FINS_FI_MIG - Financial Accounting - Migration (SAP_FIN)

The development package FINS_FI_MIG contains objects for "Financial Accounting - Migration (SAP_FIN)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FINS_FI. It belongs to software component FIN-MIG.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FINS_FI_MIG

BSIM_BCKSecondary Index, Documents for Material
FGLT_GLTAB_SRCsFIN Migration: G/L source tables
FGL_MIG_BCFsFIN-Migration: Balance Carry Forward
FGL_MIG_CGLT_PPCust. table conversion: Parameters for parallel processes
FGL_MIG_SOURCEsFIN-Migration: Source Ledger Definition
FGL_SFIN_MIGsFIN: Migration of General Settings (Obsolete)
FGL_SFIN_NGLM_PPsFIN - New G/L Migration: Parameters for parallel processes
FINSC_MIG_CURRCurrency Settings for Migration
FINSTF_MIG_BANKBank Function Setting for Advising Bank
FINSTF_MIG_CCODESD-FT Company Code Mapping to TRM Company Code
FINSTF_MIG_DOCSD-FT Presented Document Mapping with TRM TF Document Types
FINSTF_MIG_FDSD-FT Financial Document Type Mapping with TRM Product Type
FINSTF_MIG_NEEDset migration Needs
FINSTF_MIG_STSTrade Finance: Migration completed
FINSTS_MIG_DRCRKHelper Table: Debit Crdit Indicator
FINST_RECERR_ACDReconciliation error ACDOCA
FINST_RECERR_CTReconciliation error GL (customer tables)
FINST_RECERR_CTGReconciliation generic error GL (customer tables)
FINST_RECERR_FIReconciliation error AP/AR/GL
FINST_RECERR_GENReconciliation error (generic)
FINS_CURTP_MAPMapping of Currency Type + Valuation to mixed Currency Type
FINS_DUMMY4Dummy table for record duplication
FINS_MIG_ACTVTYMigration activities
FINS_MIG_ANEKNear Zero Downtime Migration: Keys of changed ANEK entries
FINS_MIG_ANLCNear Zero Downtime Migration: Keys of changed assets
FINS_MIG_ANLPNear Zero Downtime Migration: Keys of Changed ANLP w/o AWREF
FINS_MIG_BSEGNear Zero Downtime Migration: Keys of changed BSEG entries
FINS_MIG_COCODEParticipating Company Code(s) for company code specific scen
FINS_MIG_COCODEHHistory: Participating company codes
FINS_MIG_COEPNear Zero Downtime Migration: Keys of changed COEP entries
FINS_MIG_CUSTDefine Offsetting Account Determination
FINS_MIG_PERIONear Zero Downtime Migration: Fiscal Periods with new data
FINS_MIG_PERIODSMigration: Periods
FINS_MIG_RUNsFIN migration run
FINS_MIG_RUN_ACTsFIN migration run: activity specific settings
FINS_MIG_RUN_PACHistory: Runid with OBT Package ID
FINS_MIG_SKA1Near Zero Downtime Migration: Changed SKA1/CSKA entries
FINS_MIG_STATUSOverall sFIN migration status
FINS_ML_ACCOUNTMaterial Ledger: Header Record
FINS_ML_INVACCInventory Stocks Account
FINS_UT_TRIGGERDummy table for Unit Test
FIN_CORR_ISSUEConversion to S/4HANA: Reconciliation Issues (ECC)
FIN_CORR_PACKAGEConversion to S/4HANA: Packages (ECC)
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