ICL_HEALTH - FS-CM: Health Line of Insurance

The development package ICL_HEALTH contains objects for "FS-CM: Health Line of Insurance".
It is a subpackage in its parent development package FS-CM. It belongs to software component FS-CM.
This development package contains no child development packages.

Tables for development package ICL_HEALTH

ICLCAREREP1Data on Care Request
ICLCAREREP2Data on Caregiver
ICLDENTALDental Diagnosis and Dental Treatment
ICLVISIONVision Findings
ICL_CDRGSEVSeverity (for DRG)
ICL_CDRGSEVTText Table for Severity
ICL_CREMUNTYPERemuneration Category
ICL_CREMUNTYPETRemumeration Category (Text Table)
ICSDENTALTooth Notation
ICSVISIONEyeglass Prescription
TICL052_2Assignment Text Module to Category
TICL155Further Specification of Reason for Creating
TICL155TText Table for Further Specification of Reason for Creating
TICL157HI: Recovery/Subro Indicator
TICL157THI: Text for Recovery/Subrogation Indicator
TICL158HI: Accident Indicator
TICL158THI: Text for Accident Indicator
TICL187Internal Claim Type: Permitted Recovery/Subro Indicator
TICL188Internal Claim Type: Permitted Accident Indicator
TICL193BDT Handling Modules of FCODE
TICL194Alternative Icons for Claim Item Grouping Grids
TICL195Control of Copy Function Codes
TICL197Navigation Tree Note Dependent on PDOCCAT
TICL332Usage of Claim Item
TICL332TText for Usage of Claim Item
TICL333Tax Calculation in Invoice Items
TICL333TTax Calculation in Invoice Items
TICL350Name of Diagnosis Catalog
TICL350TTexts for Diagnosis Catalog Name
TICL351Diagnosis catalog
TICL351TTexts for Diagnosis Catalog
TICL352Diagnosis Localization
TICL352TTexts for Localization
TICL353Diagnosis: Permitted Localization
TICL354Severity of Diagnosis
TICL354TTexts for Severity
TICL355Diagnosis: Permitted Severity
TICL356TTexts for Morphology
TICL357Permitted Morphology
TICL358Excoriation Diagnosed
TICL358TTexts for Excoriation
TICL359Diagnosis: Permitted Excoriation
TICL360Diagnosis Type
TICL360TTexts for Diagnosis Type
TICL361Diagnosis Origin Category: Permitted Diagnosis Type
TICL362Diagnosis Group
TICL362TTexts for Diagnosis Group
TICL363Diagnostic Certainty
TICL363TText for Diagnostic Certainty
TICL364TTexts for Departments
TICL365TTexts for Interruptions (Reasons)
TICL366State of Teeth: Dental Diagnosis
TICL366TTexts for State of Teeth (Dental Diagnosis)
TICL367Planning: Dental Treatment
TICL367TTexts for Planning (Dental Treatment)
TICL368Permitted Treatment with Teeth and Findings
TICL369Diagnosis-Specific Additional Attributes
TICL369TTexts for Diagnosis-Specific Additional Attributes
TICL370Diagnosis-Specific Attributes
TICL371Internal Claim Type: Permitted Diagnosis Catalogs
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