FQST - Infrastructure for withholding tax

The development package FQST contains objects for "Infrastructure for withholding tax".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-AP-AP-Q.

Child development packages of FQST

Tables for development package FQST

KNBWCustomer master record (withholding tax types) X
QSTRCRITGrouping Criteria for List Output for W/holding Tax Report.
QSTRDSRData Source for Reporting Extended Withholding Tax
QSTRDSRTTexts for Data Sources for Reporting Ext. Withholding Tax
QSTRLSTList Configuration for Reporting Extended Withholding Tax
QSTRLST_CRITGroup.Criteria for List Config. for Ext.W/holding Tax Report
QSTRVARReporting Variants RFWTINT10
QSTRVARFFree Selection for Generic Withholding Tax Reporting
QSTRVARTReport Variants RFWTINT10 Texts
REGUPWW/tax information per w/tax type/FI line item in pmnt run
RF07Withholding tax in Italy : Modello 770 - additional data
T001RWTRounding rules for company code, withhold.tax type and curr.
T001WTCompany code-specific information per withholding tax type
T007CGroupings for tax codes
T007DTexts for Tax Groups
T059CTypes of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type
T059DTypes of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type
T059FBFormulae for calculating withholding tax (new functions)
T059FBHW/tax formulae: Header
T059KWithholding tax code and processing key
T059MINMAXMinimum and maximum amounts for withholding tax
T059OOfficial withholding tax key - Descriptions
T059OTText table: Official withholding tax key descriptions
T059PWithholding tax types
T059REXTReporting key (new withholding tax)
T059UText Table: Withholding Tax Types
T059VReasons for exemption per withholding tax type
T059WReasons for exemption per withholding tax type
T059ZWithholding tax code (enhanced functions)
T059ZTText table: Withholding tax codes
T059ZZINSWithholding tax code for interest calculation
T059Z_WITHCD2Entity Table: Additional Official Withholding Tax Code
T059Z_WITHCD2TText Table: Additional Official Withholding Tax Code
WITH_CTNCLNumbering class for withholding tax certificate numbers
WITH_CTNCLTNumbering class text table for withholding tax certificate
WITH_CTNCO1Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 1
WITH_CTNCO2Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 2
WITH_CTNCO3Withholding tax certificate numbering concept 3
WITH_CTNCOKEYWithholding tax certificate numbering: Concepts
WITH_CTNCOKEYTXTTexts: Withholding tax certificate numbering concepts
WITH_CTNGRNumbering group for withholding tax certificate numbers
WITH_CTNGRTNumbering group text table for withholding tax certificate
WITH_CTNUMAllocation of numbering group to numbering class
WITH_EXCL_STR_HDDerivation Strategies for Exclusion of Lines in Withhold.Tax
WITH_EXCL_STR_TDerivation Strategies for Exclusion (Texts)
WITH_EXCL_WITHTAssignment to Withholding Tax Type
WITH_ITEMWitholding tax info per W/tax type and FI line item
WITH_ITEM_EXCLWithholding Tax Info per WTax Type (Exclusion)
WTADCumulative values for accounts receivable
WTADPCumulative values for accounts receivable (payment proposal)
WTADPNCumulative values for accounts receivable (payment proposal)
WTAKCumulative values for accounts payable
WTAKPCumulative values for accounts payable (payment proposal)
WTAKPNCumulative values for accounts payable (payment proposal)
WTREPDATEActivation Withholding Tax Reporting Date
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