The development package FTR_LEGAL_REPORTING contains objects for "Legal Reporting".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_TRM. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTR_LEGAL_REPORTING

TLRC_FICLASSFinancial Instrument Classification used in Report Type
TLRC_MESSAGEAssignment of Report Type to Message Category
TLRC_REP_TYPELegal Report Type
TLRC_REP_TYPE_TLegal Report Type Description
TLRC_TARO_ALLIDTrade Repository: Allowed ID Categories
TLRC_TARO_COLTrade Repository: Fields for Collateral
TLRC_TARO_COMPTrade Repository: Company Specific Settings
TLRC_TARO_FICLASTrade Repository: Allowed Product Classification
TLRC_TARO_FICTYMTrade Repository: Product Classification Type Mapping
TLRC_TARO_IDTYMTrade Repository: ID Type Mapping
TLRC_TARO_MODTrade Repository: Fields for separate Modifications
TLRC_TARO_TARTrade Repository
TLRC_TARO_TAR_ASAssignment of Trade Repository
TLRC_TARO_TAR_TText table for trade register
TLRC_TARO_VALTrade Repository: Fields for Valuation
TLRC_THM_CNTRYCountries belonging to a legal basis
TLRC_THM_ENTITYThreshold Entities
TLRC_THM_ENT_CCThreshold Entities assigned Comp.Codes
TLRC_THM_IGThreshold Instrument Group
TLRC_THM_IG_TXTText Table Threshold Instrument Group
TLRC_THM_LIMITLimit Amounts per TIG
TLRC_THM_PROD_IGAssign Products to Instrument Groups
TLRC_THM_SCHEMEThreshold Scheme Definition
TLRE_THM_SCHEMELegal Basis Definition
TLRTS_MSG_CATLegal Report Message Categories
TLRTS_MSG_CAT_TMessage Category Description
TLRT_RISKM_DERDerivation for Risk Mitigation Indicator
TLRT_TARO_ADMTrade Repository Object Administrative Data
TLRT_TARO_CNTTrade Repository: Content
TLRT_TARO_DMSStoring the TARO documents in DMS
TLRT_TARO_DOCTrade Repository: Documents
TLRT_TARO_MMFMismatched fields reported by trade repository
TLRT_TARO_PFIELDTrade Repository: Protected Fields
TLRT_TARO_PREFIDTrade Repository: Preferred ID Type
TLRT_THM_RES_HThreshold Result Header Data
TLRT_THM_RES_POSThreshold Result Position Data
TLRT_THM_RES_TIGThreshold Result Instrument Group Data
TLRT_TRADE_IDTrade Identifier for Financial Transactions
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