GJV2 -

The development package GJV2 contains objects for "".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package JVA_JV. It belongs to software component CA-JVA.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package GJV2

ARC_IDB_ITArchive-Indextable for JV_BILLING
ARC_IDJ_ITArchive-Indextable for JV_OBJECT
ARC_IDX_PRArchiving index for JV_PRICING archives
RGJVXAFVCControl table for transfer JV data from AFVC to AFVU
SMJVSpecific CO-OM Data in Monitor (See Schedman_specific_coom)
T8J01Supplemental detail sets
T8J02JV SDS text
T8J03JV Billing levels (non-supplemental)
T8J04JV Billing level (non-supplemental) text
T8J09JV Billing SDS Elements Description
T8J0I2Billing indicator mapping (viewing table)
T8J0LJV Billing levels
T8J0MJV Billing layout sets
T8J0NJV Billing level - SapScript text elements
T8J0OBilling form routines
T8J0OTText table for billing form routines
T8J0QJV Billing format master text
T8J0RJV Billing format
T8J0SSDS protocoll
T8J0SAJV Function (SAP delivered)
T8J0TJV Billing level description
T8J0VJV Billing types
T8J0WJV Billing types text
T8J156SJV Appendix for T1156S
T8J156WJV additions to T156W
T8J156XJV Appendix for T156X
T8J1JAsset intercompany cutback rule
T8J1KNetwork cutback rules
T8J1LNetwork intercompany cutback rules
T8J1NProfit Center Intercompany Cutback Rule
T8J4ENon-op bill user currency (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4J)
T8J4FNon op Bill table assets (Deprecated -> replaced by T8J4I)
T8J4GNon-Op saved bills - Header Info (for holding bills)
T8J4HNon-Op saved bills - Detail Info (for holding bills)
T8J4INon operated Billing Asset Tables (for holding bills)
T8J4JNon-Operated Billing User Currency Table (for holding bills)
T8J5CJV Recovery indicator for supplemental detail
T8J5DJV project type for supplemental detail
T8J5EJV cost center type for supplemental detail
T8J5FSupplemental detail for billing indicator
T8J5GJV order type for supplemental detail
T8J60JV EDI Invoice Service Codes
T8J61JV EDI Invoice Service Code Descriptions
T8J62JV EDI Supplemental Segment Drivers
T8J63JV EDI Segment Components
T8J63DJV EDI Segment Component Descriptions
T8J63FJV EDI Segment Component Fields
T8J64JV EDI JIBE Condition Codes
T8J65JV EDI JIBE Condition Code Descriptions
T8J66JV EDI BI to Invoice Service Codes
T8J67JV EDI Outbound: Company configuration
T8J68JV EDI Terms of payment
T8J6LJV EDI Contact Function Codes
T8J6LDJV EDI Contact Function Code Descriptions
T8J6MJV EDI Communication Codes
T8J6MDJV EDI Communication Code Descriptions
T8J6NJV EDI Processed Partners/Ventures
T8J6OTubular sub-account codes
T8J6ODTubular sub-account code descriptions
T8J6PNon-Tubular sub-account codes
T8J6PDNon-Tubular sub-account code descriptions
T8J6QJV mapping: Material - Service code
T8JBI_THJVA billing thresholds
T8JBI_THDJVA billing threshold details
T8JBSSplit specifically additionally balance
T8JCCTJVA: Customizing tables with company code
T8JCGCustomizing groups for authorization
T8JCGDDefinition of customizing groups
T8JCGTDescription for customizing groups for authorization
T8JDAJV EDI Inbound: Company Configuration Table
T8JDBJV EDI Inbound: Receiver's JIBE/PASC Number Table
T8JDCJV EDI Inbound: Sender's JIBE/PASC Number Table
T8JDDJV EDI Inbound: Property Table
T8JDEJV EDI Inbound: Property Description Table
T8JDFJV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Table
T8JDGJV EDI Inbound: Withhold Code Description Table
T8JDHJV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Tables
T8JDIJV EDI Inbound: Mapping Qualifier Description Tables
T8JDJJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object Mapping Table
T8JDKJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref) Mapping Table
T8JDLJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref + Class) Mapping
T8JDMJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Ref, Class, Subclass A)
T8JDNJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class) Mapping Table
T8JDOJV EDI Inbound: 819 Cost Object (Class + Subclass A) Mapping
T8JDPJV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Table
T8JDQJV EDI Inbound: Account Transaction Mapping Table
T8JDRJV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class)
