FVVD - Treasury Loans

The development package FVVD contains objects for "Treasury Loans".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FVVD_ZBASIS. It belongs to software component FS-CML.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package FVVD

ATRESERVATIONOffer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator
ATRESERVATIONTOffer/Acceptance Reservation Indicator
FVD_CUST_ADDFLOWSettings for creation of customer specific addtional flows
LOANREF_AReference Records of Loan Reference Unit for Disbursement
LOANREF_ORecords of Loan Reference Unit for Open Items
LOANREF_OSSaved Ref. Records Open Items per Business Operation No.
LOANREF_VReference Recs of Loan Ref. Unit for Val-Dated Cumulation
MZDATDunning and interest data for batch input
TD01Table for collateral keys
TD01TText elements for TD01 Collat.sec.type
TD02Table of Loan Classes
TD02TText Table for TD02 Loan Classes
TD03Assign Loan Type -> Product Type
TD03ADefine Loan Type
TD03TTexts for Table TD03 security types
TD04Reason for Notice
TD04TText table for TD04 (notice types)
TD06Document type
TD061Value table for type of file
TD06AText table for TD061 Type of File
TD06FTexts for document groups
TD06GDocument group
TD06TText table for TD06 document types
TD06UDocument groups dependent on statuses of transaction types
TD07Purpose of loan
TD07TPurpose of loan (Texts for table TD07)
TD09Loan Maturity
TD09TTerm of loan (texts)
TD10Indicator for special treatment of loan
TD10TIndicator for special treatment of loan (texts)
TD11Home statement
TD11THome statement (texts)
TD12Storage location indicator for file original documents
TD12TFiling indicator name for file original documents
TD13Type of offer or contract acceptance
TD13TText table for TD13 (Contact/offer acceptance type)
TD14Value table for tax preferential treatment ID
TD14TText table for TD14 (Tax preferential treatment ID)
TD15Residential development financing types
TD15TResidential development financing types (text table)
TD16Borrower's note security value table
TD16TTexts for borrower's note loan securities
TD17Branch office
TD17TBranch office text table
TD18Business regions
TD18TBusiness region text table
TD20Allocation of key for wording / Order
TD20TTexts for TD20
TD22Special arrangement indicators
TD22TTexts for special arrangement indicators
TD27Loan notice types
TD27TNotice Type for the Loan
TD28Notice arrangements (lender)
TD28TNotice arrangements (lender)
TD29Notice Arrangement for Borrower
TD29TNotice arrangements (borrower)
TD31Define Loan Classification (Credit Agreements for Consumers)
TD31TText Table for TD31 (Loan Classification - DCAC)
TD32Define Types of securitisation (AnaCredit)
TD32TText Table for Type of securitisation (AnaCredit)
TD47DForm selection legal dunning procedure in loans
TD47EForm selection for dunning notices
TDA10Alloc. of trans.codes to ok-codes and screen overview
TDA11Allocation of OK-codes to the trans.codes
TDA12Loans master data field control
TDA14Field Control Loan Master Data Loans for Business Operations
TDA5TReason for non-acceptance (texts for TDA5)
TDACCOUNTDETSAccount Determination Open Item Transfer Posting
TDACCOUNT_DET_SAccount Determination Open Item Transfer Posting
TDACC_PRINCIPLEAccounting Principles for Parallel Valuation
TDAPPLBUDATCheck Table: Permitted Defaults Posting Date per Application
TDB08Flow Types per Posting Application Additional Data
TDB23Activity Type - Control of Requirements
TDBLForm line items (credit stnd.check, doc.values, csh budget)
TDBLTText table for TDBL (debit and income types)
TDBUDATDefault Posting Date
TDBUDAT_TTexts: Default Posting Date
TDCL_EXCEPTIONConsumer Loans: Correspondence Without Correspondence Tool
TDCOTYP_ACTAssignment Business Operation/Role ---> Correspondence Type
TDCREDIT_CUSTOMCustomer-Specific Solution for Borrowing
TDDG1Value table 1 User-specific loans key
TDDG2Value table 2 User-specific loans key
TDDG3Value table 3 User-specific loans key
TDDG4Value table 4 User-specific loans key
TDDGAUser-specific loans key 1 text table
