GLO_GLT_TR_VERIF_CN - Electronic Foreign Exchange Verification (China)

The development package GLO_GLT_TR_VERIF_CN contains objects for "Electronic Foreign Exchange Verification (China)".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package GLO_GLT_TR. It belongs to software component LO-GT-CSC-CN.

Child development packages of GLO_GLT_TR_VERIF_CN

Tables for development package GLO_GLT_TR_VERIF_CN

GTCN_ADDTI_DATAAdditional Data for User Fields of Verification document
GTCN_ADD_DATAAdditional Data for Customization
GTCN_ATTACHMENTSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
GTCN_CHART_C_CFGCustomzing for Company Code for due date forecast chart
GTCN_CHART_D_CFGCustomzing for period for due date forecast chart
GTCN_CHART_O_CFGCustomzing for Customs office for due date forecast chart
GTCN_CUSTOFF_ASGAssign Shipping Points to Customs Offices
GTCN_CUSTOMS_OFFCustoms Office for Verification
GTCN_DERI_TYPType of Derivation
GTCN_DERRULE_VALValues of Derivation rule
GTCN_DERSTEP_CONDerivation Step Condition
GTCN_DERSTEP_DEFDerivation Step Definition
GTCN_GRPPROF_ASSAssign EFEV Group Profile to Company Code
GTCN_GTS_RFCGTCN Verification Document Notes: GTS enable
GTCN_INV_FOR_SOMapped purchase invoice with sales order
GTCN_NOTESCHKFGTCN Verification Document Notes: Outgoing hyperlinks from p
GTCN_NOTESCHKOGTCN Verification Document Notes: Files of Physical Informat
GTCN_NOTESIDXSTAGTCN Verification Document Notes: Attributes of Outgoing Rel
GTCN_NOTESPHFGTCN Verification Document Notes: Physical information objec
GTCN_NOTESPHHRGTCN Verification Document Notes: Use of target anchors in p
GTCN_NOTESPHHRPRGTCN Verification Document Notes: Attributes of Target Ancho
GTCN_NOTESPHIOGTCN Verification Document Notes: Physical information objec
GTCN_NOTESPHNMGTCN Verification Document Notes: Outgoing Links of Physical
GTCN_NOTESPHNMPRGTCN Verification Document Notes: Attributes of Physical Inf
GTCN_NOTESPHPRGTCN Verification Document Notes: Checkout data for physical
GTCN_NOTESPHREGTCN Verification Document Notes: Status Table for Indexing
GTCN_NOTESPHREPRGTCN Verification Document Notes: Attributes of Incoming Rel
GTCN_NOTESPHRIGTCN Verification Document Notes: File name of last checkout
GTCN_NOTESPHRIPRGTCN Verification Document Notes: Attributes of Hyperlink Re
GTCN_ORGOrganization Data Verification
GTCN_PROC_ASSAssign Processor to EFEV Group
GTCN_PROSTR_DERStrategy of Regular Processor for EFEV per Status
GTCN_QUERY_NAMECustomzing for Customs office for due date forecast chart
GTCN_ROLERole of Verification
GTCN_RULE_ASSDefault rule Assign
GTCN_RULE_DEFDefault Rule Defination of Global Trade Localization
GTCN_RULE_DEFTText table of Default rule definition
GTCN_RULE_DTLDefault rule Assign
GTCN_SHAREVerification Assginment Table
GTCN_STAFFUser Data for Verification
GTCN_STAFF_ROLEVerification Role
GTCN_STAPR_ASSAssign Status Profile to Company Code
GTCN_STAS_PROFStatus Profile for Verification
GTCN_STAS_VALStatus Values for Verification
GTCN_SUBS_ASSAssign Substitute to Processor
GTCN_SYST_STATVerification System Status
GTCN_T001_PROSTRCompany Code for Define Strategy of Regular Processor
GTCN_TRAN_CURRCurrency Translation for Verification
GTCN_T_ATTACHSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
GTCN_T_NOTESSDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)
GTCN_USER_STATUSUser Status of Verification
GTCN_USRSYS_STASMapping of User Status and System Satus for Verification
GTCN_VERGRP_ASSAssign EFEV Group to Group Profile
GTCN_VERIF_APPHVerification Apph
GTCN_VERIF_APPIAPI for Releasing Verification Documents
GTCN_VERIF_ASSIGAssign Invoices To Verification Documents
GTCN_VERIF_DOCVerification Document Master Data
GTCN_VERIF_FLOWVerification Document Flow
GTCN_VERIF_HSTRYVerification Document change history
GTCN_VERIF_LOGVerification Log
GTCN_VERIF_LOTVerification Lot Table
GTCN_VERIF_NOTESVerification Notes
GTCN_VERIF_STATVerification Status Table
GTCN_VERIF_VALIDValidity of Verification
GTCN_VERI_CHKFSDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects
GTCN_VERI_CHKOSDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects
GTCN_VERI_IDXSTASDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs
GTCN_VERI_PHFSDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships
GTCN_VERI_PHHRSDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects
GTCN_VERI_PHHRPRSDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
GTCN_VERI_PHIOSDOK: Physical information object instances
GTCN_VERI_PHNMSDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects
GTCN_VERI_PHNMPRSDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
GTCN_VERI_PHPRSDOK: Checkout data for physical information object
GTCN_VERI_PHRESDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents
GTCN_VERI_PHREPRSDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs
GTCN_VERI_PHRISDOK: File name of last checkout
GTCN_VERI_PHRIPRSDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
GTCN_VER_FLDSTASField Status of Verification
GTCN_VER_STATUSStatus of Verification
GTCN_VOID_REASONVoid Reason for Verification
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