FTA - R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen

The development package FTA contains objects for "R/3 appl. development for Treasury money,forex,forward gen".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_TRM. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTA

AT01Transaction Category
AT01TName of Transaction Category
AT02Transaction Activity Category
AT02ATransaction Code for Menu TIMN
AT02TTransaction Activity Category: Description
AT03Diary Functions
AT03TDiary Function: Description
AT05Processing Categories
AT05TName: Processing Category
AT06Allocation of Processing Categories to Activity Categories
AT07Category of Flows and Conditions
AT07TName of category for flows and conditions
AT08Allocation: Application to Category of Flows and Conditions
AT09Posting category
AT09TPosting type: Name
AT10Transaction Types
AT100Treasury Additions to User Master
AT10BTreasury: Customizing for Valuation
AT10TName of Transaction Type
AT10XForex Attributes for Transaction Types
AT11Allocation of Condition Types to Transaction Types
AT13Allocation of Flow Types to Transaction Types
AT13UFlow types for transfer posting for activity transition
AT14Status Transfers
AT16Treasury: Fixing Settings for Forex Transactions
AT18Treasury: Valid Formulas
AT181Treasury: Subsequent Screen Control - Initial Item Groups
AT181TTreasury: Texts for Subsequent Screen Control Init.Pos.Group
AT185Treasury: Starting Values for Subsequent Screen Control
AT19Supplements to Flow Types
AT20Supplements to Condition Types
AT21Generate derived flows
AT22Procedure to Generate Derived Flows
AT22TProcedure to Generate Derived Flows: Name
AT23Procedure for Calculating Derived Flows
AT23TProcedure for Calculating Derived Flow: Name
AT24Currency-Dependent Rules for Calculating Derived Flows
AT25Amount-Dependent Rules for Calculating Derived Flows
AT50Future/Option Groups
AT50TDescription of Options/Futures Groups
AT51Margin Types
AT51TText Table for Margin Types
AT52Expiry Date Type
AT52TName of expiration date types
AT53Due Date Category
AT60Definition of Treasury Functions for Activity Processing
AT60TDescription of Treasury Functions for Activity Editing
AT80Treasury: Correspondence Control MM, FX, DE, SE
AT80PReplacement Table for Correspondence Printer
AT81Correspondence type
AT81TName of correspondence type
AT90Type of manual reversal of posted flows
AT90TName of manual reversal type for posted flows
ATFTACFM: Assign Transaction Flow Type to Update Type
ATMAType of Master Agreement
ATMATType of Master Agreement: Name
ATO1Check Table for Option Categories
ATO1TText Table for ATO1
ATORTable of Limit Types
ATORTText Table for Limit Types
ATPATreasury: Product Type Supplements
ATQCCFM: Assign Volume Change Category to Flow Category
ATVC2Descriptions of Calculation Routines
FTR_AVG_ASGNAssign one flow to many adjustments for average
OTC_CONV_AFINKOBackup Table for Fin. Transaction Alternative Conditions
OTC_CONV_FHAPOBackup Table for Financial Transaction Flows
OTC_CONV_FHAZUBackup Table for Financial Transaction Activities
OTC_CONV_FINKOBackup Table for Financial Transaction Conditions
OTC_CONV_IAFINKOBackup Table for Transaction Underlying Old Conditions
OTC_CONV_IFHAPOBackup Table for Underlying Transaction Flows
OTC_CONV_IFINKOBackup Table for Financial Transaction Underlying Conditions
TCURLLeading Currency
TMODVField Selection: Assign Fields to Field Groups
TRBRGAuthorization Group for Treasury Transactions
TRBRGTAuthorization Group for Treasury Transactions
TWPOBPortfolio position
TWPOB_TPortfolio position (desciption)
TZKN1Fields as influencing factors for acct assignment reference
TZKN2Allocation of values to value groups
TZKN2TAllocation of values to value groups
TZKN6Allocation of charact. group to acct.ass.ref. via invoice no
TZKN7Acct assignment reference via the invoice no.
VTB2TRDLink Between Financial Transaction Flow and Distributor Flow
VTBACCOUNTTR: G/L account - Master Data Extensions Treasury
VTBAFINKOAlternative Conditions
VTBFASGTAccount Assignment of a Financial Transaction Flow
VTBFATHDAcct Assmt Templates for PS Mult. Acct Assmts: Header Info.
VTBFATHD_TText Table for Account Assignment Templates
VTBFATITAcct Assmt Templates for PS Mult. Acct Assmts: Line Info.
VTBFHAPOTransaction Flow
VTBFHAPO_MIGRMigrated Financial Flows
VTBFHAPO_UNFIXEDNon-Fixed Financial Transaction Flows
VTBFHAZUTransaction Activity
VTBFININHeader Table for Financial Products
VTBFINKOTransaction Condition
VTBFKTLOGTreasury: Sequence of Functions for Activity Processing
VTBKORESCorrespondence Data
VTBKORTMSTreasury: TemSe Administration Data for Confirmation Runs
VTBMAMaster Agreement
VTBMACRM. Agreement: Permitted Currencies
VTBMADTMast. Agreement: Permitted Trans. Types
VTBMALEMaster Agreement: Permitted Co. Codes
VTBMAPAMaster Agreement: Permitted Bus. Partners
VTBPFHAPOTreasury: Flow Shells
VTBRATERate for Activity
VTBSIANF**Caution! Do not use. Will be deleted!!
VTBTEKALTreasury: Due Date Management
VTBTRA1Transaction Authoriz. for Traders
VTBZVPayment Details for Transaction
VTB_TRADER_AUTHTransparent Table for Trader Authorizations
VTVSZCVOScenario database: exchange rate volatilities
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