HCM_TMC - HCM: Talent Management Core

The development package HCM_TMC contains objects for "HCM: Talent Management Core".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package BS_REUSE. It belongs to software component CA-EPT-TM.

Child development packages of HCM_TMC

Tables for development package HCM_TMC

HRP7400DB Table for Infotype 7400 (Key Indication)
HRP7402Internal Work Experience
HRP7403External Work Experience
HRP7407Career Goal
HRP7410DB Table for Infotype 7410
HRP7420DB Table for Infotype 7420
HRPAD740Additional Data for Relationship 'Is Successor Of'
HRPAD741Additional Data for Relationship 'Is Responsible For'
HRPAD743Additional Data for Relationship 'Is Talent In'
HRPAD744Additional Data for Relationship ''Has Potential For''
HRT7402Internal Work Experience
HRT7403External Work Experience
HRT7407Career Goal
HRT7420Table Section Infotype 7420
T77TMCAESFIELDAES Field Customizing
T77TMCAESFLDGRGroups of AES Fields
T77TMCAESFLDGRTDescription of Areas of Country
T77TMCAES_F_GAssignments of AES Fields to Field Groups
T77TMCAREAOFCOTDescription of Areas of Country
T77TMCAREATOREAssignments Regions - Areas of Country
T77TMCCAREERLVLevels of Career Types
T77TMCCAREERLVTNames of Levels of Career Types
T77TMCCOUGRTOCAssignments Countries - Country Groups
T77TMCCOUNTRYGCountry Groups
T77TMCCOUNTRYGTNames of Country Groups
T77TMCDRCATCategory for Data Retrieval
T77TMCDRCATTCategories for Data Retrieval
T77TMCDRCNFConfigurations for Data Retrieval
T77TMCDRCNFFLDFields of Configurations
T77TMCDRCNFFLDTFields of Configurations
T77TMCDRCNFTConfigurations for Data Retrieval
T77TMCDRCNFTYConfiguration Types for Data Retrieval
T77TMCDRCNFTYTConfiguration Types for Data Retrieval
T77TMCDRFLDSField Definition for Data Retrieval
T77TMCDRFLDSTField Definition for Data Retrieval
T77TMCDRFLTCNFFilter Configurations
T77TMCDRFLTCNFTFilter Configuration
T77TMCDRFLTFLDFields of Configurations
T77TMCDRFLTFLDTFields of Filter Configurations
T77TMCKWDOCHKFHCM: DOC: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
T77TMCKWDOCHKOHCM: DOC: Files Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWDOIDXSTAHCM: DOC: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
T77TMCKWDOLOIOHCM: DOC: Instances of Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWDOLOIOTHCM: DOC: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objs
T77TMCKWDOLOPRHCM: DOC: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWDOLOREHCM: DOC: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
T77TMCKWDOLOREPRHCM: DOC: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
T77TMCKWDOLORIHCM: DOC: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objs
T77TMCKWDOLORIPRHCM: DOC: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWDOPHFHCM: DOC: Incoming Relationships of Physical InformationObjs
T77TMCKWDOPHHRHCM: DOC: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
T77TMCKWDOPHHRPRHCM: DOC: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
T77TMCKWDOPHIOHCM: DOC: Instances of Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWDOPHNMHCM: DOC: Outgoing Relationships of Physical InformationObjs
T77TMCKWDOPHNMPRHCM: DOC: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWDOPHPRHCM: DOC: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Object
T77TMCKWDOPHREHCM: DOC: Status Table for Indexing of Documents
T77TMCKWDOPHREPRHCM: DOC: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of PHIOs
T77TMCKWDOPHRIHCM: DOC: File Name of Last Check-Out
T77TMCKWDOPHRIPRHCM: DOC: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
T77TMCKWGRCHKFHCM: GRID Icon: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
T77TMCKWGRCHKOHCM: GRID Icon: Files Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWGRIDXSTAHCM: GRID Icon: Attribs of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
T77TMCKWGRLOIOHCM: GRID Icon: Instancen of Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWGRLOIOTHCM: GRID Ion: Incoming Relationships Logical Information
T77TMCKWGRLOPRHCM: GRID Icon: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWGRLOREHCM: GRID Icon: Attribs of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
T77TMCKWGRLOREPRHCM: GRID Icon: Attribs of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
T77TMCKWGRLORIHCM: GRID Icon: Outgoing Relationships Logical Information