TDDGBUser-specific loans key 2 text table
TDDGCUser-specific loan key 3 text tables
TDDGDUser-specific loan key 4 texts
TDFLOW_EXTPermitted Flow Types Per Region
TDKK1Definition of Correspondence Class
TDKK2Predefine Correspondence Class Assignment for Partner
TDKKTCorrespondence Class Texts
TDKWGGBA control table-Output
TDL1Collat.securities preferential treatment ID table
TDL1TCollat.securities special treatment ID text table
TDL2Indicator Table Guarantee Type 1
TDL21Indicator Table Guarantee Type 2
TDL21TText Table Indicator Guarantee Type 2
TDL2TText Table for Guarantee Type 1 Indicator
TDL3Pledge status indicator table
TDL3TPledge status indicator text table
TDLOLoan report layout parameters
TDLOANFKOCondition Types per Application Partial Function Loans
TDLOANFUNCFlow Types per Application Subfunction for Loans
TDLOANSUBFUNCApplication subfunction for loans
TDLOANSUBFUNCTName of Application Subfunction in Loans
TDMAHNS_MANLoans: Manual Dunning Level
TDMAHNS_MANTLoans: Text for Manual Dunning Level
TDO1Object construction methods table
TDO10Indicator for Condition of Object
TDO10TIndicator for Condition of Object (Description)
TDO11Indicator for Collateral Object Fixtures and Fittings
TDO11TIndicator for Collateral Object Features (Description)
TDO12Indicator: Area Description for Object
TDO12TObject Area Description Indicator (Description)
TDO1TTexts for TD01 Object Construction Methods
TDO2Part of building name
TDO2TText table for TD02 part of building name
TDO3Valuation qualification indicator
TDO3TValuation qualification ID// Text for TD03
TDO4Type of valuation procedure
TDO4TType of valuation procedure// Texts for TDO4
TDO5Valuation rating base
TDO5TRating base valuation// Texts for TDO5
TDO7Administration cost types
TDO7TText table for administration cost elements
TDO8Property Conditions for Collateral Objects
TDO8TProperty Conditions for Collateral Objects (Description)
TDOPAPPLApplication Descriptions CML
TDOPAPPL_TApplication Indicators Text Table
TDOPTOOL_EXCEPTException Table for the OP Lock Tool
TDOPTOOL_ZAHLSPayment Lock in Lock Management per Application
TDORIGIN_TLoan Origin: Text Table
TDP0Selection, Modification- and Reference Fields
TDP0TSelection, Modification and Reference Field Texts
TDP1File register definition
TDP1TFile register definition texts
TDP2File functions
TDP2TFile Functions Texts
TDP3File register/function allocation
TDP4Alloc. of activity type and flow category to condition type
TDP6File categories
TDP6TFile categories
TDPZ6TDescription of the Correspondence Role Type
TDPZBIS-IS Loans installation parameters for company codes
TDPZZIS-IS Loans: Installation parameters on client level
TDRP_COND_TYPERepayment schedule: relevant condition types
TDRP_FLOW_TYPERepayment schedule: relevant flow types
TDRXXForeign currency loan with special coverage
TDS1Possible assignees
TDSEPA_CUSTSEPA Activation per Company Code
TDSETBUDATSet Additional Posting Information per Appliation
TDSODSpecial interest indicators text table
TDSOZSpecial interest indicator for loans
TDSTTexts for possible assignees
TDSUBROLEBP: Business Partner - Role Type
TDSUBROLETBP: Business Partner - Name of Role Type
TDTZB0A_CHECKInternal Checks for Flow Types in Customizing
TDUSEREXIT14TPushbutton Text for Loans Master Data Tabstrip(User Exit 14)
TDV07Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters
TDV08Alloc.of application/role category/dunning parameters
TDVZLDunnable payment methods for incoming payments in loans
TPNNRCustomizing prima nota
TPNNTPrima nota customizing texts
TRDC_ADMLoan Document Data Summarization: Administration Table
TRDC_RECSummarization of Loan Document Items: Carryforward Records
TRISKCLASSValue Characteristics of Risk Classes
TRISKCLASS_TDescription of Risk Classes TRISKCLASS
TSZE1Sales data for acct statements
TTXMMTab. for document values temporarily stored for background
TVDSTPosting applications control table
TVDSTXPosting applications control table
TVZ01Control of incoming payments
TVZ02Definition of criteria/memo rec. grouping/inc.pmnt distrib.
