FAGL_REORGANIZATION_FW - Reorganization - Framework

The development package FAGL_REORGANIZATION_FW contains objects for "Reorganization - Framework".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FAGL_REORGANIZATION. It belongs to software component FI-GL-REO.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FAGL_REORGANIZATION_FW

FAGL_R_APARReorganization: Object List for Receivables and Payables
FAGL_R_APAR_SPLReorganization: Assignment Btwn FAGL_R_APAR and FAGL_R_SPL
FAGL_R_APAR_VALReorg: Values for Receivables and Payables Object List
FAGL_R_ARCH_DEFDefinition of Residence Time for Archiving
FAGL_R_BLARTReorganization: Document Type
FAGL_R_BLNCEReorganization: Balances to Be Transferred
FAGL_R_BLNCE_VALReorganization: Balances to Be Transferred - Values
FAGL_R_COMP_AAActivation of Asset Accounting by Plan Type
FAGL_R_COMP_AA0Entities for Activation of Asset Accounting
FAGL_R_DERHReorganization: Derivation Hierarchy
FAGL_R_DERH_VERReorganization: Version of a Derivation Hierarchy
FAGL_R_DERH_VER0Reorganization: Version of a Derivation Hierarchy
FAGL_R_DERH_VERTReorganization: Text of a Hierarchy Version
FAGL_R_GEN_PARReorg: Characteristics of Object Type for Parallelization
FAGL_R_JBDISPTCHReorganization: Dispatching Jobs
FAGL_R_JBLASTLast Dispatching Job
FAGL_R_JBOBJTYObject Type for Each Dispatcher for Special Activities
FAGL_R_JBPARTNReorganization: Packages of a Dispatching Job to Be Executed
FAGL_R_JBPROCEEDReorganization: Jobs of a Dispatching Job to Be Executed
FAGL_R_JBSETReorganization: Job Scheduling Settings
FAGL_R_JBSIZEReorg: Size of a Partition of Object Types to Be Processed
FAGL_R_JBSTATReorganization: Object statistics processed in partitions
FAGL_R_MAP_CUSTReorganization: Object Number of the Signature Values
FAGL_R_MAP_SAPReorganization: Object Number of the Included SAP Fields
FAGL_R_OBJTYReorganization: Object Type
FAGL_R_OBJTY_DI0Reorganization: Display Chars of an Obj. Type (SAP Entries)
FAGL_R_OBJTY_DISReorganization: Display Characteristics of an Object Type
FAGL_R_OBJTY_RE0Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of an Obj. Type
FAGL_R_OBJTY_RESReorganization: Restriction Characteristics of an Obj. Type
FAGL_R_OBJTY_TReorganization: Text of an Object Type
FAGL_R_OI_TRACK0Reorganization: Open Items for Inclusion
FAGL_R_OI_TRACK1Reorganization: Included Documents for Open Items
FAGL_R_PER_TRACKReorganization: Log of Changed Posting Periods
FAGL_R_PLReorganization Plan
FAGL_R_PLTYReorganization: Plan Type
FAGL_R_PLTY0Entities for Activation of Plan Type
FAGL_R_PLTY0_TReorganization: Text of a Plan Type
FAGL_R_PLTY_RESReorganization: Restriction Characteristics of a Plan Type
FAGL_R_PLTY_RES0Reorganization: Restriction Characteristics of a Plan Type
FAGL_R_PL_ACCASSReorganization: Account Assignment Elements Used
FAGL_R_PL_ASSIGNReorganization: Mapping Between Old and New Acct Assignment
FAGL_R_PL_COUNTTracking of Different Processes of a Plan
FAGL_R_PL_DERHReorganization: Derivation Hierarchy of the Plan
FAGL_R_PL_OBJECTReorganization: Objects
FAGL_R_PL_OBJLSTReorganization: Object List
FAGL_R_PL_RES_GReorganization: General Restrictions of the Plan
FAGL_R_PL_RES_SReorganization: Specific Restrictions for Object Types
FAGL_R_PL_TReorganization: Text Table of the Reorganization Plan
FAGL_R_POCUS_001Customizing for Selection of Purchasing Documents
FAGL_R_RMVCTReorganization: Transaction Type
FAGL_R_SDCUS_001Customizing for Selection of Sales Documents
FAGL_R_SPLReorganization: Splitting Information of the Open Items
FAGL_R_SPL_HISReorg.: History Table for FAGL_R_SPL
FAGL_R_SPL_VALReorganization: Splitting Information of Open Item Values
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