FCLM_BAM - Bank Account Management

The development package FCLM_BAM contains objects for "Bank Account Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FCLM. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-CLM-BAM.

Child development packages of FCLM_BAM

Tables for development package FCLM_BAM

FCLMCHKFSDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
FCLMCHKOSDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
FCLMIDXSTASDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
FCLMLOIOSDOK: Logical information object instances
FCLMLOIOTSDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FCLMLOPRSDOK: Logical information object descriptions
FCLMLORESDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
FCLMLOREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
FCLMLORISDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FCLMLORIPRSDOK: Logical information object attribute values
FCLMPHFSDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
FCLMPHHRSDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
FCLMPHHRPRSDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
FCLMPHIOSDOK: Physical information object instances
FCLMPHNMSDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
FCLMPHNMPRSDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
FCLMPHPRSDOK: Checkout data for physical information object
FCLMPHRESDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
FCLMPHREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
FCLMPHRISDOK: File name of last checkout
FCLMPHRIPRSDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
FCLM_ACCT_NOTESDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
FCLM_BAM2CHKFSDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
FCLM_BAM2CHKOSDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM2IDXSTASDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
FCLM_BAM2LOIOSDOK: Logical information object instances
FCLM_BAM2LOIOTSDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM2LOPRSDOK: Logical information object descriptions
FCLM_BAM2LORESDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
FCLM_BAM2LOREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
FCLM_BAM2LORISDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM2LORIPRSDOK: Logical information object attribute values
FCLM_BAM2PHFSDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
FCLM_BAM2PHHRSDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
FCLM_BAM2PHHRPRSDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
FCLM_BAM2PHIOSDOK: Physical information object instances
FCLM_BAM2PHNMSDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM2PHNMPRSDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM2PHPRSDOK: Checkout data for physical information object
FCLM_BAM2PHRESDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
FCLM_BAM2PHREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
FCLM_BAM2PHRISDOK: File name of last checkout
FCLM_BAM2PHRIPRSDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
FCLM_BAM3CHKFSDOK: File name of last checkout
FCLM_BAM3CHKOSDOK: Checkout data for physical information object
FCLM_BAM3IDXSTASDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
FCLM_BAM3LOIOSDOK: Logical information object instances
FCLM_BAM3LOIOTSDOK: Logical information object descriptions
FCLM_BAM3LOPRSDOK: Logical information object attribute values
FCLM_BAM3LORESDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM3LOREPRSDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs
FCLM_BAM3LORISDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM3LORIPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs
FCLM_BAM3PHFSDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM3PHHRSDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
FCLM_BAM3PHHRPRSDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
FCLM_BAM3PHIOSDOK: Physical information object instances
FCLM_BAM3PHNMSDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
FCLM_BAM3PHNMPRSDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
FCLM_BAM3PHPRSDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM3PHRESDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
FCLM_BAM3PHREPRSDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
FCLM_BAM3PHRISDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
FCLM_BAM3PHRIPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
FCLM_BAMCHKFBank Account Attachment: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical o
FCLM_BAMCHKOBank Account Attachment: Files of Physical Information Objec
FCLM_BAMIDXSTABank Account Attachment: Attributes of Outgoing Relationship
FCLM_BAMLOIOBank Account Management: Logical information object instance