TVZ03Flow control of advance payments and overpayments
TVZ04Incoming payment distribution basic configuration
TVZ06Incoming payment distribution criteria value table
TVZ0AText table TVZ01 / Incoming payment distribution
TVZ0BText table for incoming payments distribution criteria
TZ34Value Table Credit Type Regulatory Reporting
TZ34TText Table Credit Type Regulatory Reporting
TZ35Value table credit class regulatory reporting
TZ35TText table for credit class regulatory reporting
TZB04Flow Type Groups Definition for Cash Flow Display
TZB05Trans. type - Trans. type groups allocation for cash flow
TZB08Flow types per posting application
TZB0DTexts for transaction type groups
TZB0JRelationship: Flow type - External flow type
TZB0KExternal flow types for evaluations
TZB0LTexts: External flow types for evaluations
TZB0NAssign Contract Type - Relationship Cat. - Activity Cat.
TZB0OSeparation, sort documents for posting interface
TZB0PAssign flow to a unit category
TZB0RAllocation: Flow type groups and print columns in reports
TZB0SReversal logic of individual posting activities
TZB0UAssign Contract Type - Activity Category
TZB0WAssign Activity Category - Reversal Transaction Grouping
TZB14Assign Flow Type Groups to Usage Types
TZBKLLogic for creating and updating value date reference units
TZE01NIncoming Payment: Order of Evaluation Criteria
TZE03NIncoming payments: Allocation table
TZFORelease object for release procedure
TZFO1Definition of release objects
TZFOHRelease procedure: Object hierarchy for release
TZFOTRelease object text
TZFSRelease status definition for the release procedure
TZFSPRelease status parameters
TZFSTRelease status definition texts
TZKM1Event-controlled modification of condition items
TZKMKEvent-controlled modification of condition items
TZKMKTEvent-controlled modification of condition items
TZKMTEvent-controlled modification of condition flows
TZKMTTEvent-controlled modification of condition items
TZN01Product type numbers
TZN02Number components
TZN03Number components (Text)
TZN04Standard check digit procedure table
TZPAB_ADDONAddon for Financial Assets Management product types
TZV05Types of restraint on drawing
TZV0EType of restraint on drawing: Text table
TZV50Form of address / Letter / ID
TZV51Form of address / Letter / ID
TZVORGTransaction allocation - Date / Transaction / Number
TZZTGTransaction code - Correspondence activity allocation
VDAKTEFile with documents for loan allocation
VDARLDVSPrint and dispatch control data for VDARL
VDARLOBJLoan objects relationship table
VDARLSICCollateral for loan (relationship table)
VDARL_RPadContract - Repayment Plan Data
VDAUSZDrawings on Disbursement
VDAVISPayment advice note table
VDBEDSelection conditions for loans
VDBEKIFlow Data: Document Header for Actual Record
VDBEKI_SHADOWShadow Table for VDBEKI (Restrictions)
VDBELDocument relationship between FI and subledger document
VDBEPIPosted line items for document header
VDBEPI_SHADOWShadow Table for VDBEPI (Restrictions)
VDBEPPFlow Data - Planned Item
VDBLBAWCollateral Value Building Value
VDBLBEWIAdministration costs
VDBLBOWLand value collateral value
VDBLEWRevenue value collateral value
VDBLKODebit types-Header data
VDBLPODebit types-Items
VDBLREWCollateral Value Gross Revenue Value per Building Part
VDBLSSCollateral Val. Real Value Other
VDBLSWTCollateral Value Real Value Resid. Prop./Part-Owners.
