EHDGM_PC_DANGEROUS_GOODS - Process Component Dangerous Goods

The development package EHDGM_PC_DANGEROUS_GOODS contains objects for "Process Component Dangerous Goods".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package EA-EHSMGMT. It belongs to software component EHS-SUS-DG.

Child development packages of EHDGM_PC_DANGEROUS_GOODS

Development Package
EHDGM_APIAPI Components to access DG Information
EHDGM_API_TNAMESAPI for Technical Names
EHDGM_BO_CRRCompliance Assessment for Dangerous Goods
EHDGM_BO_TNAMESBusiness Object Technical Names of Substance
EHDGM_BO_UORBusiness Object DG Use of Regulation
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_49CFR_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (49 CFR)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_ADG_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (ADG)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_ADN_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (ADN)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_ADR_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (ADR)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_ANTT_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (ANTT)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_IATA_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (IATA)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_IMDG_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (IMDG)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_NCH382_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (NCh382)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_NOM_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (NOM)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_NZS5433_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (NZS)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_PPConsumption for Content-Based Classifcation of Packaged DGs
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_RID_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (RID)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_SANS_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (SANS)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_TDG_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (TDG)
EHDGM_CNS_CBR_UNRTDG_UPConsumption for Content-Based Classification (UNRTDG)
EHDGM_CNS_COMNCommon consumption package for Dangerous Goods Management
EHDGM_CNS_PACKAGED_PRODUCTConsumption for Basic DG Classifcation Text-based
EHDGM_CNS_TBR_PPConsumption for Text-Based Classifcation of Packaged DGs
EHDGM_CNS_TBR_UPConsumption for Text-Based Classifcation of Unpackaged DGs
EHDGM_CNS_TNAMESConsumption for Technical Names of Substance
EHDGM_CNS_UNPACKAGED_PRODUCTConsumption for Basic DG Classifcation Text-based
EHDGM_CNS_UORConsumption for Use of Regulation
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBRCommon pattern package for content based regulations
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_49CFRPattern package for content based regulation 49 CFR
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_ADGPattern package for content based regulation ADG
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_ADNPattern package for content based regulation ADN
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_ADRPattern package for content based regulation ADR
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_ANTTPattern package for content based regulation ANTT
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_IATAPattern package for content based regulation IATA
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_IMDGPattern package for content based regulation IMDG
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_NCH382Pattern package for content based regulation NCh382
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_NOMPattern package for content based regulation NOM
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_NZS5433Pattern package for content based regulation NZS 5433
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_RIDPattern package for content based regulation RID
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_SANSPattern package for content based regulation SANS
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_TDGPattern package for content based regulation TDG
EHDGM_CRPAT_CBR_UNRTDGPattern package for content based regulation UNRTDG
EHDGM_CRPAT_COMNCommon objects for Dangerous Goods Compliance Patters
EHDGM_CRPAT_TBRCR Pattern - Basic DG Classification Text-based
EHDGM_LOGISTICS_INTEGRATIONComponents for Integration into Logistics Modules
EHDGM_PCEPPCEP objects for Dangerous Goods Management
EHDGM_UI_CR_MGMT_ENTRYUI Entry Screen for DG Compliance Requirements
EHDGM_UNIT_TESTSupporting components for DG Unit Tests
This development package contains no tables.
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