FTW1 - Data Retention Tool

The development package FTW1 contains objects for "Data Retention Tool".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component CA-GTF-DRT.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FTW1

DARTEOL_LOGLock object for log file
TXA_C_BUKRSSettings for company codes
TXW_COUNTRY_CODEDART: Country name and country code for FEC
TXW_C_BUKRSSettings for company codes
TXW_C_GLOGlobal settings (fields from structure TXW_GLOBAL)
TXW_C_REFReference for currency/amount fields
TXW_C_RELARelations of tables and domains
TXW_C_SKIP_SEGCustomizing skip segments
TXW_C_SOEXSource tables and export structures
TXW_C_STRCSegment structures
TXW_C_STRC_TSegment structures - texts
TXW_C_V0Data view: Header
TXW_C_V0TData view: Description
TXW_C_V1Data view: Data segments
TXW_C_V2Data view: Join conditions
TXW_C_V2SData view: Standard join conditions
TXW_C_V3Data view: View fields
TXW_C_V4Data view: Selection conditions
TXW_C_VOLData file directory sets
TXW_C_VOLDData file directories
TXW_C_VOLTData file directory set descriptions
TXW_DIRData file log (replaced by txw_dir2, use of guids)
TXW_DIR2Data file log
TXW_DIRALData file log - ArchiveLink (obsolete after rel 99)
TXW_DIRAL2Data file log - ArchiveLink
TXW_DIRSEGData file segment directory (replaced by txw_dirsg2: uuids)
TXW_DIRSG2Data file segment directory
TXW_FILE_DATADART - storage table for DART files
TXW_FILE_LOGDART log for storage of files on DB
TXW_FSZHDART: file size settings header
TXW_FSZRDART: file size estimator settings records
TXW_FSZTDART: file size settings description
TXW_IBUDART: IBU add-on extraction function modules
TXW_INDEXTemporary table for data segment index
TXW_INDEX_01Temporary table for data segment index
TXW_INDEX_02Temporary table for data segment index
TXW_INDEX_03Temporary table for data segment index
TXW_INDEX_04Temporary table for data segment index
TXW_INDEX_05Temporary table for data segment index
TXW_LANGU_TEXTDART: Table to maintain language text for data elements
TXW_LANG_TEXTDART: Table to maintain language text for data elements
TXW_LOCK1Lock object for INDX (Tax Data retention)
TXW_LOCK2Lock object for data file
TXW_R_STATStatus/Trace for TXW-data retrieval from archives
TXW_S_ANEARetrieve ANEA from archive
TXW_S_ANEKRetrieve ANEP from archive
TXW_S_ANEPRetrieve ANEP from archive
TXW_S_BKPFRetrieve BKPF from archive
TXW_S_BSEGRetrieve BSEG from archive
TXW_S_COBKRetrieve COBK from archive
TXW_S_COEPRetrieve COEP from archive
TXW_S_COFIRetrieve COFIS from archive
TXW_S_EKKORetrieve EKKO from archive
TXW_S_EKPORetrieve EKPO from archive
TXW_S_GLT0Retrieve archived GLT0 data
TXW_S_KNC1Retrieve archived Customer master data
TXW_S_LFC1Retrieve archived Vendor master (transaction figures) data
TXW_S_LIKPRetrieve LIKP from archive
TXW_S_LIPSRetrieve LIPS from archive
TXW_S_MKPFRetrieve MKPF from archive
TXW_S_MSEGRetrieve MSEG from archive
TXW_S_VBAKRetrieve VBAK from archive
TXW_S_VBAPRetrieve VBAP from archive
TXW_S_VBPARetrieve VBPA from archive
TXW_S_VBRKRetrieve VBRK from archive
TXW_S_VBRPRetrieve VBRP from archive
TXW_TEMP_STOREDART - temporary storage for DART data from external calls
TXW_VARIAContents of Variant of TXW-archive retrieval
TXW_VC_LOCKLocktable view output
TXW_VWLOGView query log (replaced by txw_vwlog2: uuids)
TXW_VWLOG2View query log
TXW_VWLOG2_UData view query log
TXW_VWLOGAL2View query log - ArchiveLink
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