FARR_FOUNDATION - Revenue Accounting: Reuse Objects

The development package FARR_FOUNDATION contains objects for "Revenue Accounting: Reuse Objects".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FARR. It belongs to software component FI-RA.

Child development packages of FARR_FOUNDATION

Development Package

Tables for development package FARR_FOUNDATION

FARRCHKFSDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
FARRCHKOSDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
FARRIDXSTASDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
FARRLOIOSDOK: Logical information object instances
FARRLOIOTSDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FARRLOPRSDOK: Logical information object descriptions
FARRLORESDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
FARRLOREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
FARRLORISDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FARRLORIPRSDOK: Logical information object attribute values
FARRPHFSDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
FARRPHHRSDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
FARRPHHRPRSDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
FARRPHIOSDOK: Physical information object instances
FARRPHNMSDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
FARRPHNMPRSDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
FARRPHPRSDOK: Checkout data for physical information object
FARRPHRESDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
FARRPHREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
FARRPHRISDOK: File name of last checkout
FARRPHRIPRSDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
FARR_ATTAHCHKFSDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
FARR_ATTAHCHKOSDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
FARR_ATTAHIDXSTASDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
FARR_ATTAHLOIOSDOK: Logical information object instances
FARR_ATTAHLOIOTSDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FARR_ATTAHLOPRSDOK: Logical information object descriptions
FARR_ATTAHLORESDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
FARR_ATTAHLOREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
FARR_ATTAHLORISDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FARR_ATTAHLORIPRSDOK: Logical information object attribute values
FARR_ATTAHPHFSDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
FARR_ATTAHPHHRSDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
FARR_ATTAHPHHRPRSDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
FARR_ATTAHPHIOSDOK: Physical information object instances
FARR_ATTAHPHNMSDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
FARR_ATTAHPHNMPRSDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
FARR_ATTAHPHPRSDOK: Checkout data for physical information object
FARR_ATTAHPHRESDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
FARR_ATTAHPHREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
FARR_ATTAHPHRISDOK: File name of last checkout
FARR_ATTAHPHRIPRSDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
FARR_C_ACCNT_DETAccount Determination Rules
FARR_C_ACCTPRINCRevenue Accounting: Configuration of Accounting Principle
FARR_C_ACPR_BUKRRevenue Accounting: Supported Company Codes per Acct. Princ.
FARR_C_ARCH_RESTResidence Time for Archiving Objects
FARR_C_BAL_EXPRevenue Accounting: Configuration of BAL expiration date
FARR_C_BAL_EXP_CRevenue Accounting: Configuration of BAL expiration date
FARR_C_BRF_CONFBRF+ Rule Configuration
FARR_C_BUKRSCompany code related settings
FARR_C_CODE_SWITCode switch between old code lines and new code lines
FARR_C_COND_MODEDefine Condition Type for SSP and RoR
FARR_C_COND_RL_TDefine text for Condition Type Role
FARR_C_COND_ROLECondition Type Role
FARR_C_COND_SIGNPrice Condition Types which Allow Change of Sign
FARR_C_COND_TYPECondition Types Excluded From Price Allocation
FARR_C_CONTCATCustomizing of Contract Category
FARR_C_CONTCAT_TText Table of Contract Category
FARR_C_DET_CTR_HRevenue Accounting: Derive Contract header
FARR_C_DET_POBRevenue Accounting: Derive POB attributes
FARR_C_DET_R_AARevenue Accounting: Derive RAI Account Assignment
FARR_C_DET_R_ACCRevenue Accounting: Derive RAI GL Account
FARR_C_DET_SSPRevenue Accounting: Derive Standalone Selling Price
FARR_C_EVNT_TYCustomizing of Event Type
FARR_C_EVNT_TY_TText Table of Event Type
FARR_C_HC_MSGRevenue Accounting: relevant msg for Health Check - RAI proc
FARR_C_HC_MSG_CRevenue Accounting: relevant msg for Health Check - RAI proc
FARR_C_MIGPACKRevenue Accounting: Migration Packages
FARR_C_MIGPACK_TRevenue Accounting: Description of Migration Packages
FARR_C_POB_TYPEConfiguration of Performance Obligation Types
FARR_C_POB_TYP_TPOB type text table
FARR_C_RSV_CONDReserved Condition Types
FARR_C_UICHRSN_TChange Reason for Revenue Accounting Engine(Text)
FARR_C_UI_CHRSNChange Reason for Revenue Accounting Engine
FARR_D_ATTACHSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
FARR_D_COLOGFLDChanged Fields of RAR, Database Changes
FARR_D_COLOGHDRHeader entries of DB changes
FARR_D_COLOGITMLogs of Item DB changes
FARR_D_COLOGTECTechnical Table
FARR_D_DPP_SORTCDPP EoP: Information on Customer Retention
FARR_D_DPP_SORTPDPP EoP: Information on Bus. Partner Retention
FARR_D_MAPPINGMapping Table to map source document to POBs of RA-Contracts
FARR_D_MAPPING_FMapping table for Fulfillment
FARR_D_MAPPING_IMapping table for Invoices
FARR_D_MAPPING_MMapping of manual POBs between Accounting Principles
FARR_D_NOTESTable for Farr Notes
FARR_D_PAOBJMAPProfitability segment hashing
FARR_D_PP_UNITSUnit Related Parameters for Parallel Processing
FARR_D_UPDLOGLog Table containing log reason for new DB update logic
FARR_D_UPDLOG_CSLog Table containing Call Stack (new DB update logic)
FARR_PPRUNRevenue Accounting: Mass Run Logs
FARR_PPRUNLOGRevenue Accounting: Mass Run Application Logs
FARR_PPRUNSELRevenue Accounting: Selection Parameters of a Mass Run
FARR_PPRUNSPEC'Internal control' parameters of PPF
FARR_PPRUNSPOOLRevenue Accounting: Mass Run Spool IDs
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