T77TMCKWGRLORIPRHCM: GRID Icon: Attribute Values Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWGRPHFHCM: GRID Icon: Incoming Relationships Physical Information
T77TMCKWGRPHHRHCM: GRID Icon: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
T77TMCKWGRPHHRPRHCM: GRID Icon: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
T77TMCKWGRPHIOHCM: GRID Icon: Instances Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWGRPHNMHCM: GRID Icon: Outgoing Relationships Physical Information
T77TMCKWGRPHNMPRHCM: GRID Icon: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWGRPHPRHCM: GRID Icon: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information
T77TMCKWGRPHREHCM: GRID Icon: Status Table for Indexing of Documents
T77TMCKWGRPHREPRHCM:GRID Icon: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of PHIOs
T77TMCKWGRPHRIHCM: GRID Icon: File Name of Last Check-Out
T77TMCKWGRPHRIPRHCM: GRID Icon: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
T77TMCKWTXCHKFHCM: TXT: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
T77TMCKWTXCHKOHCM: TXT: Files of Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWTXIDXSTAHCM: TXT: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
T77TMCKWTXLOIOHCM: TXT: Instances of Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWTXLOIOTHCM: TXT: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info. Object
T77TMCKWTXLOPRHCM: TXT: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWTXLOREHCM: TXT: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
T77TMCKWTXLOREPRHCM: TXT: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
T77TMCKWTXLORIHCM: TXT: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Information Objects
T77TMCKWTXLORIPRHCM: TXT: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
T77TMCKWTXPHFHCM: TXT: Incoming Relationships of Phys. Information Objs
T77TMCKWTXPHHRHCM: TXT: Usage of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
T77TMCKWTXPHHRPRHCM: TXT: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
T77TMCKWTXPHIOHCM: TXT: Instances of Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWTXPHNMHCM: TXT: Outgoing Relationships of Phys. Information Objs
T77TMCKWTXPHNMPRHCM: TXT: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
T77TMCKWTXPHPRHCM: TXT: Check-Out Data for a Physical Information Object
T77TMCKWTXPHREHCM: TXT: Status Table for Indexing Documents
T77TMCKWTXPHREPRHCM: TXT: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
T77TMCKWTXPHRIHCM: TXT: File Name of Last Check-Out
T77TMCKWTXPHRIPRHCM: TXT: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
T77TMCPIC_URLSBuffer for Photo URLs
T77TMCPPPERIODAnalysis Period for Performance and Potential
T77TMCPPPERIODTAnalysis Period for Performance and Potential
T77TMCPPTARGETAnalysis Period for Performance and Potential
T77TMCPRDCTXContexts of Period Definitions
T77TMCPRDCTXTDescriptions for Period Contexts
T77TMCQ_CATQualification Categories
T77TMCQ_CATTQualification Categories Texts
T77TMCQ_CAT_QAssignment of Qualifications to Categories
T77TMCRANKINGTRanking Descriptions
T77TMCREADINESTReadiness Descriptions
T77TMCREASONCRReasons for Creating
T77TMCREASONCRTDescriptions of Reasons for Creation
T77TMCREASONDLReasons for Delimit
T77TMCREASONDLTDescriptions of Reasons for Delimit
T77TMCRECPRDRecurring Periods
T77TMCRECPRDTDescriptions of Recurring Periods
T77TMCSDOKCONT1HCM: TMC - Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
T77TMCTBTable for Talent Groups
T77TMCTBTText Table for T77TMCTB
T77TMC_ACC_TYPAccomplishment Types
T77TMC_ACC_TYPTFunctional Areas
T77TMC_CONTTYWork Contract Types
T77TMC_CONTTYTWork Contract Types
T77TMC_DEGREEDegree Levels
T77TMC_DEGREE_TDegree Levels
T77TMC_EDUFLDEducational Institutes
T77TMC_EDUFLD_TEducational Institutes
T77TMC_EDUTYPEducation Types
T77TMC_EDUTYP_TEducation Types
T77TMC_FUNCFunctional Areas
T77TMC_FUNCTFunctional Areas
T77TMC_GRID_REPGrid Repository
T77TMC_HIERHierarchy Levels
T77TMC_HIERTHierarchy Levels
T77TMC_RELAT_LOGTMC: Log for Delimited/Deleted 740/743/744 Relationships
T77TMC_S_COMBCombinations of Appraisal Status and Appraisal Substatus
T77TMC_S_CTXContexts of Evaluations of Document Status
T77TMC_S_CTXTDescriptions for Context of Evaluations of Document Status
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