GLT0 - Basis functions G/L accounting

The development package GLT0 contains objects for "Basis functions G/L accounting".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package APPL. It belongs to software component FI-GL-FL.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package GLT0

FAGL_LEDGER_INFONew General Ledger: Configuration Information (Ledger)
FAGL_ORG_INFC_CTClass. General Ledger: Configuration Information (Crcy Type)
FAGL_ORG_INFGGeneral Ledger: Configuration Information (Global SL Tables)
FAGL_ORG_INFG_CTNew GL Account.: Config. Info. (Curr. Type, Glob. SL Table)
FAGL_ORG_INFOGeneral Ledger: Configuration Information
FAGL_ORG_INFO_CTNew General Ledger: Configuration Information (Crcy Type)
GLFLEX00General ledger: Organizational units
GLFLEX01General ledger: Technical fields
GLFLEX02General ledger: Main account assignment
GLFLEX03General ledger: SAP additional account assignment
GLFLEX04General ledger: Customer additional account assignment
GLFLEX05General ledger: Sender main account assignment
GLFLEX06General ledger: Sender SAP additional account assignment
GLFLEX07General ledger: Transaction attributes
GLFLEX08General ledger: Branches
GLFLEXAFlexible general ledger: Actual line items
GLFLEXPFlexible G/L: Plan line items
GLFLEXTFlexible G/L: Totals
GLPCA_CTProfit Center Documents
GLPCA_T_CTProfit Center Documents
GLPOS_C_CTFI Document: Entry View
GLPOS_C_DEB_CTGLPOS_C_CT Customer Line Items
GLPOS_N_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
GLPOS_N_GL_CTNew General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type
T000GLFlexible general ledger: Customizing check and activation
T800FConversion Table for New General Ledger Fields
T882GCompany code - ledger assignment
T886GFlexible general ledger: Interface information
T888GCustomer fields for flexible general ledger
T888SUpdate flexible general ledger: Standard scenarios
T889GDocument types for the flexible general ledger
T889GONumber range for document types
T889GTDocument type texts
T8G01Splitting method
T8G01TSplitting method
T8G02Item categories
T8G02TItem categories
T8G03Business transaction
T8G031Business Transaction Variant
T8G031TBusiness Transaction Variant
T8G03TBusiness transaction
T8G10Assignment: Transaction code- accounting transaction variant
T8G11Assignment: MM movement type- accounting transaction variant
T8G12Classify FI Document Type for Document Splitting
T8G16Allocation: internal key - item category (SAP)
T8G17Allocation: acct number - item type
T8G20Splitting Rule: Header Data
T8G21Splitting rule: Item categories to be processed
T8G21ASplitting rule: Base item categories
T8G22Splitting rule: Additional items
T8G28Item Categories Permitted per Business Transaction Variant
T8G29Item categories permitted for each business transaction
T8G30AAcct determination key for doc splitting
T8G30ATAccount determination key description for doc splitting
T8G30BAcct determination for document splitting - accounts
T8G40Account assignment objects for document splitting
T8G41BValues of constants
T8G50Permitted Fields To Be Summarized (Before Doc. Splitting)
T8G_CMPComparsion rule of two document splitting methods
T8G_CMPTComparsion rule of two document splitting methods
T8G_CMP_EXCComparsion rule details of two document splitting methods
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