FINS_FI_CLS_CUSTOMIZING - Customizing and Shared DDIC: Valuation Processes

The development package FINS_FI_CLS_CUSTOMIZING contains objects for "Customizing and Shared DDIC: Valuation Processes".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FINS_FI_CLS_VAL. It belongs to software component FI-GL-GL-G.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FINS_FI_CLS_CUSTOMIZING

FINSC_AGINCRMTAging increment
FINSC_AGINCRMT_TAging increment description
FINSC_AGING_TAging description
FINSC_AP_COAAccounting principle, chart of accounts configuration
FINSC_AP_COA_FSVAssign Accounting Prinicple to Financial Statement Version
FINSC_DIS_AP_DRAssign Discounting Rule to Accounting Principle
FINSC_DIS_DRLRules for Discounting of Journal Entry Line Items
FINSC_DIS_DRLTDescription of Rule for Discounting of Jrnl Entry Line Items
FINSC_DIS_DRSSteps of a Discounting Rule
FINSC_DIS_DRSAIDisctng Rule Step: Aging Increments and Interest Indicators
FINSC_DIS_DRSTDiscounting Rule Step Description
FINSC_DIS_DRS_GLDefine Accounts for Discounting
FINSC_DIS_PL_GLDefine Accounts for Discounting
FINSC_DIS_RSTEPDefine Steps of a Discounting Rule
FINSC_DIS_RSTEPTDiscounting Rule Step Description
FINSC_DIS_RS_AIAssign Discounting Rule Step to Aging Increment
FINSC_DIS_RS_GLAssign G/L Accounts to Discounting Rule Step
FINSC_ECL_RATESExpected credit loss rates
FINSC_FXVALRUL_TText table of closing FX Valuation Rule
FINSC_FXV_RSTEPDefine Foreign Currency Valuation Rule Step
FINSC_FXV_RSTEPTForeign Currency Valuation Rule Step Description
FINSC_FXV_RS_GLAccount Assignment for Foreign Currency Valuation Rule Step
FINSC_FX_PL_GLProfit and Loss GL accounts for Foreign Currency postings
FINSC_FX_VAL_RULClosing FX valuation Rule
FINSC_FX_VAL_SETFX valuation settings
FINSC_IMP_PL_GLProfit and Loss GL accounts for Impairment postings
FINSC_REM_CURRRemeasurement Currencies Mapping Rules
FINSC_VAL_ACTSettings for Activation of Valuation
FINSC_VAL_ACT_CLValuation activation for company code and Ledger
FINSC_VAL_AP_GRPAssign Grouping Rule to Accounting Principle
FINSC_VAL_AP_RLAssignment of Accounting Principle to Valuation Rule
FINSC_VAL_GRPRLRules for Grouping Journal Entry Line Items for Valuation
FINSC_VAL_GRPRTDescription of Rule for Grouping Jrnl Entry Line Items
FINSC_VAL_GRRSSteps of a Grouping Rule
FINSC_VAL_GRRSTGrouping Rule Step Description
FINSC_VAL_GRSFFObsolete table, replaced by new table FINSC_VAL_RSFF
FINSC_VAL_GRSFRObsolete table, replaced by new table FINSC_VAL_RSFR
FINSC_VAL_GRSGFGrouping Rule Step: Fields for Grouping
FINSC_VAL_RSFFValuation Rule Step Filter Condition: Fields
FINSC_VAL_RSFRValuation Rule Step Filter Condition: Field Ranges
FINSC_VAL_RULEDefine Valuation Rules
FINSC_VAL_RULETValuation Rule Description
FINSC_VAL_SETValuation Settings for Impairment Run
FINSC_VAL_TYPEFinancial Valuation Object Types
FINSC_VAL_TYPE_TFinancial Valuation Object Type Description
FINSTS_VAL_GRPRLSAP-Rules for Grouping Jrnl Entry Line Items for Valuation
FINSTS_VAL_GRPRTDescription of SAP-Rule for Grouping Jrnl Entry Line Items
FINSTS_VAL_GRRSSteps of a SAP-Grouping Rule
FINSTS_VAL_GRRSTDescription of a SAP-Grouping Rule Step
FINSTS_VAL_GRSFFSAP Grouping Rule Step Filter Condition: Fields
FINSTS_VAL_GRSFRSAP Grouping Rule Step Filter Condition: Field Ranges
FINSTS_VAL_GRSGFSAP Grouping Rule Step: Fields for Grouping
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