FIP_DDIC - DDIC package for Fresh Item Procurement

The development package FIP_DDIC contains objects for "DDIC package for Fresh Item Procurement".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FIP_CORE. It belongs to software component LO-RFM-OBS.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FIP_DDIC

FIP_C_BAL_BADICustomer defined assignment of access type per BAdI
FIP_C_BAL_CONFText table for client dependent access type
FIP_C_BAL_CONF_TCustomer defined global assignment of access type
FIP_C_BI_SYSTEMLogical System for BI Data Extraction
FIP_C_BUFFERINGCustomizing table for buffering data
FIP_C_DSTRGYCustomizing table for distribution strategies
FIP_C_DSTRGY_TText table for distribution strategies
FIP_C_FAIRSHARECustomizing table for fair share rules
FIP_C_FAIRSHAR_TText table for fair share rules
FIP_C_OLcustomizing table for procurement list
FIP_C_RNDSTGYCustomizing table for rounding strategies
FIP_C_RNDSTGY_TText table for fair share rules
FIP_C_STQTY_DETCustomizing table for stock quantity determination
FIP_D_BUFFER_OOQTable containing the Open Order Quantities buffered data
FIP_D_CONTRContract Data
FIP_D_DRDRelationships between supplying plant, material and recipien
FIP_D_FORECASTBuffer table for daily forecast values
FIP_D_MATFIP AoR Material Table
FIP_D_MAT_RCPNTRelationship Material and Recipients in FIP
FIP_D_MRMaterial range
FIP_D_MR_ITEMMaterial Range Item
FIP_D_ORDER_LINEOrder lines for FIP
FIP_D_PDT_TO_CUSInternal planned delivery time from suppl. Plant to customer
FIP_D_PDT_TO_DCExternal planned delivery time from vendor to suppl. plant
FIP_D_PDT_TO_STInternal planned delivery time from suppl. plant to store
FIP_D_PROMOPromotion data
FIP_D_PROMO_TPromotion data Texts
FIP_D_QUOTAQuotation Data
FIP_D_RCPNTRecipients for FIP
FIP_D_SPSupply Plants for FIP
FIP_D_SP_MATRelationship Supply Plants and Material for FIP
FIP_D_SP_MAT_RCPRelationship supplying plant, material, recipient for FIP
FIP_D_SP_MAT_VDRRelationship Supplying Plant, Material and Vendor for FIP
FIP_D_SP_PURFIP -- Area of Responsibility -- Purchasing table
FIP_D_SP_RCPNTRelationship Supply Plant and Recipient
FIP_D_SP_VENDORRelationship Supply Plants and Vendors for FIP
FIP_D_STAT_DATATable containing Material and Statistical Type entries
FIP_D_STAT_DQTable containing the Past Delivery Quantity statistical data
FIP_D_STAT_PERTable containing default Statistical Data Periods
FIP_D_STAT_POQTable containing the Past Purchase Order Quantity stat. data
FIP_D_STAT_RELStatistical Data Relationship Table between Data and Periods
FIP_D_STAT_ROQTable containing the Recipient Order Quantity stat. data
FIP_D_STAT_SQTable containing the Past Sales Quantity statistical data
FIP_D_STAT_TYPESTable containing the Statistical Data Types
FIP_D_STAT_TYPETStatistical Types Text Table
FIP_D_S_PRICESBuffer table for sales prices information
FIP_D_UPD_DAT_SPDate for last update of transactional buffer data for a SPLT
FIP_I_ACC_TYPESBackend Abstraction Layer Access Types
FIP_I_ACC_TYP_TText table for access types
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