EE_DEREG_INV - Payment Management in a Deregulated Environment

The development package EE_DEREG_INV contains objects for "Payment Management in a Deregulated Environment".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package IS-U/CCS. It belongs to software component IS-U-IDE.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package EE_DEREG_INV

EDEREG_INV_SUPPLBasic Settings for Aggregated Posting of Incoming Bills
EDEREG_SERIDENTInternal ID of Service
EDEREG_SERIDENTTInternal ID of Service - Text
EDEREG_SIDPROExternal ID of Service
EDEREG_SIDPROINTInterpretation of Internal ID
EDEREG_SIDPROTExternal ID of Service
ESENREC_FPPAggregated Outgoing Bill: Sender/Recipient Combinations
ESERV_C_BUKRSAllocation of Auxilliary Company Code to Company Code
ESERV_C_VGROUPGrouping Characteristic of Aggregated Contract Account
ESERV_C_VGROUPTGrouping Characteristic of Aggregated Contract Acc. - Text
ESNRC_THP_FPPSender/Recipient Combinations for FPP Mass Activity ETHP
ETAXTINVDOCIndex Table for Tax Storage for Incoming Bill, Documents
ETAXTINVKOExtract Table for Tax Storage for Incoming Bill, Extr. Info
IUEEDPPLOTACINAInterpretation of an Advice Note Item: Algorithm IDs
IUEEDPPLOTACINATInterpretation of Payment Advice Item: Algorythm IDs, Texts
IUEEDPPLOTACINBInterpretation of an Advice Note Item: Search Object
IUEEDPPLOTACINBTInterpretation of Payment Advice Item: Search Objects, Texts
IUEEDPPLOTACINCInterp. of an Advice Note Item: Srch Strg. and Select. Cat.
IUEEDPPLOTACINDInterpretation of Payment Advice Line: Ind. Search Module
IUEEDPPLOTACINEInterpretation of an Advice Note Item: Default Algorithms
IUEEDPPLOTACPPVDistribute Aggregated Payments: Parameters
IUEEDPPLOTACPPVTDistribute Aggregated Payments: Distribution Cats. Texts
IUEEDPPLOTATADMDistribute Aggregated Payments: Parameter/Status Management
IUEEDPPLOTATADM1Distribute Aggr. Payments: Parameter Mgt: Sel. Options
IUEEDPPLOTATHEADDistribution Lot Header
IUEEDPPLOTATREFDistr. Aggr. Payments: Ref. btwn MR and Distributed Objects
IUEEDPPLOTATREF1Distr. Aggr. Payments: Ref. Between Pymt St. and Aggr. Pymt
IUEEDPPLOTATREF2Distribution of Aggr. Payments: Special Distribution Lot
IUEEDPPLOTATREF3Distribution of Aggr. Payments: Admission Amts for Dist. Lot
TEK000BIIS-U: Central Settings for BW Extractions
TINV_BW_TRIG_THITrigger for Delta Extraction of Transfer Recs f. Third Party
TINV_DOC_SHORTExtract of Bill Receipt (Evaluation System): Bill Document
TINV_EXTR_HDRExtract of Bill Receipt Document: Admin. Data (Eval. System)
TINV_HEAD_SHORTExtract of Bill Receipt (Evaluation System): Bill Header
TINV_INV_TRANSFTransfer Table for Bill Data to FI-CA
TINV_LINEB_SHORTExtract of Bill Receipt (Evaluation System): Bill Lines
TINV_TRANSF_HSTReversal: Historical TINV_INV_TRANSF Entries
TINV_TRNSF_SHORTExtract of Bill Receipt (Eval. System): FI-CA Transfer Data
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