FC05_UC - Cons: Posting, elimination (CU pairs:ICE,IPE,RCL)

The development package FC05_UC contains objects for "Cons: Posting, elimination (CU pairs:ICE,IPE,RCL)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component EC-CS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FC05_UC

TF500Document Types
TF501Document Types: Name
TF502Postable Item Categories
TF503Chart-Based Document Type Attributes
TF504Year- and Version-Dependent Document Type Properties
TF505Version-Based Document Type Attributes
TF506Document Types: Field-Dependent Properties
TF510Validation of Consolidation Documents
TF515Journal Entry Layout: Field Names
TF516Journal Entry Layout: Description
TF517Journal Entry Layout: Field Names
TF530Task Groups
TF531Task Groups: Name
TF532Task Groups: Task Assignments
TF533Task Groups: Preceding Tasks
TF540Consolidation Tasks
TF541Consolidation Tasks: Name
TF542Consolidation Tasks, Version-Dependent
TF543Consolidation Tasks: Assignments of Methods and Doc.Types
TF544Tasks: Task Group Exceptions
TF545Consolidation Tasks: Exceptions for Cons Units
TF551Methods: Name
TF555Methods for Interunit Elimination
TF556Methods for IU Elimination: Item Set Assignments
TF556AIU Elimination Methods: Allocation of Addtl Acct Assignments
TF557Methods: Threshold Value for Posting Differences
TF558IU Elimination Methods: Reclassi. for Proportional Cons.
TF560Methods for Reclassification
TF560AReclassification Methods: Fields
TF562Assignment of Method/Doc. Type to Task in Reclassification
TF564Assignment Method/Doc Type to Task Ext. Docs ConsMonitor
TF570Tasks for Manual Posting - Document Type Assignments
TF572Data Transfer Tasks: Document Type Assignment
TF575Tasks for CG Changes: Document Type Assignments
TF580Product Groups
TF581Product Groups: Description
TF583Dimension-Dep.Assignmt of CoA, Prod. Group to in(NOT USED)
TF584Assignment of Inventory Item to Product Group
TF584AAssignment of Inventory Item to Product Group (NOT USED)
TF585Inventory Data
TF586Supplier Data
TF590Elim. of IU P/L in Inventory: Selected Items (NOT IN USE!)
TF591Elim of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items (NOT USED)
TF592Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items
TF592AElimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: FS Items
TF593Subassignments of Inventory Items
TF595Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory: Tasks
TF599Global Settings for Elim. of IU P/L in Inventory
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