FMCAD - PSCD: Basics & Documents

The development package FMCAD contains objects for "PSCD: Basics & Documents".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FMCA_MAIN. It belongs to software component IS-PS-CA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FMCAD

DFMCAALOTWrite-Off of Documents with Approval
DFMCADLOTDocument Resubmission
DFMCAILOTPSCD: Approval List Installment Plans
DFMCAINVInvoice in IS-PS-CA: Header Data
DFMCA_BRF_MSGTax Calculation and Validation: Error Messages
DFMCA_CORRM_ICRTemp table for saving enhanced ICR setting for manual corr.
DFMCA_CRPAApproval List for Document Changes
DFMCA_INCORR_CRGenerated Inbound Correspondence Request for Category/Period
FMOPBLDocument Reference IS-PS <=> IS-PS-CA
TFICA_DEFSamples for Contract Account Types
TFMCA001Status for Generation of Inbound Correspondence
TFMCA001TStatus for Inbound Correspondence: Texts
TFMCA002Definition: Tolerance for Inbound Correspondence Due Date
TFMCA003Invoice Types
TFMCA003TInvoice Types Texts
TFMCA004Parameters for Main/Sub-Transactions
TFMCA005Versions for Plan and Sample Documents
TFMCA005TTexts for Versions for Plan and Sample Documents
TFMCA006Interpretation Selection Values Application of Funds
TFMCA007Account Determination ID for Contract Objects
TFMCA007TAccount Determination ID for Contract Objects - Texts
TFMCA008Company Code-Dependent Indicator for Subtransactions
TFMCA_BIBasic Settings for BI Extractors
TFMCA_CORRM_ICRCustomizing table of enhanced ICR setting for manual corr.
TFMCA_CORRM_ICR0Customizing table of enhanced ICR setting for manual corr.
TFMCA_ECMD_DEFDefinition of Template Structure for ECMD
TFMCA_ECMD_ENTTemplates for Simplified Master Data Creation (ECMD)
TFMCA_INCORR_FRMRelationship Between Inbound Corr. Category and Form Type
TFMCA_INCORR_PERPeriod Definition for Inbound Correspondence
TFMCA_INCORR_PRPreprints for Inbound Correspondence
TFMCA_INCORR_PRTDescription on Forms for Inbound Correspondence
TFMCA_INCORR_RLTime-Dependent Definition of Enhanced Inbound Correspondence
TFMCA_INCORR_RVPAssignment of Inbnd Corresp. Category to VKTYP and PSOBTYP
TFMCA_LOGAPApplications that create messages for tax calculation
TFMCA_OIPublic Sector-Specific Trigger Filtering
TFMCA_REMINDERReminder Letter for Inbound Corresp.
TFMCA_REV2PERDefine Tax Periods for Revenue Types
TFMCA_REVTYPETTexts Revenue Types
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