T8JDSJV EDI Inbound: 819 Account Transaction Mapping (Class+Subc)
T8JDTJV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping Table
T8JDUJV EDI Inbound: 810 Mapping (Service code) Table
T8JDVJV EDI Inbound: 810 Account Transaction Mapping (Serv.Code)
T8JDWJV EDI Inbound: Processed Details per operations month
T8JDXJV EDI Inbound: IDOC to FB01 document numbers
T8JERJoint venture error table
T8JEVJoint venture event table
T8JEVPJoint venture event parameters
T8JEVSJoint venture event select options
T8JHFFields to transport from sending to new receiving asset
T8JHLConfiguration for JV AM/MM Transfers
T8JHMTransaction type per line type
T8JHRDepreciation areas not to update by recovery indicator
T8JHTTransaction Type Subsititution JV-AM
T8JHVAsset Operator Ownership Transaction Table
T8JHXField Group definitions JV - AM/MM transfers
T8JHYField selection CRP calculation
T8JINTJoint Venture Interest Types
T8JINTTJoint Venture Interest Type Text
T8JIXJV index table
T8JJAJV Load Balancing
T8JL2Joint Venture:Recovery Ind.Determination via Manipultn Rules
T8JL3Joint Venture: Manipulation Rules for Recovery Indicator
T8JLP2Penalty Category Recovery Percentages*
T8JLTPenalty Category Table
T8JMDCustomizing Dunning for JVA
T8JMDETField movement for JADE - Details
T8JMHDRField movement for JADE - Header
T8JMUSEField movement for JADE - Usage
T8JOACompany addresses
T8JOATCompany addresses (text)
T8JOH_ACSET_LISTList of account sets for each base amount condition
T8JOH_BASE_CONDTConditions used to capture base amount to calculate overhead
T8JOH_COMPLEX_FTable of Complex Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_CONDT_TEXTBase amount condition text for overhead organizer
T8JOH_COSET_LISTList of cost object sets for each base amount condition
T8JOH_COST_OBJSTable of cost centers, projects and orders for each overhead
T8JOH_C_KEYLISTOverhead keyword list for each cost centers
T8JOH_FMULA_TEXTText table for Overhead Organizer formulas
T8JOH_FORMULASFormulas used by each overhead in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_FORMULA_TXFormula text for Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_JOASList of JOA level parameters in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_KEYLISTSList of overhead characters for each overhead key
T8JOH_KEYTEXTText table for overhead keys
T8JOH_KEYWORDSList of keywords used to capture the cost objects for users
T8JOH_OHLISTSList of overheads defined in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_OHTEXTText for each overhead key in different languages
T8JOH_OH_DETAILSOverhead general detail
T8JOH_OVERHEADSList of all overheads in each company
T8JOH_O_KEYLISTOverhead keyword list for each internal orders
T8JOH_PERCENT_FTable of Percentage Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_P_KEYLISTOverhead keyword list for each projects
T8JOH_RUNSList of run information for each <company, joa>
T8JOH_STEPRATE_FTable of Step Rate Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_STTRATIO_FTable of Statistical Ratio Formulas in Overhead Organizer
T8JOH_VENTURESList of Venture Level parameters in Overhead Organizer
T8JOVROverhead burden rate
T8JOVRPOverhead burden rate percentages
T8JOVRTOverhead burden rate text
T8JPAProcesses for authorization
T8JPATDescriptions for processes for authorization
T8JPT1Cutback Payment Terms per Recovery Indicator
T8JPT2Cutback Payment Terms per RI and Original Payment Terms
T8JPTSPayment Term Schema
T8JPTSTPayment Term Schema Description
T8JSCJoint Venture Substitute Cost Object
T8JVBADocuments included in Bank Account Switching
T8JVLVHLine item report variants
T8JVLVHTLine item report variants
T8JVLVLLine item report variants definition
T8JVORPOverhead burden rate percentages (venture level)
T8JVPSCVenture Assignment to PSC
T8JXCCross company account determination
T8JXCPCross company account determination
T8JZSUBValidation of accounting documents
T8JZVALValidation of JVA Documents
T8J_MODIFDescription of all Modifications
T8J_POST_ERRORDocuments with errors in JV posting
T8J_POST_ERROR_CDocuments with errors in JV posting (Open Items)
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