FKK_MASSACT - FI-CA: Mass Activity Framework

The development package FKK_MASSACT contains objects for "FI-CA: Mass Activity Framework".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FI-CA. It belongs to software component FI-CA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FKK_MASSACT

DFKKENQTemporary Lock Entries for Mass Activities
DFKKRPLLink from Mass Run Interval for Application Log
FKKDIHDRFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - header
FKKDIHDTMPFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of header
FKKDIHDTMP_GRPFI-CA: Interval Processing - Distribution to Job Groups
FKKDIJOBFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - table of jobs
FKKDIPOSFI-CA: Distribution of intervals - items
FKKDIPOTMPFI-CA: Distrib. of intervals - temporal copy of items
FKKDISTARTFI-CA: Flag to Optimize Start of Job
FKKDISTOPFI-CA: Flag for exiting jobs early
INTSTATExplanations for Interval Status (Table FKKDIPOTMP)
INTSTATTExplanations for Interval Status (Table FKKDIPOTMP)
TFK005DDeletion objects
TFK005DTTexts for TFK005D
TFK005D_CUSTDeletion Objects Deviations from Default Settings
TFK090AMass Activity Types
TFK090ATContract A/R & A/P Activities - Activity Type (Texts)
TFK090BMass Activities: List of Add. Functions fr.Environment Menu
TFK090CMass Activities: Permitted Synchronization Objects
TFK090DOBSOLETE - Mass Activity - Modification Nos for Field Sel.
TFK090_CATMass Activities: Additional Characteristic
TFK090_CATTMass Activities: Texts of Additional Characteristics
TFK090_COUNTERDefinition Table of Counters for Mass Activities
TFK090_CUSTMass Activities: Settings
TFKDIObjects permitted to be distributed in intervals
TFKDIDModule for Deleting the Intervals in the Additional Table
TFKDIDTText Table: Deletion of Intervals in the Additional Table
TFKDIFObjects permitted to be distributed in intervals
TFKDIFTTexts on permitted objects for distribution in intervals
TFKDITTexts on permitted objects for distribution in intervals
TFKDO_TYPJob Type Customizing
TFKDO_TYPTTexts concerning permitted values for job type
TFKMSGARecording of Problem Classes of Messages
TFKMSGCProblem Class of Messages (Customer)
TFKMSGSProblem Class of Messages (Standard)
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