FTR_EXPOSURE_MANAGEMENT - NeXt Exposure Management

The development package FTR_EXPOSURE_MANAGEMENT contains objects for "NeXt Exposure Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_TRM. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTR_EXPOSURE_MANAGEMENT

TEXC_ATTRD_TDescription of free attributes
TEXC_ATTR_LAttribute values for Long attributes
TEXC_ATTR_L_TTexts for attribute values of short attributes
TEXC_ATTR_MAttribute values for short attributes
TEXC_ATTR_M_TTexts for attribute values of short attributes
TEXC_ATTR_SAttribute values for short attributes
TEXC_ATTR_S_TTexts for attribute values of short attributes
TEXC_CMN_CONSTCommon Configurable Constants Table
TEXC_EXPC_SEQExposure Category Sequence Type
TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_AAssignment of Exposure Category Sequence Type
TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_DDefine Exposure Category Sequence
TEXC_EXPC_SEQ_TDescription Exposure Category Sequence Type
TEXC_EXPTYP_FLDSExposure Type Fields
TEXC_EXP_ACTExposure Activity
TEXC_EXP_ACT_TDescription Exposure Activity
TEXC_EXP_CATExposure Category
TEXC_EXP_CAT_TDescription Exposure Category
TEXC_EXP_FLW_TYPRaw Exposure Activity Type
TEXC_EXP_GLB_SETExposure Management NeXt Gen. Global Settings
TEXC_EXP_TYPEExposure Position Type
TEXC_EXP_TYPE_TExposure Position Type Text
TEXC_EX_FL_TYP_TRaw Exposure Activity Type Text
TEXC_INT_MESHandling of messages in the Treasury Exposure Notification
TEXC_MAP_INMapping for Incoming Raw Exposures
TEXC_POS_UPDDeactivate Exposure Position and flow update
TEXC_PRO_TSKProcess parallelization
TEXTC_ARCHIVEMinimum retention period per company code for archiving
TEXTS_ACTIVITYSub item / Sub raw exposure activity table
TEXTS_ACTIVITY_TText table for activities
TEXTS_ATTRSUFSuffixes of free attributes
TEXTS_ATTRSUF_TSuffixes of free attributes
TEXTS_FLOWCATFlow categories
TEXTS_FLOWCAT_TFlow category texts
TEXTS_KEYFIGKey Figures of Exposure Positions
TEXTS_KEYFIG_TDescription of Key Figures
TEXT_ARCH_CTRLControl table for Exposure Archiving
TEXT_ARCH_LOGArchive trace log info
TEXT_COMM_LOGCommunication log
TEXT_CTY_SPLITMaintenance of Commodity Split Items (obsolete)
TEXT_POSF_DCS_PRExposure Position Flow DCS Pricing Data (obsolete)
TEXT_POSF_PRICESExposure Position Flow Pricing Data (obsolete)
TEXT_POSITIONSExposure Positions
TEXT_POS_FLOWExposure Position Flows
TEXT_REXP_BAS_PRRaw Exposure Item Basis Pricing Data (obsolete)
TEXT_REXP_DCS_PRRaw Exposure Item DCS Pricing Data (obsolete)
TEXT_REXP_DLYRaw Exposure Item Delivery Data
TEXT_REXP_FO_IDXIndex for Financial Object Raw Exposure (TC)
TEXT_REXP_ITEMRaw Exposure Item
TEXT_REXP_PRICESRaw Exposure Item Pricing Data (obsolete)
TEXT_REXP_SUBITSub Raw Exposures (Split Items)
TEXT_TRANSACTIONUnmatched Exposure Business Transactions
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