FTR_GENERAL - CFM TM: Application Basis / Global Objects

The development package FTR_GENERAL contains objects for "CFM TM: Application Basis / Global Objects".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_TRM. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTR_GENERAL

TRGC_AMORTPROC_TOLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure Texts
TRGC_AMORT_PROCOLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure
TRGC_ASYN_FIX_RGAsynchronous Fixing for Each Product Type
TRGC_AUTO_INI_VAAutomatic Valuation Area Initialization
TRGC_CFG_CNTXTConfiguration Context
TRGC_COM_VALCLGeneral valuation class
TRGC_COM_VALCL_TTreasury: General Valuation Class (Text)
TRGC_CVC1Assignment of Product Cat. and Trans. Cat. to GVC Group
TRGC_CVC_GRDefinition: Grouping of General Valuation Class
TRGC_CVC_GR_ASSAssignment of General Valuation Class to Group
TRGC_CVC_GR_STATAssignment of General Valuation Class to Group
TRGC_DERIV_ASSGNTreasury: Assignment of Derivation Categories
TRGC_DER_ONLINEControl Derived Business Transactions
TRGC_DFTSOURCASSAssign Update Types to Usages
TRGC_DF_QUANTCATPrel. Solution: Assignm.: Update Type - Pos.Mgmnt Cat. Units
TRGC_FICLASSFinancial Instrument Classification
TRGC_FICLASS_PTClassification of Product and Transaction Types
TRGC_FICLASS_TFinancial Instruments Classification Description
TRGC_FICLASS_TYFinancial Instrument Classification Type
TRGC_FICLASS_TYTFinancial Instrument Classification Type Descrptions
TRGC_IMP_PROCImpairment Procedure
TRGC_IMP_PROC_TImpairment Procedure Text
TRGC_OLDVALCLASSTreasury: Rel. Betw. Previous and General Valuation Classes
TRGC_OP_VAL_AREADefine alternative paying valuation area
TRGC_PARParallel Processing Control
TRGC_PARAMAssignment of Parameters and Parameter Values
TRGC_PAY_RELPayment Relevance of Update Type
TRGC_PC_EXCLProduct Cats of the Parallel Valn Areas to be Excluded
TRGC_PG_EXCLProduct Groups to be Excluded in the Parallel Val. Areas
TRGC_PL_ASGNFTYPAssignment of Profit/Loss Types to Flow Type
TRGC_PL_ASSIGNAssign Profit/Loss Types to Update Type and Valuation Area
TRGC_PL_CATEDefine/Maintain Profit/Loss Types
TRGC_PL_CATE_TText Table for Profit/Loss Types
TRGC_PM_PROCTreasury: Position Management Procedure
TRGC_PM_PROC_ASSAssignment of Position Management Procedure
TRGC_PM_PROC_TTreasury: Position Management Procedure Texts
TRGC_PT_EXCLProduct Types to be Excluded in the Parallel Val. Areas
TRGC_TAC_VAAssignment of Accounting Code to Valuation Area
TRGC_TAXCFM: Derivation Rules for Tax Flows
TRGC_TR_ACC_CODEAccounting Code
TRGC_VALCLS_MAPTreasury: Asst of Gen. ValnCl. to ValnCl. for each Valn Area
TRGC_VAL_AREAValuation Areas
TRGC_VAL_CLASSTreasury: Valuation Class
TRGC_VAL_CLASS_TTreasury: Valuation Class (Text)
TRGC_VA_ACCPR_LKLink Accounting Principle to Valuation Area
TRGTS_BT_CONTROLControl of Relevant/Irrelevant Bus.Transactions for Partners
TRGTS_CMP_PMCATAssignment of Position Change Categories to Components
TRGTS_COMPTR Position Management: Position Components (Definition)
TRGTS_COMPGRPTR Position Management: Position Component Grps (Definition)
TRGTS_COMPGRPASNTR: Position Components (Assignment)
TRGTS_COMPGRP_TTR Position Management: Position Component Groups (Text)
TRGTS_COMP_TTreasury: Position Components (Text)
TRGTS_DCOMRULETR Position Management: Derived Components (Assignment)
TRGTS_DFT_SOURCEUses of Update Types
TRGTS_DFT_SOURCTTexts: Uses for Update Types
TRGTS_FICLASSFinancial Instrument Classification Category
TRGTS_FICLASS_TFinancial Instrument Classification Category Description
TRGTS_INIT_FUNCTFunction Modules for Maintaining Pos. Values for Parallel VA
TRGTS_INIT_RULERules for Processing Initialization Steps
TRGTS_INIT_STEPSteps for Initializing Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGTS_INIT_ST_TSteps for Initializing Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGTS_PAR_DEF_TDescriptions for Parameters
TRGTS_PERSTreasury Position Mgmt: Persistence Service Function Module
TRGTS_PG_CONTROLControl of Relevant and Irrelevant Product Groups
TRGTS_SOURCESources of Information
TRGTS_SOURCE_TText Table Origin
TRGT_BACKUPACCGRBackup Table Prelim. Sol. - Position Mgmt - Sec. Acct Group
TRGT_BW_ACTIVEBW Link for Parallel Position Management Active
TRGT_INITInitialization of Parallel Valuation Areas
TRGT_MIG_BTACTData Table for Flows
TRGT_MIG_CC_PTConverted Company Codes and Product Types
TRGT_SECACCASGNObsolete: Do Not Use Anymore!
TRGT_SECACCGRPSecurities Account Groups (Definition)
TRGT_TRANS_REVALTable with Revaluation Structures for Transfer to TR Ledger
TRGT_USER_DATATR Position Management - User Data
TRLT_TRANS_DELDeleted TRL Transactions (BW Only)
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