FTVV - TR - Objects from FVV in both Loans/Securities areas

The development package FTVV contains objects for "TR - Objects from FVV in both Loans/Securities areas".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS_TRLO. It belongs to software component FIN-FSCM-TRM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTVV

FTVVT_KWG_MDMaster Data for KWG Relevant Business Partners
TDXBLDocuments not updated which are sent to the R/2 system
TFKY3Serves as check table (for issuer help-view structure)
TFKY4Serves as check table for depos. bank help-view structure
TWL1List sort sequence (Position/Trend/Revenue lists)
TWL1TTexts for TWL1 (Sort sequence)
TWL2Sort sequence lists + control parameters
TWL2SSpecial group key sort sequence
TWL3List Display Sequence (Position List)
TWL3TTexts for TWL3 (Position list output sequence)
TWL4Output sequence lists + control parameters
TWL5Display sequence (check table)-previously only revenue list
TWL5TTexts for TWL5 (Revenue list output sequence)
TWL6Display sequence (formerly only revenue list, now all)
TWZ03Result types text table, texts for summarization types
TWZ10Event groups (summarization of values (temporary))
TZBKFinancial Assets Management valuation areas
TZCURC_EUEMU Basket Currencies
TZDEATrader register
TZPLPFinancial Assets Management Plausibility Checks
TZRCLTreasury: Valuation Classes
TZRPRTreasury: Valuation Principles
TZRPTValuation principle description
TZRR0Treasury: Valuation Areas
TZRR1Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code Level
TZRR2Treasury: Valuation Areas at Company Code/Product Type Level
TZRRTTreasury: Name of Valuation Areas
TZSBWValuation methods
TZSTReasons for reversal
TZST1Reasons for reversal (Text table)
TZT01Derivation rules for tax flows
TZWR0Valuation in cross-depot
TZWR1Valuation in sec.acct position
VDCSPREADCredit Spread per Loan
VVWKN1OBSOLETE - Fields as factors for secondary data
VVWKN2Allocation of values to value groups
VVWKN6Alloc. of charac.group to second.term via the invoice no.
VVWKN7Charact.group - Secondary values alloc. (via the inv.no.)
VVWL8Output sequence
VVZSFELDInternal transfer structure for VZSFELD
VZDFELDAttributes for output fields
VZDTXTAttributes for display fields: Country texts
VZSFELDSort field ID's: Version 2.0
VZSTXTSort field names: Texts
VZWVACheck table for deadline monitoring
VZZKOKOTable condition header
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