GLO_FIN_FI_KZ - Developments for Kazakhstan

The development package GLO_FIN_FI_KZ contains objects for "Developments for Kazakhstan".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package GLO_FIN_FI. It belongs to software component FI-LOC-FI-KZ.

Child development packages of GLO_FIN_FI_KZ

Tables for development package GLO_FIN_FI_KZ

FIKZDUSEPERMITInvoice Journal: Entry protection
FIKZD_CONFGRPReturn Configuration Groups Table
FIKZD_CONTRACTSSubsoil use contracts
FIKZD_CONTR_MAPCSubsoil use contracts mapping
FIKZD_CONTR_MAPPSubsoil use contracts mapping
FIKZD_CUST_DECLCustoms Declarations
FIKZD_DEADJRNLInvoice Journal Deadlines (Electronic Invoices)
FIKZD_MAT_MOVECustomizing table for material movements
FIKZD_MRPMonthly rated indexes (Transport tax)
FIKZD_PROPTAXProperty tax Kazakstan
FIKZD_PT_RUNSProperty tax Kazakstan: Stored Calculations: Header
FIKZD_REGCUS_INCustomizing for Incoming Invoice Registration Journal
FIKZD_REGCUS_OUTCustomizing for Outgoing Invoice Registration Journal
FIKZD_REGCUS_TXTText Objects for Invoices (Kazakhstan)
FIKZD_REGINV_INIncoming Invoice Registration Journal
FIKZD_REGINV_OUTOutgoing Invoice Registration Journal
FIKZD_RETCONFReturn Configuration Table
FIKZD_RETMAPReturn Fields Mapping Settings table
FIKZD_RET_REGRegister for customer returns (VAT and Tax Import)
FIKZD_TAX_CODEXNorms of the tax code
FIKZD_TRTAXTransport tax Kazakstan
FIKZD_TTAXRTransport Tax Rates for Regions and Districts
FIKZD_TT_RUNSTransport tax Kazakstan: Stored Calculations: Header
FIKZD_TURN_CODESTax turnover Codes
FIKZD_TURN_COD_TTax turnover Codes Text Table
FIKZD_VATSECSections of VAT Return
FIKZD_VATSECTSections of VAT-return(declaraion)
FIKZD_VATSELItem's Selection Criteria of VAT-Return (Declaration)
FIKZD_VATVERSVersions of VAT Return
FIKZD_VATVERSTVersions of VAT Return: Text table
FIKZ_BATCHAssign Batch Characteristics
FIKZ_CUST_STATElectronic Invoices: Customer Category
FIKZ_CUST_STATTText Table for Customer Category (Electronic Invoices)
FIKZ_CUST_UNIONPreference Zone for Customs Union
FIKZ_DI_BFTable to activate / deactivate functionality to work with ES
FIKZ_DI_CUSTCustomizing for Electronic Invoises in Kazakhstan
FIKZ_DI_ERR_CODEList of Error code which cam be returned by ESF Web Service
FIKZ_DI_PCUSTAssign Electronic ID to Customer
FIKZ_DI_PVENDAssign Electronic ID to Vendor
FIKZ_FILE_TBLFiles for invoice journal record
FIKZ_FSFORMSFinacial statement (Kazakhstan): Adobe forms
FIKZ_PI_PCUSTAssign Paper ID to Customer
FIKZ_PI_PVENDAssign Paper ID to Vendor
FIKZ_REGCUSMATMatching Rules for Invoice Registration Journal (Kazakhstan)
FIKZ_REGINV_LOGInvoice Journal (Kazakhstan): History of Statuses
FIKZ_STOREAssign Virtual Warehouse Store ID to Plant/Storage Location
FIKZ_VEND_STATElectronic Invoices: Vendor Category
FIKZ_VEND_STATTText Table for Vendor Category (Electronic Invoices)
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