GLO_GEN_SRF_AUTHORING - Statutory Reporting Framework Authoring

The development package GLO_GEN_SRF_AUTHORING contains objects for "Statutory Reporting Framework Authoring".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package GLO_GEN_SRF. It belongs to software component FI-LOC-SRF-DEF.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package GLO_GEN_SRF_AUTHORING

SRF_APPSRF Application
SRF_APP_PARApplication Parameter
SRF_APP_PAR_MAPApplication Parameter
SRF_APP_TSRF Application Text Table
SRF_ATTRIBUTEAttribute definition
SRF_ATTRIBUTE_TAttribute description
SRF_CFG_PARReport Configuration Parameter
SRF_CFG_PAR_TText Table for Report Configuration Parameter
SRF_CORRSPCorrespondence definition
SRF_CORRSP_MAPMapping of data sources to attributes and simple elements
SRF_CORRSP_TText table for a Correspondence definition
SRF_DOCUMENTDocument definition
SRF_DOCUMENT_TText table for a document definition
SRF_ELEMENTElement definition
SRF_ELEMENT_TElements Description
SRF_EVENTList of Events and Interfaces
SRF_EVENT_HNDLRList of Events and Interface Implementation Classes
SRF_EVENT_TList of Events Description
SRF_FORMATTINGFlat file properties
SRF_MAPPINGMapping of data sources to attributes and simple elements
SRF_MAPPING_TLabel for attributes and elements
SRF_NAMESPACENamespace information
SRF_PRES_LINKXBRL Presentation Linkbase
SRF_QUERYQuery definition
SRF_QUERY_FILTERQuery filter definition
SRF_QUERY_PARDefinition of database query parameters
SRF_QUERY_ROWKEYRow keys for random access query
SRF_QUERY_ROW_TDescription for Random Access Query
SRF_QUERY_SORTSort order for query columns
SRF_QUERY_TText Table for a Query Definition
SRF_REPORTReport definition
SRF_REPORT_TText table for a report definition
SRF_REP_CATReport category
SRF_REP_CAT_ACTActivity Definition
SRF_REP_CAT_ACTPParameters for Activity
SRF_REP_CAT_ACTTText Table for Activity Definition
SRF_REP_CAT_AUTAuthorization Metadata for Organizational unit
SRF_REP_CAT_CMNTSRF Report Category Comment
SRF_REP_CAT_LEVLOrganizational Level Assignment
SRF_REP_CAT_PHAReport Category Phase
SRF_REP_CAT_PHATReport Category Phase
SRF_REP_CAT_TReport category text table
SRF_REP_COMMENTSRF report comment
SRF_REP_ITM_SELStorage of table name and CDS view for selection
SRF_REP_PARReport parameter definition
SRF_REP_TO_TYPELink between Report definition and Report type
SRF_REP_TYPE_DEFReport type definition
SRF_RPG_LEVELOrganizational units that can be used as reporting level
SRF_SCHEMASchema definition
SRF_SCHEMA_TText table for schema definition
SRF_SCH_FLD_PROPAdditional properties of elements and attributes
SRF_SYS_FIELDSystem fields
SRF_TYPEType definition
SRF_TYPE_ENUMEnumerators of a type
SRF_TYPE_ENUM_TText table for an enumerator
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