FTR_TRL_POS_ATTRIBUTES - Position Attributes for IFRS9

The development package FTR_TRL_POS_ATTRIBUTES contains objects for "Position Attributes for IFRS9".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_TRM. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTR_TRL_POS_ATTRIBUTES

TRPAC_CUT_ASSGNUpdate Types for Contract Modification
TRPAC_DFLTGRPASGAssignment of Default Types to Default Type Groups
TRPAC_DFLT_GRPDefault Type Group
TRPAC_DFLT_GRP_TDefault Type Group Text
TRPAC_PM_PROCChanges to pm procedure due to position classifier
TRPAC_POS_CLS_HDPosition Classifier Header Definition
TRPAC_POS_CLS_HTPosition Classifier Header Definition Texts
TRPAC_POS_CLS_VLValue Table for Position Classifier
TRPAC_POS_CLS_VTTexts for Position Classifier Values
TRPAC_POS_CONSDefinition of a valid combinition of val. cl., BM and SPPI
TRPAC_PS_CL_ACTActivation of the Position Classifier per Acc Code/Val Area
TRPAC_PS_CL_ODRDefinition of Position Classifier Relevant Settings
TRPAC_REPLACEStage dependent replacement of Loss Allowance Update Types
TRPAC_SUT_ASSGNUpdate Types for Classifier Transfer
TRPAS_BTC_PREVBustranscat Exceptions for Stage Transfer
TRPAT_BM_DEFDefine the level of the Business Model
TRPAT_CLEAR_EXCException for Clearing Loss Allowance (Not Affecting P/L)
TRPAT_CMF_GL_VALContractual Change Gain or Loss
TRPAT_CONTR_MODIClassifier Transfer Transaction Table
TRPAT_DEF_RATESDefault Rates for LGD and PD Values
TRPAT_INIT_CLASSAdjustment of Initial Classifier
TRPAT_LA_LOGAssignes a LA Calculation Log to a Business Transaction ID
TRPAT_POS_CLASSPosition Classifier
TRPAT_POS_FLOWClassifier Transfer Flow Table
TRPAT_POS_TRANSClassifier Transfer Transaction Table
TRPAT_TARGET_STATarget stage for stage transfer
TRPAT_WRO_LA_VALIndicator for write-off and target loss allowance value
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