GPD - Grouping, Pegging and Distribution

The development package GPD contains objects for "Grouping, Pegging and Distribution".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package GPD_MAIN. It belongs to software component IS-AD-GPD.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package GPD

DIS_ADMINDistribution - Administration Table
DIS_PGPRFDistribution: Assignemnt Distribution Profile - Group WBSEl.
DIS_TOBJSDistribution: cost objects posted to per group
DIS_TOBJS_COSPDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_COSSDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cost)
DIS_TOBJS_FMSUDistribution: Objects distributed to per Group WBS (Cash)
DIS_WLSTDistribution: Worklist of Changed Objects
GPD_TUSEGPD functionality usage flag
PEGEXC_WRK_GRPPegging: Distribution of surplus, scrap, lost, plant & group
PEG_ADMINPegging - Administration Table
PEG_CDMATERIALIDChange Document : Breakpoint Defintion - GUID Mapping
PEG_CLIENTPegging: General settings for customizing
PEG_CNSMPTN2WBSPegging: Consumption Posting to WBS element details
PEG_CUST_WERKPegging Customizing: Plants relevant for pegging (DIMP4.71)
PEG_DIS_ADMINPegging and Distribution - administration table
PEG_DIS_GRPVARPegging and Distribution: Group Variant
PEG_DIS_GRPVARTPegging and Distribution: Group Variant Text
PEG_EXC_GRPNRPegging: Distribution of surplus, scrap, lost - group based
PEG_EXC_WERKSPegging: Distribution of surplus, scrap, lost - Plant based
PEG_GROUPTWERKSPegging: Assignment Group WBS elements to plant
PEG_LOCKWLSTPegging: Lock Table
PEG_RUNPROFPegging: Run Profile
PEG_RUNPROFMSGPegging: Pegging run profile messages
PEG_RUNPROFTPegging: Run profile text
PEG_STOPegging: Record of goods movements w.r.t STO's
PEG_TACTASSPegging: Current Assignments Based on Goods Movements
PEG_TASSPegging: Assignment Replenishment Element to WBS Elements
PEG_TASS_TMPGrp-to-Grp Transf. Pegging: Assign. of Replen to WBS Elems.
PEG_TASS_WLSTTemp. assignments for sub-components of grp to grp transfers
PEG_TBRKDEFBreakpoint Definition
PEG_TBRKDEF_PLANBreakpoint Definition - Enhanced Network Costing
PEG_TCHKMTPegging: Allowed Movement Types
PEG_TCTRLPegging: Customizing on Plant Level
PEG_TCTRLDETPegging: Distribution of Surplus, Scrap, Stock Diff.
PEG_TGTGPegging: Record of group to group transfers
PEG_TGTG_EXCA&D GPD: Group to group initial peg
PEG_TMTNSPegging: Movement Types Explicitly Not Supported
PEG_TSTKPegging: Stock table
PEG_TSTK_TRANSPegging: Stock transfered without costs (Excess)
PEG_TXPTPegging: Record of intransit stock in cross plant transfers
PEG_TXPT_HISTPegging: intransit stock history
PEG_XP_WERKSPegging: Plants relevant for pegging (cross plant DIMP 471)
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