EI_SAF_CUST - SAF - Customizing

The development package EI_SAF_CUST contains objects for "SAF - Customizing".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package EI_SAF. It belongs to software component CA-GTF-IC-SAF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package EI_SAF_CUST

CRMC_SAF_APPSAF: Definitions of applications
CRMC_SAF_APP_CKBSAF: Link to app and compilation-related kb definition
CRMC_SAF_APP_ISSAF: Links between application and information security
CRMC_SAF_APP_KBSAF: Link between application and knowledge bases
CRMC_SAF_APP_LESAF: Link between application and learning engines
CRMC_SAF_APP_QKBSAF: Link to application and query-related kb definition
CRMC_SAF_APP_QSSAF: Link to search service configuration
CRMC_SAF_APP_RFCSAF: Definitions of RFC destinations
CRMC_SAF_APP_TSAF: Description for applications
CRMC_SAF_APP_WPSAF: Links between application and work packages
CRMC_SAF_APP_X_TSAF: XSL Transformation
CRMC_SAF_DEP_ATTSAF: Customizing table for attribute dependencies
CRMC_SAF_DTSAF: Check configuration for diagnosis tool
CRMC_SAF_DT_CKSAF: Check configuration for diagnosis tool
CRMC_SAF_DT_PRSAF: Process definitions for diagnosis tool
CRMC_SAF_DT_PR_TSAF: Descriptions of processes for diagnosis checks
CRMC_SAF_DT_TSAF: Descriptions for diagnosis checks
CRMC_SAF_FBSAF: Feedback definitions for knowledge bases
CRMC_SAF_FB_TSAF: Feedback text descriptions for knowledge bases
CRMC_SAF_INXSAF: Search index
CRMC_SAF_INX_ATTSAF: Customize attributes to be indexed
CRMC_SAF_JOBSAF: Batch job schedule for compilation and clustering
CRMC_SAF_KBSAF: Customizing table for knowledge base repository
CRMC_SAF_KB_TSAF: Description of knowledge bases
CRMC_SAF_KB_TABSAF: Customizing table for knowledge base repository
CRMC_SAF_LESAF: Customizing table for learning parameters
CRMC_SAF_LE_TSAF: Description of learning engines
CRMC_SAF_METHODSSAF: Relation between methods and bol objects
CRMC_SAF_MODELSSAF: Generic Interface Layer Model
CRMC_SAF_OBJECTSSAF: Generic Interface Layer Objects
CRMC_SAF_PSNLSAF: Personalization
CRMC_SAF_SESAF: Trex search engine settings
CRMC_SAF_SE_EXTSAF: Customizing table for generic search engine extension
CRMC_SAF_SE_NAMESAF: Search engine names with pre-delivered SAP entries
CRMC_SAF_WPSAF: Work Package
CRMC_SAF_WP_ACTSAF: Actions for work package
CRMC_SAF_WP_RULESAF: Rules for work package
CRMC_SAF_WP_TSAF: Text table for work package
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