EECC_EDI - IS-U: Deregulation

The development package EECC_EDI contains objects for "IS-U: Deregulation".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-U/CCS. It belongs to software component IS-U-IDE.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package EECC_EDI

EADRCITYGRIDAllocation of Grid to City
EADRCITYGRID_NEWAllocation of Grid in Utilities Industry to Location (New)
EADRSTRTGRIDAllocation of Grid to Street
EADRSTRTGRID_NEWAllocation of Grid in Utilities Industry to Street (New)
ECERTIFDeregulation: certification
ECOMCONTRIS-T Processing Control
ECOMCONTROLCommunication Control Based on Service Types
ECOMCONTROLEXCommunication Control: Exceptions at Point of Delivery Level
ECOMCONTROLSPCommunication Control Based on Service Providers
ECOMEVENTCommunication Events
ECOMEVENTAActivate Events
ECOMEVENTTCommunication Events (Texts)
ECOMEVENT_COMPIS-U component for event
ECOMPROCFunction Modules for Each Communication Event
ECOMPROCTFunction Modules for Each Communication Event (Texts)
ECONDTYPECondition Types
ECONDTYPETComunication Control Condition Type Text
ECRC_ENR_DROPRate Categories for Supplier Change and Drop
ECROSSREFNOReference Number for IDoc
EENRCALCDetermination of Process Control
EENRNBSERVDetermination of Non-Billable Services
EENROTHERDetermination of Billable Services from Third Parties
EENROWNDetermination of Own Billable Services
EENRRCSUPPAllocation of Rate Categories to Service Providers
EENRTYPEEnrollment Type
EENRTYPEDETAllocation of Enrollment Type to Contact Class
EENRTYPETText Table for Enrollment Type
EGRIDGrid in the Utilities Industry
EGRIDHAllocation of Distributor to Grid
EGRIDLAllocation of Grid Level to Grid
EGRIDLTGrid Level Types
EGRIDLTTGrid Level Types
EGRIDPODAllocation of Point of Delivery to Grid
EGRIDRATEDETRate Determination for Grid
EGRIDSUPPDISTCombination Table of Rate Determination for Grid/Supply
EGRIDTGrid in the Utilities Industry (Text Table)
EGRIDVLAllocation of Voltage Level to Grid
EIDEBUSSTATBusiness Status of IDE Workflow Process
EIDEBUSSTATTBusiness status of IDE workflow process: text
EIDEMAPUNITAllocation of Units of Measurement
EIDEMAPZWARTAllocation of Register Type
EIDEPROCTransactions of IDE process
EIDETECSTATTechnical Status of Workflow Processes
EIDETECSTATTTechnical status of IDE workflow process: text
EIDETRANDocuments of IDE transaction
EIDE_CONTROLControl Parameters
EIDE_CONTROL_SSystem Table for IDE Controls
EIDE_ERRORMSGError messages
EINLITYPETRANSAllocation of Document Line Items
EMRDETAILIDE: detailed information on MR results (ISU_USAGE_DATA)
EOPAREAOperational area
EOPAREADETAllocate operational area
EOPAREATOperational Area Text
EPAYTHPIDE: transfer records for third party payments
EREFDISSUPReference Between Supplier and Distributor Documents
EREMADVCTRL_IDOCIDE: control table - payment data
ESERVICEPoint of delivery service
ESERVICEDETDetermination of Service Types
ESERVPROV_PAYPayment Class for Service Provider
ESERVPROV_PAYTPayment class for service provider- text
TEBUPINFORELRelease Status for Business Partner Data
TEBUPINFORELTRelese status for business partner data (text table)
TECDEService Types
TECDETService type text
TEDEREGSTATDeregulation status
TEDEREGSTATTDeregulation status
TEFKTVOSTax Table: Relevant Transactions in Convergent Billing
TEFKTVOSBILLContract A/R and A/P items to be transfered for IDoc bill
TEFKTVOSBILLTText for contract A/R and A/P items in IDoc bill
TEINFORELRelease Status for Installations
TEINFORELTRelease status for installation data (text table)
TELINSELLine item categories for communication processing
TEPFCPayment frequency
TEPFCSObsolete- do not use!
TEPFCTText for Payment Frequency
TEPRVObsolete- do not use!
TEPRVTObsolete- do not use!
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