The development package FTR_TRL_HEDGE_MANAGEMENT contains objects for "New Hedge Management".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_TRM. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM-TR.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTR_TRL_HEDGE_MANAGEMENT

THXC_FLOWTYPETreasury: Update types based on a Product Type
THXC_FLOWTYPE_EXTreasury: Update types for Open and Close
THXC_HINST_PTYPEHedge scenerio : List of product types allowed
THXC_HITEM_PTYPEHedge scenerio : List of product types allowed
THXC_HR_CLASSClasses of Hedging Relationships
THXC_HR_CLASS_TClasses of hedging relationsships
THXC_HR_PROFLProfile of hedging relationships
THXC_HR_PROFL_Tdescriptions for profiles of hedging relationsships
THXC_NR_RNG_ASSNumber Ranges Assignment for P-Hedge Accounting
THXTS_HDG_SCENHedge Relationship scenerio
THXTS_HDG_SCEN_THedge Relationship scenerio
THXTS_HINST_PCATHedge Scenerio : List of product categories allowed
THXTS_HITEM_PCATHedge scenerio : List of product categories allowed
THXT_GROUP1_VALTable for values of grouping 1
THXT_GROUP2_VALTable for values of grouping 1
THXT_GROUP_CUSTCustomizing for Hedge Relationship Groupings
THXT_GROUP_CUSTTText Customizing for Hedge Relationship Groupings
THXT_HDOCDB table for storing the Hedge Documentation.
THXT_HDOC_DMSStoring the hedge documentation documents
THXT_HINSTHedge Instrument DB Table
THXT_HITEMHedge Item DB table
THXT_HRELHedging Relationship DB Table
THXT_HREL_INITHedging Relationship Initialization Transactions
THXT_HR_FLOWSTreasury: Hedging Relationship Flows
THXT_HR_TESTPLANHedging - Effectivity Test Plan
THXT_HR_TRANSTreasury: Hedging Relationship Transactions
THXT_MD_ACC_KFMarket Data: Hedge Accounting Key Figures
THXT_MD_ET_INTRmarket data reference interest rate
THXT_MD_ET_YCmarket data yield curve type
THXT_MD_HEADERmarket data: header information
THXT_MD_HRPARAMSMarket Data: Hedge related parameters
THXT_MD_INTRmarket data reference interest rate
THXT_MD_PVmarket data present value
THXT_MD_SECmarket data securities price
THXT_MD_YCmarket data yield curve type
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