VDBOBEPPBusiness Operation: Entered and Activated Flow Data
VDBOBEPP_EUFlow Data / Planned Items Before EURO Changeover
VDBOHEADBusiness Operation: Header
VDBOHEAD_EUBusiness Operation: Header
VDCHK_AWKEYStorage of unique links between FI and CML doc
VDCHK_DOC_IPPayments for Subsequent Posting
VDCHK_GROSS_NETStorage of data for report RFVD_GROSS_TO_NET
VDCHK_IOAResults of Interest on Arrears Check
VDCHK_IOA_OICheck Interest on Arrears - Open Items
VDCHK_PARAMTable for Global Parameters
VDCNTL_CASH_FLOWDisplay Interval for Cash Flow
VDDABData Transfer - Loans - Flows - Actual Records
VDDASTTR-EDT: Transfer Loans
VDDD_HEADERLoans: Header Data - Lines Layout
VDDD_HEADER_COLLoans: Header Data - Columns Layout
VDDD_HEADER_VERLoans: Header Data - Version Layout
VDDIPDifferentiated Incoming Payment - Data and history
VDDIP_IDValues for IDs (Capital-Forming Benefits)
VDDIP_ID_TValues for IDs (Capital-Forming Benefits)
VDDUNNDunning run data per loan and dunning run
VDDUNNPARAMETERParameters of Dunning Run for Treasury Loans
VDHGRPFEncumbrances on real estate table
VDHINTLoans Interested Parties
VDHOBJCollateral Objects
VDHOBJBLDetermination of collateral value/Expert report of object
VDHOBJGTObject building parts
VDHOKOMain file header
VDKOREFWorklist File for Bal. Sheet Transfer / Acct Assignment Ref.
VDLVContracts/Credit (life ins., build.savings etc) basic data
VDLVABLMaturity data for collateral (Life insurances)
VDMAP_LABELSLoans: Mapping Table Data Fields for Descriptions
VDMEKOCondition Table: Header
VDMEPOMCondition Table: Modification Item
VDMEPOVCondition Table: Variant Item
VDMSG_FOR_CONDMessage type for different condition types
VDORDERBorrower's note loan order data
VDPNPrima nota number
VDPNNRCustomizing prima nota number
VDPNSAssign prima notas to super prima nota
VDPOKOFile header
VDPOPOFile item
VDPOST_CONTROLData Selection for Debit Position
VDPROLONGATIONProlongation related system adminstrative data
VDREF_INTCustomizing table for Reference Interest Rate
VDRELECHANGESStructures and tables to be considered
VDRISKCLASSRisk Classification for Individual Value Adjustment
VDSDV4Loan collateral in acc. with BAV/PRF4
VDSDV5Collateral in securities in acc. with BAV/PRF5
VDSEPA_AUTODEBRecords for new auto debit (SEPA direct debit)
VDSEPA_AUTODEB_ORecords for new auto debit (SEPA direct debit) (up to 604)
VDSEPA_DDSepa DD - Lead Time Determination
VDSEPA_DD_ACCSettings for Access Sequence (SEPA Direct Debit)
VDSEPA_MND_USGOverview of mandates used in Loans Management
VDSEPA_NAD_RSNCustomer specific reason for status change (new auto debit)
VDSEPA_PMCML specific Customizing for Payment Method (SEPA)
VDSEPA_RETRSNTSEPA Return Reasons (Text)
VDSONSISpecial Arrangements for Collateral
VDUNTRFile documents for loan allocation
VDVORKTable for preemption conditions
VDZKPAssign Partner / Correspondence Class not Required
VDZNB_HEADPmnt Postproc.: Header for a Payment Postprocessing Activity
VDZNB_PAYINFOPayment Postprocessing: Payment Inform. for a PPP Activity
VDZNB_PAYMENTPayment Postprocessing: Payments for a PPP Activity
VDZNB_SEPAPmnt Postproc.: Storage of SEPA Return Data
VDZNB_USAGEPayment Postprocessing: Usage of a Payment Postpr. Activity
VDZSBRelationship Agent/Activity Type/Object
VZFGDRelease data (Informative data for the release procedure)
VZFZECentral entry table for release procedure
VZFZE_VDAUSZCentral Entry Table for Release Procedure
VZFZE_VDBEKICentral Entry Table for Release Procedure
VZFZE_VDBEPPCentral Entry Table for Release Procedure
VZFZE_VDNBZECentral Entry Table for Release Procedure
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