FBZ - Payments

The development package FBZ contains objects for "Payments".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-AP-AP-B.

Child development packages of FBZ

Tables for development package FBZ

BANKA_CUP_ITBank Account Number maintenance for CUP/CIG Number
BANK_CUP_ITBank Account Number related to CUP/CIG/MGO(new)
CUP_DOC_ITDocument relevant for CUP/CIG Number
CUP_T012K_ITHouse bank details for CUP/CIG
DET_EXT_CATEGORYDetermine Exchange Rate Category
FEDIWF1FI EDI: Person with signing authority
FIAPITD_PAYM_BLKStore the payment block for Italy based on Law 83/2013
FIAPPTD_KUKEYID administration
FIPAY_T042_GTSSAP GTS Check - Activation in FI
FIPAY_TROBJ_GTSTrigger Objects for Supplementary Information to SAP GTS
FIPYXXD_INSTMTBank Statement File Identification Table
OPN_J1Japanese DME Foreign Payment Accounting Data (Open FI)
PNBKPrenotification: New bank data from master records
PNHDPrenotification: Files created in ACH format
PYONUMKRAuxiliary structure for lock object EPYONUMKR
PYORDHPayment order header data
PYORDPPayment order item data
REGUAChange of payment proposals: user and time
REGUHSettlement data from payment program
REGUHHREGUH version before the 'n'th change
REGUHOREGUH version before the 'n'th change
REGUPProcessed items from payment program
REGUPOLine item status before the 'n'th change
REGUSAcounts blocked by payment proposal
REGUS_SEPASEPA Mandate Lock: Applications To Be Retrieved
REGUVControl records for the payment program
SMFIAPSpec. FI-SL Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_fisl)
T004FField status definition groups
T005_IT_UICREGUIC Code based on region and country key
T042Parameters for payment transactions
T042ABank selection for payment program
T042AAAddnl Acct Assgmnts for Down Payments with Purch. Order Ref.
T042CTechnical Settings For The Payment Program
T042DAvailable amounts for payment program
T042FSLLast additional selections used
T042GGroups of company codes ( payment program )
T042IAccount determination for payment program
T042IYAccount Determination for Payment Programs
T042JBank charges determination
T042JBCustomizing table for Japan Bank Mergers
T042JB1Customizing table for Japan Bank/Branch Mergers
T042KAccounts for bank charges
T042LBank transaction code names
T042MUser Numbers At The Bank
T042NBank transaction codes
T042OFIEvents for MT100 and other DME Formats
T042OFITEvents for MT100 and other DME Formats
T042PBank selection by postal code
T042RName of account holder (ref.specifications on bk.details)
T042SCharges/expenses for automatic pmnt transactions
T042UBlock Entries for Debit Customers/Credit Vendors
T042VValue date for automatic payments
T045TUser ID for bank transactions
T110_ACTActivation for changes in F110 accord. to Israel legislation
TBACNBank EDI file version numbers
TBSLPosting Key
TFAGSDefinition of FI clearing rules
TFAGTTexts on FI clearing rules
TZGRGrouping rules for automatic payments
TZGRTName of grouping rules
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