EE_DEREG - IS-U-IDE: Utility Scenario and Service Provider Agreement

The development package EE_DEREG contains objects for "IS-U-IDE: Utility Scenario and Service Provider Agreement".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-U/CCS. It belongs to software component IS-U-IDE.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package EE_DEREG

EDEREGANAFUNCAnalysis Function for Deregulation
EDEREGANAFUNCTAnalysis Function for Deregulation (Text)
EDEREGPARCONFParameter Configuration for Deregulation Process
EDEREGPARCONFT(Text) Parameter Configuration for Deregulation Process
EDEREGPARVALParameter Values for Deregulation Process
EDEREGPODGROUPT(Text) Point of Delivery Group
EDEREGPROCDeregulation Process
EDEREGPROCPARParameters in Deregulation Process
EDEREGPROCPARDISDisplay Priority for Parameter in Deregulation Process
EDEREGPROCT(Text) Deregulation Process
EDEREGSCENAGREETypes of Service Proivder Agreements for Supply Scenario
EDEREGSCENARIOT(Text) Supply Scenario
EDEREGSCENCONTRContracts for Supply Scenario
EDEREGSCENCONTRTContracts for Supply Scenario (Text)
EDEREGSCENDATEXData Exchange Processes for Supply Scenario
EDEREGSCENSERVServices for Supply Scenario
EDEREGSCENSERVTServices for Supply Scenario (Text)
EDEREGSPAGREEService Provider Agreements
EDEREGSPMETHDDetermination Method for Service Provider
EDEREGSPMETHDTDetermination Method for Service Provider (Text)
EDEREGSWITCH2005Deregulation Switch for ERP2005
EDEREGSWITCHDIALDeregulation Switch for Dialog Control
EDEREGSWITCHPROCDeregulation Switch for Process Control
EDEREGSWITCHSYSTCreate Specifications for Aggregated Bill
EDRGPODGRASSIGNAllocation Criteria for PoD to PoD Group (Default)
EDRGSPAGRTYPEService Provider Agreement Type
EDRGSPAGRTYPET(Text) Service Provider Agreement Type
EUIPODGROUPPoint of Delivery Group at PoD
TEAUTHCHCKSWITCHIDEX: Deregulation Switch for Authorization Checks
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