FPB_EXPRESS_PLANNING - Express Planning (Framework)

The development package FPB_EXPRESS_PLANNING contains objects for "Express Planning (Framework)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FIN_TOOLS. It belongs to software component EP-PCT-MGR-CO.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FPB_EXPRESS_PLANNING

FPB_EXP_CA_ASSMExpress Planning: Assignments Context Elem. / Roadmap Elem.
FPB_EXP_CA_ITMExpress Planning: Elements of the Context Area (Obsolete)
FPB_EXP_CA_ITM1Express Planning: Elements of the Context Area
FPB_EXP_CA_ITM1TExpress Planning: Texts for Elements of Context Area
FPB_EXP_CA_ITMTExpress Planning: Element Labels (Obsolete)
FPB_EXP_COMMENTExpress Planning: Comments
FPB_EXP_CUS_ITMExpress Planning: Customizing Elements, Inst, WA, CA
FPB_EXP_CUS_ITMTExpress Planning: Texts for Customizing Elements
FPB_EXP_GRP_STPExpress Planning: Assignment of Substeps to Steps
FPB_EXP_HIERExpress Planning: Object Hierarchies for Planning Instances
FPB_EXP_INSTExpress Planning: Instances
FPB_EXP_INSTRUCTExpress Planning: Instruction Texts
FPB_EXP_INSTTExpress Planning: Instance Texts
FPB_EXP_INS_MAILExpress Planning: Standard E-Mails
FPB_EXP_ISRISR Sent to Express Planning Instances
FPB_EXP_MAILSTACExpress Planning: Stack of Mails to be Sent
FPB_EXP_OBJECTSExpress Planning: Persistence of the Objects after Submit
FPB_EXP_OBJSERVExpress Planning: Object Services
FPB_EXP_OBJTYPEExpress Planning: Object Types of Express Planning
FPB_EXP_OBJTYPETExpress Planning: Text for Object Types
FPB_EXP_PATHSNavigation Paths for Express Planning
FPB_EXP_ROLEExpress Planning: User Roles for Planning Rounds
FPB_EXP_ROLETASKExpress Planning: Persistence Objects for User Role
FPB_EXP_SCENExpress Planning: Scenarios
FPB_EXP_SCENTExpress Planning: Scenario Texts
FPB_EXP_SCEN_GRPExpress Planning: Assignment of Steps to Scenarios
FPB_EXP_SECTExpress Planning: Context Area Sections
FPB_EXP_SETTINGSExpress Planning Customizing: General Settings
FPB_EXP_SRVExpress Planning: Services
FPB_EXP_SRVOTYPExpress Planning: Object Types and Planning Services Allowed
FPB_EXP_SRVOTYPSExpress Planning: Object Types and Planning Services Allowed
FPB_EXP_SRVTExpress Planning: Texts for Services
FPB_EXP_STATExpress Planning: Status Management
FPB_EXP_STPExpress Planning: Planning Substeps
FPB_EXP_STPGRPExpress Planning: Steps
FPB_EXP_STPGRPTExpress Planning: Groups or Planning Steps (Texts)
FPB_EXP_STPTExpress Planning: Texts for Substeps
FPB_EXP_UINSTExpress Planning: User Instance
FPB_EXP_USCENExpress Planning: Application Scenario per iView and User
FPB_EXP_VARVALExpress Planning: Value Assignment to Variables (SAP & Ext.)
FPB_EXP_VAR_EXTExpress Planning: Customer-Specific Variables
FPB_EXP_VAR_EXTTExpress Planning: Customer-Specific Variables Texts
FPB_EXP_VAR_SAPExpress Planning: SAP Standard Variables
FPB_EXP_VAR_SAPTExpress Planning: SAP Standard Variables
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