups
TE661Reasons for proration
TE661TReasons for proration (texts)
TE667Doc.Type Cats
TE667TDoc.Type Cat.
TE669Gas Proced.
TE669TGas Procedure (Txts)
TE671Cal. Val. to be Billed
TE672Grouping Types of Installation Groups
TE672TNames of Grouping Types
TE673Installation Roles in an Installation Group
TE673TNames of Installation Roles
TE674Installation Roles for Grouping Type
TE675Distribution Types for Installation Groups
TE675TDistribution Types for Installation Groups
TE676Data Exchange: Secondary Installation to Primary Inst.
TE677THeating Inst. Descript. (Texts)
TE678Data Exchange from Primary Installation to Secondary Inst.
TE679TCharging Ctrl for Heating Inst. (Texts)
TE681TProcess. Status of Spec. Agreement for Heating Inst. (Texts)
TE685Vol. Corr. Fac. Proc.
TE685TVol. Corr. Factor Proc.(Txts)
TE695Gas Press. Levs
TE695TGas Press. Levs (Texts)
TE696Gas Pressure Level for Installation (Grid Pressure Level)
TE696TGas Pressure Level at Installation Level (Grid) (Texts)
TE697Classification of Employees
TE697TClassification of Employees (Texts)
TE835Line Item Type
TE835TLine Item Type (Texts)
TE907Annual Air Pressure
TE921Energy Feeding Per Calorific Value District
TE923IInput Operands
TE923OOutput Operands
TE929Fixed Vol.Correct. Factors
TEOPERFIELDAllocation Operand for Billing-Relevant Field
TEPREPAYCustomizing Settings for Prepayment Meter
TEPREPAY_NATUREDescription of Complaint Reason
TLOSSPARAMParameters for Formula-Based Calc. of Power Transformer Loss
TLOSSZONESPower Transformer Loss by Consumption Zones
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