FCLM_BAMLOIOTBank Account Management: Incoming Relationships of Logical I
FCLM_BAMLOPRBank Account Management: Logical information object descript
FCLM_BAMLOREBank Account Management: Attributes of Outgoing Relationship
FCLM_BAMLOREPRBank Account Management: Attributes of Incoming Relationship
FCLM_BAMLORIBank Account Management: Outgoing Relationships of Logical I
FCLM_BAMLORIPRBank Account Management: Logical information object attribut
FCLM_BAMPHFBank Account Attachment: Physical information object incomin
FCLM_BAMPHHRBank Account Attachment: Use of target anchors in physical o
FCLM_BAMPHHRPRBank Account Attachment: Attributes of Target Anchor Relatio
FCLM_BAMPHIOBank Account Attachment: Physical information object instanc
FCLM_BAMPHNMBank Account Attachment: Outgoing Links of Physical Informat
FCLM_BAMPHNMPRBank Account Attachment: Attributes of Physical Information
FCLM_BAMPHPRBank Account Attachment: Checkout data for physical informat
FCLM_BAMPHREBank Account Attachment: Status Table for Indexing Documents
FCLM_BAMPHREPRBank Account Attachment: Attributes of Incoming Relationship
FCLM_BAMPHRIBank Account Attachment: File name of last checkout
FCLM_BAMPHRIPRBank Account Attachment: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationshi
FCLM_BAM_ACLINK2Linkages Between Bank Account and House Bank Accounts
FCLM_BAM_ACSLINKLinkage between Signatory Card and Bank Account
FCLM_BAM_AC_APRJAccount Automatic Approval or Rejection
FCLM_BAM_AC_TYPEBank Account Type
FCLM_BAM_AC_TYPTBank Account Type Text
FCLM_BAM_ADTFUNDObsolet: BAM items that exist additionally in target system
FCLM_BAM_AMDBank Account Master Data
FCLM_BAM_AMD_LIMBank Account Master Data: Overdraft Limit
FCLM_BAM_AMD_TBank Account Master Data: Text table of Account Description
FCLM_BAM_ATTACHSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
FCLM_BAM_BKBPHISHistory for Bank and BP Linkage
FCLM_BAM_BNKABP2Relationship between Bank and Business Partner
FCLM_BAM_BSIMPBank Statement Import Type Definition
FCLM_BAM_BSIMP_TBank Statement Import Type Description
FCLM_BAM_CNTLControl table
FCLM_BAM_CONFIGConfiguration for Bank Account Management
FCLM_BAM_CONFIG1configuration table: relation between target system and RFC
FCLM_BAM_CONFIG2configuration table: define filters for sync objects
FCLM_BAM_CONFIG3configuration table : exclude sync fields
FCLM_BAM_CONFIG4configuration table: define filters for sync objects
FCLM_BAM_CPOOLCash Pool Definition
FCLM_BAM_CPOOL_TCash Pool Description
FCLM_BAM_C_REQFDSensitive fields definition which will trigger workflow
FCLM_BAM_FGRPField Status Group Definition
FCLM_BAM_FGRPDField Group Assignment - BAM
FCLM_BAM_FGRPD_WField Group Assignment - WF
FCLM_BAM_FGRP_TText table for field status group
FCLM_BAM_FPROPUI Fields Property
FCLM_BAM_HBA_IDXStandard index table
FCLM_BAM_HIERBank Account Hierarchy
FCLM_BAM_HIERBGNBank - bank group name mapping
FCLM_BAM_HIERDTHierarchy Node in Design Time
FCLM_BAM_HIERRTHierarchy Node in Run Time
FCLM_BAM_HIERTText table of Bank Account Hierarchy
FCLM_BAM_HIERVCVisibility Control
FCLM_BAM_IDXStandard index table
FCLM_BAM_MIGCONFHouse Bank Account Migration
FCLM_BAM_REQChange request for bank account master Data
FCLM_BAM_REQACNTChange Request:Bank Accounts
FCLM_BAM_REQACTDDocuments for Bank Account
FCLM_BAM_REQFLDSensitive fields definition which will trigger workflow
FCLM_BAM_REQLOGChange request log for bank account master data
FCLM_BAM_REVBank Account Master Data Revsion information
FCLM_BAM_REVIWER[Obsoleted]Bank Account: Reviwer for review request
FCLM_BAM_REVWBank Account Review Phase Definition
FCLM_BAM_REVWLOGBank Account: Review Log
FCLM_BAM_SIGPayment Approver
FCLM_BAM_SIGCARTSignatory Card Text
FCLM_BAM_SIGGRPSignatory Group Definition
FCLM_BAM_SIGGRPTText table for signatory group
FCLM_BAM_SIGPTN1Singatory Pattern Definition I: General Case
FCLM_BAM_SIGPTN2Singatory Pattern Definition II: Special Case (Obsolete)
FCLM_BAM_SIGPTNDSignatory Pattern Determination
FCLM_BAM_SPRULEField Status Special Rule Definition
FCLM_BAM_SPRULEAField Status Special Rule Assignment
FCLM_BAM_SPRULEDField Status Special Rule
FCLM_BAM_SPRULETText table for Special Rule Definition
FCLM_BAM_SVSelection Variant
FCLM_BAM_SYC_JOBjob information for synchronizing bank and bank accounts
FCLM_BAM_WFMODEDefine Group Mode of Signatory Mass Change Requests
FCLM_BM_TIMELINEObsolete: Timeline data
FCLM_BNKA_BP_FSRelationship between Bank and Defaultable Business Partner
FCLM_NOTESDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
FCLM_SYNC_RECORDObsolete: store bam's synchronization system and status
T012K_HKTID_TDCPreset UI for House Bank Account
T012_HBKID_TDCPre-Activation UI for House Bank
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